MALTHEZERZ's profile
- MTG DECKS (311)
BOAS Decks
mod Bant Exalted
mod Block Constructed - Energy Tempo
leg Cards for everyone :D
mod Curses!
vin Dead Elves
vin Dragons Ctrl.
mod gerni
mod Madness Zombies
leg Mono-Green Devo.
mod Naya Stuff
leg Robots
leg Shadowborn Apostles
leg Sneaksy Ninjases
mod Standard - U/W Ctrl.
sta The Deal
mod VåmPyrs
mod Warriors
mod Woof - BOAS
Brawl - WIP
leg 5-Color GoodStuff - Brawl
mod Alesha's Hordes - Brawl
leg Animar - Brawl
leg Bolas & the Betrayers Three - Brawl
leg Build-A-Bomb - Brawl
leg Feldon's Hidden Path - Brawl
leg Fuel for the Lich Lord - Brawl
leg Instant-Speed Tribal - Brawl
leg Mono-Green Wombo-Combo - Brawl
leg Rakdos, Demonlord - Brawl
leg Slivers - Brawl
leg The Grinder - Brawl
leg Tomb of the Eternals - Brawl
vin Um-Brago Nøglen - Brawl
leg Wizerds - Brawl
leg Animar - EDH
vin Artifact Reanimator
sta Brago, Reborn - EDH
vin Dimir
vin Ezuri, Dat Boi of Unblockable Sissyness
vin Fusion Control - EDH
vin Giant's Stride - EDH
vin Goblins
vin Grixis
vin Liliana - EDH
leg Liliana's Madness - EDH
leg Marchesa - EDH
vin Meren - EDH
vin Naya Tæskehold - EDH
New Power ? - EDH
vin Nick-Bo and the Autobots - EDH
vin Noyan Dar, Land Boss
leg Omnath - EDH
com Project Eldrazi
com Ur-Dragon Revised - EDH
Commander (WIP)
leg 4-Colour Artifacts - EDH
leg 5-Colour EDH
vin 5-Colour Planeswalkers
vin Allied Assault
leg Åndernes Magt - EDH
leg Animist's Fury - EDH
vin Athreos feat. SBA. - Demonforce
leg Aurelia's Hordes - EDH
vin B/W Stacks w. Ayli
vin Bane of Friendships - EDH
leg Bant Enchanter
leg Bant Exalted
leg Between Heaven And Hell - EDH
leg Beware The Depths - EDH Theme
leg Brago, Blink King - EDH
vin Bruna - EDH
vin Buff as Shit w. Feather-Protein - EDH
vin Chaos
leg Chaos Harnessed - EDH
vin Children of the Flame - EDH
leg Curses! - EDH
vin Dafuq is this ? - Chaos
vin Daxos - EDH
vin Daxos 2.0 - EDH
vin Deathrattle Hunter - EDH
leg Defence is best Offense - EDH
leg Dimir Zawmbeez
vin Er populate viable ? - EDH
leg Erebro's Swag
vin Esper Enchantments
leg Esper Lifegain
leg Faries! - EDH
leg Feldon of the Giant Path
vin Feldon's Hidden Path - EDH
leg Forest of Death - EDH
com Gates? In 2022? - EDH
vin Gotta Gear Up First! - EDH
vin Graveyard Elves - EDH
vin Grixis Artifacts
leg Group Hug - EDH
leg Hellbent Malfegor - EDH
leg Hugsies - EDH
leg I Threw It At Your Face!
leg If you X, you win - EDH
leg Ixidor, Face-Down Fanatic
leg Izzet Bots - EDH
leg Jeskai spooks? - EDH
leg Jhoira, Mistress of Time - EDH
leg Jurassic Might - EDH
vin Karador Gravelord
vin Knightly Order - EDH
vin Legacy of the Ur-Dragon
leg Legen, wait for it -dary - EDH
com Let it go!
leg Lothbrok's Bolleklud - EDH
vin Mairsil, Collector of Power - EDH
vin Marchesa, Queen of the Horde - EDH
vin Marrow-Gnawer's Rats
leg Merfolk - EDH
leg Mizzix, No X build.
leg Money Makes The World Go Around - EDH
vin Mono Black Mana - EDH
leg Mono-Green feat. Vorinclex
leg Mountain Man - EDH
leg Multiple Choice
leg Naya Beasts - EDH
leg Naya Tokens - EDH
leg Nissa's Green Stuff - EDH
leg Noyan Dar - EDH
leg Oath of Druids - EDH
leg Oloro - EDH
leg Pantheon of Divinity
vin Phenax Niggerspanker
leg PiratSmart - EDH
leg Political Puppets 2.0
vin Purphoros - EDH
vin Rakdos' Bloodbath - EDH
leg Rallying Allying - EDH
vin Return of the King - EDH
leg Saproling Tribal
vin Sarkhan's Blazing Armada - EDH
leg Sarkhan's Dragons
vin Shu Yun, Deathpuncher
leg Sidisi's Zawmbeez
leg Sigarda's Followers - EDH
vin Sjaskia, Facesplatter - EDH
vin Slivers
leg SoldyaBoy
leg Sphinx Tribal - EDH
leg Stuff for everyone - EDH
vin stuff... ok ?
leg Sultai Ctrl. - EDH
Tezzeret's Tools - EDH
vin The Aristocrats - EDH
leg The Bard's Ballad - EDH
vin The Mimeoplasm - EDH
vin The other stuff...
vin Titania, Breaker of the Land - EDH
leg Trostani's Legions - EDH
leg U/B Zawmbeez
vin Unwanted Gifts
vin Uril, The V07TR0N
vin Very sneaky, Much Stabby - EDH
leg Warrior-Clans, United - EDH
com Wide Blink
vin Will of the Council - EDH
leg Woof... EDH
leg Wort, the Raidmother - EDH
leg Zada, World Imploder - EDH
vin Zombies
vin Zurgo Worldbreaker - EDH
Decks i brug
Dimir Cruel Ctrl.
Dimir Mill
Green Devotion
Mono Black Ctrl.
Display Openings
mod MM15 Pulls
Extended Standard
Extended Standard Deck 1
Extended Standard Deck 10
Extended Standard Deck 11
Extended Standard Deck 12
Extended Standard Deck 13
Extended Standard Deck 14
Extended Standard Deck 15
Extended Standard Deck 16
Extended Standard Deck 17
Extended Standard Deck 18
Extended Standard Deck 19
Extended Standard Deck 2
Extended Standard Deck 3
Extended Standard Deck 4
Extended Standard Deck 5
Extended Standard Deck 6
Extended Standard Deck 7
Extended Standard Deck 8
Extended Standard Deck 9
mod Dragonstorm
Oathbreaker (WIP)
leg Mono-Red Reanimator
leg Mountain-Man
Pauper 60-card
Requested Decklist
mod I win, As Foretold :D
mod Standard stompy
mod Standard Zawmbeez
Tiny Leaders
leg Mardu Weenies
leg Temur Monsters
Tiny Leaders (WIP)
leg "Tiny" Jund
mod Abzan Counters
leg Anti-Friendship Device
mod Bant Exalted
mod Boros, Tiny
leg Chandra's Firestorm
leg Depala, Bus-Driver
leg Esper Bots
leg Goblins
leg Grixis
leg Izzet Facemelter
leg Jaya Ballard, Face Melter
leg Kuon Black Prophet
leg Lilianna's Zombies
leg Lin Sivvi, Rebel Leader
leg Millmir Gotta Go Fast!
leg Omnath, the Unfair
vin PP - Prowess Powerhouse
leg Scavenging Bullshit
leg Sultai
WIP Decks
mod Bant Exalted
mod Battle of Wits
vin Belcher's Bullshit
leg Bison Tribal
mod Blue Something ?
vin CFB's Dark Jeskai
mod ChromeFlayer
leg Colorless Conglomorate
mod Combo Killer Aggro
mod Demonforce 1 - Feat. SBA.
mod Drage Decket
leg Dragons
leg Eldrazi Mill
mod Enchanter
mod Esper Heroes
mod FotD - Fatefull Hour
mod grixis eldrazi
mod Ground Assault
mod Illusion Tribal
vin Infectious SFTF
leg Maze's End
mod R/G Landfall
leg Simic Deck Cycling
mod Temur Swarm
mod Woof
com A Bird & A Baddie
vin Abzan Stacks w. Ghave
vin Athreos & the Demon Cult - EDH
mod Attacko con token che goblin
leg Bant Pillowfort - EDH
leg Bantin Enchantin - EDH
leg BIRDS! - EDH
mod Black Deck for Craig
mod Black/Red for Craig
mod Blue/Green for Craig
sta Chainer's Shenanigans - EDH
vin Colourless Mayhem - EDH
vin Cursed-King - EDH
leg Dickbutt Discards
leg Dimir Sneaky stuff - EDH
leg Dragon Knights - EDH
leg Drana's Horde - Tiny
mod Ezuri, claw of counters
vin Fars tarm ?
leg Flame-Keepers Fury - Brawl
leg Fury of the Smallfolk - EDH
leg Giants - EDH
sta Grand Warlord's Decree - EDH
sta Green devotion aggro
leg Ichors of Phyrexia - EDH
leg Inalla's Cult - EDH
mod Inferno - EDH
vin It's a miracle! - EDH
sta Jodah's Might - Brawl
leg Jodah's Might - EDH
sta Jund Stuff - EDH
leg Kaseto, V07TR0N - EDH
leg Lich Queen's Will - EDH
leg Lord of the Labyrinth
com Mazzy's Magics - EDH
vin Might of Windgrace - EDH
sta Mizzix, mo
com Mordor Gang-Gang - EDH
com Myriad Funnies
com Myrkul
com Myrkul - EDH
leg Naya Enchanter
mod Naya Tyksakker - EDH
mod Nicol Bolas & His Merry Eldrazi - EDH
mod Nissa's Lands
leg obunga
leg OBUNGA! - Liste til Jeppe
leg Power of Markov - EDH
leg Riku, Double Trouble - EDH
leg Ruhan Beatings - EDH
mod Samurai - EDH
leg Skullbriar's Might - EDH
sta The Blades of Yuriko - EDH
sta The Swelling Woods - EDH
com The T&T Grinder - EDH
leg Tour de France - EDH
V07TR0N - Tiny
com Wait, Maze's End? In 2023? - EDH
com Who are you ? I'm Me...
com Zevlor is a Meanie - EDH
com Zevlor, Currently - EDH
leg Zurgo, FaceCrasher - EDH

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Blightsteel Colossus | |
2 | Karn Liberated | |
3 | Urza's Power Plant | |
4 | Karn Liberated | |
5 | All Is Dust | |
6 | It That Betrays |