Name |
Type |
Classes |
Edition |
Rarity |
1 |
Karkas Deathhowl
Ally - Orc Warlock |
Heroes of Azeroth
3 |
Karta Foultongue
Ally - Orc Warrior |
Blood of Gladiators
4 |
Monster Ally - Doomguard Demon |
Battle of the Aspects
1 |
Katianna the Shrouded
Hero - Night Elf Priest |
Fields of Honor
4 |
Katsin Bloodoath
Ally - Blood Elf Paladin |
Through the Dark Portal
2 |
Kavai the Wanderer
Ally - Night Elf Warrior |
Through the Dark Portal
3 |
Kavar the Bloodthirsty
Hero - Worgen Death Knight |
Twilight of the Dragons
1 |
Hero - Undead Rogue |
Heroes of Azeroth
5 |
Kedan Burstbeard
Ally - Dwarf Mage |
Tomb of the Forgotten
1 |
Keening Shivarra
Monster Ally - Shivarra Demon Warlock |
War of the Ancients
1 |
Keeper Alinar
Monster Ally - Keeper of the Grove Druid |
Crown of the Heavens
1 |
Keeper Balos
Monster Ally - Keeper of the Grove Druid |
Crown of the Heavens
3 |
Keeper Yarashal
Monster Ally - Keeper of the Grove Druid |
War of the Ancients
1 |
Kel'Thuzad's Reach
Weapon - Fist |
2 |
Kelen's Dagger of Escape
Weapon - Dagger |
Reign of Fire
1 |
Kelena Ashford
Ally - Undead Warlock |
Throne of the Tides
5 |
Kelsa Wildfire
Ally - Worgen Mage |
Twilight of the Dragons
2 |
Kentro Slade
Ally - Human Warrior |
2 |
Kerzok Plixboom
Ally - Goblin Hunter |
1 |
Ally - Human Mage |
Betrayal of the Guardian
2 |
Khadgar's Kilt of Abjuration
Equipment - Armor - Cloth |
Betrayal of the Guardian
2 |
Kickback 5000
Equipment - Weapon - Gun |
War of the Elements
8 |
Kindara Mindflayer
Ally - Draenei Priest |
Hunt for Illidan
1 |
King Mukla
Ally - Gorilla |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
King Ymiron
Scourge Ally - Vrykul Death Knight |
1 |
King's Defender
Weapon - Sword |
Blood of Gladiators
1 |
Weapon - Dagger |
1 |
Ally - Draenei Shaman |
Drums of War
2 |
Kino the Cold
Ally - Orc Shaman |
Blood of Gladiators
2 |
Kirjen Fizzgar
Ally - Dwarf Mage |