DRAGOON's profile
- MTG DECKS (236)
Casual Decks
leg [Pauper] Metalcraft
leg Armée des gardiens
mod Colosses métalliques
leg En ligne de Myr
mod Le Labyrinthe
mod Level Up
leg Menace de Lerne
leg Surcharge
leg Surcharge v3
Commander Decks
Retired Commanders
vin [Akiri-Bruse] Arsenal of the Resistance
leg [Animar] Creatures Onslaught
vin [Athreos] Guided Passage
leg [Atraxa] Tribal D6
vin [Brago] King of the Blink Blink
vin [Bruna] Enlightenment
vin [Chainer] Your Worst Nightmare
vin [Darien] Kjeldor's Pride
vin [Drana] Pulse Trackers
vin [Elesh Norn] Army in a Can
vin [Endrek Sahr] Shepherd of the Abyss
vin [Ghave] Natural Selection
vin [Gisela] Burn, Baby, Burn !
vin [Glissa] Deadly Scrapyard
com [Golos] Chaos Reborn 3: Erratic Pilgrimages
vin [Grenzo] Weenie Escape !
vin [Horde of Notions] Elementary
leg [Ikra-Tymna] To Valhalla !
vin [Josu] Zombie Apocalypse
vin [Kangee] Fais comme l'oiseau
vin [Karlov] Syndicate Extorsion
vin [Kemba] Armed & Dangerous
vin [Kozimog] Otherworldly Invasion
vin [Kruphix] Horn of Plenty
com [Kykar] Your arrogance is my best weapon
vin [Lathliss] Dragon Age
vin [Lazav] House Dimir
vin [Marchesa] Thorns of the Black Rose
vin [Meren] Recycle of Life
vin [Narset] Creatureless Stampede
vin [Nath] Incoming Madness
vin [Nin] Embrace the Chaos
vin [Nin] Mass Kidnapping
leg [Patron] Mana Echoes
leg [Phelddagrif] Political Bastards
leg [Ramirez] A Pirate's Life for Me
leg [Riku] Infinite Reflection
vin [Rosheen] Mana Burst
vin [Ruhan] Random.dec
leg [Rune-Tail] Survival Game
vin [Scion] Death by Dragons
leg [Selvala] Roots of Life
vin [Sharuum] Rise of the Machines
com [Skullbriar] Unstoppable Growth
vin [Slobad] This is Sloobad !
vin [Soramaro] Knowledge Is Power
vin [Talrand] Controlled Summonings
vin [Teneb] Goodstuff Harvest
vin [The Mimeoplasm] Gravedigger
vin [Thromok] Predatory Advantage
leg [Uril] Enchanted Mist
vin [Vela] Sneak Attack
leg [Vorel] Simic Experiments
vin [Wanderer] Possibility Storm
vin [Wort] Boggart Shenanigans
leg [Yidris] Entropic Uprising: Chaos Reborn, Episode 2: Revenge of the Maelstrom
vin [Yisan] Survival of the Fittest
com [Breya] Mechanical Collection
sta [Dromar] Spectral Shift
sta [Esika] Spin the Wheel of Worlds
com [Evelyn]
sta [Giada] Angelic Destiny
sta [Sydri] Ridin' dirty
com [Ur-Dragon] Dragon Pile
com [Ur-Dragon] Mystery Dragons
com [Yedora] Compost
vin Chainer, Ultimate Master
sta Hall of Fame
Competitive Ideas
Deck Ideas
leg [Atraxa] Phyrexia's New Superfriends !
vin [Derevi] Tactical Maneuvers
vin [Feldon] Flickering Automatons
vin [Gonti] MBC
vin [Inalla] Magic Tricks
leg [Korlash] Big Black Control
vin [Kresh] Can't talk about it
leg [Lord Windgrace]
sta [Lyra] Angel Tribal
vin [Massacre Girl]
com [Rith]
leg [Sliver Army]
vin [Yuriko] Nin, nin! -de gozaru
leg Karametra
vin Random cards
Fat Stack
sta Card Ideas
leg Colorless
sta Fat Stack
mod Hybrid
mod Lands.dec
sta Monocolors
sta Multicolour cards
Pauper EDH
leg Auriok Salvagers
leg Auriok Salvagers v2
vin Hedron Crab
leg Joraga Treespeaker
leg Vizkopa Guildmage
leg [Alesha]
vin [Atraxa] Superfriends !
leg [Aurelia]
leg [Borborygmos Enraged] Wut!
vin [Breya] March of the Machines
leg [Breya] Shiny shiny shiny
leg [Child of Alara] Indestructible Tribal
leg [Chromium] Elder Dragon Assemble!
mod [Daxos]
leg [Derevi] Tides of the Game
vin [Derevi] Turn the Tide
vin [Feldon]
vin [Feldon]
leg [Gaddock Teeg] So much hate
leg [Gay Kings] Political Hug
vin [Gisa] Zombieeesss !!
vin [Gisela] Burn Baby, Burn!
vin [Gisela] Burn Baby, Burn!
vin [Glissa] Phyrexian Engines
leg [Grenzo] Little Dudes Army
mod [Horde of Notions]
vin [Karlov]
leg [Kresh] Colosseum
sta [Kresh] Fight Club
com [Kroxa] Discard
leg [Kruphix] Unlimited Horizons
vin [Mairsil] Ideas
leg [Marchesa]
leg [Merieke]
vin [Mimeoplasm] Mill
vin [Mizzix]
mod [Morophon] Void Tribe
vin [Narset]
vin [Narset] Creatureless Stampede
vin [Narset] Crushing Light
vin [Oathbreaker] Tezzeret, Master of Infusion
leg [Olivia] Spellshaper Madness
vin [Oloro] You shall not pass
leg [Pauper] Walker of the Wastes
leg [Phelddagrif] Political Bastars: Second Elections!
leg [Phenax] Mill, mill, mill !
sta [Phenax] Mill, mill, mill! Remplissons les cimetières
leg [Phenax] Run the Mill
leg [Rakdos] Riot Maker !
sta [Rayami] Blood for the blood god !
leg [Rune-Tail v2] Survival Game Revisited
vin [Sen Triplets] Total Control
vin [Shu Yun] Choowa!
leg [Shu Yun] Choowa!
leg [Shu Yun] Monastery Monks
leg [Sidri] Artifact Tokens
leg [Thraximundar]
vin [Titania]
vin [WIP] Narset Tokens
leg [Xenagos] I've got the power
vin [Zeska]
leg [Zur]
mod [Zur] Happy Constellation
leg 5-color removal
leg Alesha WIP
leg Anafenza
leg Auto-damage
leg Boite Conspiracy
leg Borborygmos Enraged
mod Box BFZ
mod Box BFZ 2
vin Brago
mod Colorless Aggro
leg Combat Tricks
vin Copy of [Lathliss] Dragon Age
vin Copy of [Wanderer] Possibility Storm
vin Copy of Enter the Maelstrom
vin Deckbuilding Box
leg Diplomacy Cards
vin EDH Barrin
leg EDH Borborygmos
leg EDH Chromanticore
leg EDH Domain
leg EDH Hydra of Interests
vin EDH Oloro
leg Elementary
leg Eric
sta Fat Stack
leg Fat Stack v2
leg Funky Black
mod Golem Horde
leg Hippolitics
leg Hydra EDH
vin Iroas
leg Ixidor
vin Jhoira
leg Karametra
leg Karn Counters
vin Keranos of the Storm
mod King Midas
leg Korlash
leg Kresh
vin Lovisa Coldeyes
vin Mangara of Corondor
vin Marchesa
vin Marchesa
leg Marchesa
vin Merieke Ri Berit
leg Michiko Konda
leg Mizzix
vin Mono-W Control
vin Mortal Olivia
leg Multicolor matters
vin Muzzio WIP
vin Narset EDH
leg Nemata
leg Ob Nixilis WIP
vin Oloro
vin Oloro Lifegain
vin PW Creatureless
leg Riot Maker
vin Sandbox Zeska
vin Scion v2
vin Shattergang brothers
leg Soramaro
leg Stupid Goblins Deck
leg Tahngarth
leg The Other Side of the Mirror
leg Vela
leg Vigilance
leg W/B Creaturehate / Lifedrain
leg WIP Yisan
leg You will beg for madness
vin Zedruu

Name | Cost ![]() |
Disciple of Griselbrand | |
Duergar Hedge-Mage | |
Anathemancer | |
Nekrataal | |
Solemn Simulacrum | |
Karmic Guide | |
Sun Titan |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Bloodsoaked Champion | |
2 | Stigma Lasher | |
3 | Gray Merchant of Asphodel | |
4 | Archetype of Finality | |
5 | Bone Shredder | |
6 | Disciple of Bolas |
Mana Base
Colors | |||
Symbols | 43 | 33 | 19 |
Percent | 45.3 | 34.7 | 20.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.