PAKISER's profile
- MTG DECKS (126)
Battle for Zendikar
mod Kaladesh
Khans of Tarkir
mod Dragons of Tarkir
leg Fate Reforged
vin Khans of Tarkir
Shadows over Innistrad
mod Eldritch Moon
mod Shadows over Innistrad
leg Modern Masters 2015
Commander 2013
vin Eternal Bargain
vin Evasive Maneuvers
vin Mind Sieze
vin Nature of the Beast
vin Power Hungry
Commander 2014
vin Built from Scratch
vin Forged in Stone
vin Guided by Nature
vin Peer Through Time
vin Sworn to Darkness
Commander 2015
vin Call the Spirits
vin Plunder The Graves
vin Seize Control
vin Swell The Host
vin Wade Into Battle
vin Brago Made You Blink
mod Jhoira Suspends Belief
vin Narset Goes Ham
vin Sliver Commander
vin Vial/Kraum
Duel Decks
Event Decks
Dragons of Tarkir
Intro Decks
Dragons of Tarkir Intro Decls
Fate Reforged Intro Decks
mod Grave Advantage
mod Surprise Attack
mod Unflinchng Assault
Khans of Tarkir Intro Decks
mod Abzan Siege
mod Jeskai Monks
leg Death & Taxes
mod Abzan Aggro Modern
mod Abzan Company
mod BBE Jund
mod Burn
mod Copy of Eldrazi Tron
vin Copy of Infect (Max Mcvety)
mod Eldrazi Evolution
mod Five Color Humans
mod GB Tron
vin Jeskai Ascendancy
mod Jund
mod Merfolk
mod Modern Event Deck - March of the Multitudes
mod 4 Color Energy
mod B/G Eldrazi
mod Bant Aggro
mod Copy of Black Eldrazi
sta Copy of Grixis Control (WAR)
mod Copy of HOU Mono W Eldrazi
mod Copy of Ramunap Red (Paulo Vito Damo Da Rosa)
mod Copy of Sultai Midrange
mod Copy of Temur Energy
mod Esper Aggro
sta Esper Control
mod G/B Constrictor
sta Grixis Control
mod Grixis Energy
mod Grixis Energy - Brennan DeCandio
sta GRN Jeskai Control
mod Jeskai Aggro
mod Jeskai Control
mod Jund Gods
mod Mardu Vehicles
mod Mono-black Eldrazi
mod New Mardu Vehicles
mod RB Aggro
mod RG Monsters
mod Sultai Energy
mod Temur No Tower
mod Temur Reclamation
mod UW Approach
mod UW Approach 2017 Dec 01
Standard (Old)
mod Minotaur
mod Minotaur w/ Proxies
mod Abzan Aggro
mod Abzan Aggro
mod Abzan Aggro Post DTK
mod Abzan Blue
mod Abzan Megamorph
mod Abzan Red
mod Bant Aggro
mod Bant Awaken
mod Bant Company
mod Bant Company
mod Bant Company Gameday
mod Copy of Bant Company (SOI Std.)
mod Copy of Bant Company JD Invi
mod Copy of Standard Jund
mod Esper Control
mod Jeskai Heroic
mod Mardu Green
mod RB Dragons
vin UB Control
mod UW Midrange
Tiny Leaders
sta Ethan Trade
sta Justin Trade
sta Leo Trade
sta Mitchell Trade
leg Black and Blue
mod Copy of 2 WU Control
mod Copy of BG Delirium (DeCandio, 1st SCG Open 21-Jan)
mod Copy of Esper
mod Copy of GFG 2
mod Copy of Ramunap Red
mod Copy of RIX_UB_Midrange_Jaberwocki
mod Copy of S: Mardu Vehicles SCG 2nd 1/28
mod Copy of Standard - Mardu Vehicles
mod Copy of Temur Energy 5-0 Comp Modo
vin Kyle's EDH Wishlist
leg Modified Phyrexian Assault
mod Mono Green Aggro
mod RB Aggro
leg White and Green Junk

Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 1 | 1 |
Percent | 50.0 | 50.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.