GRANT_KILIAN's profile
- MTG DECKS (468)
Innistrad Block
mod Deranged Milling
mod Hellrider Aggro
leg Stalker
mod KLD W/R Vehicles
mod R/W Vehicles
mod UR top 8
Std - BFZ Block
mod Abzan Company Elves
mod DragMaster Control
mod RGLandfallAggro
mod Warriors
Std - Zen- Inni Block
mod 7 is all it takes
mod B/R Eldrazi Aggro
mod Fever
mod Pedro's Fevered Burn
mod UR - Std Zendikar/Innistrad Block
mod Budget Token
mod Izzet
mod Izzet 2.0
mod Izzet 3.0
mod UW Test
Adjusted Devotion
mod Angels and Centaurs
vin Azorius Control (STD)
Combo Slivers
mod Experiment
leg Izzet 4.0
mod Jane
Maze (John)
Maze Fog
Mean Green
mod Rakdos Aggro
Red White
mod Simic
mod UB Sacrifice
mod UB Zombo
mod UR Goblin
sta Conspiracy
Commander 2014
Commander 2015
Commander 2016
vin Breed Lethality
vin Entropic Uprising
vin Invent Supperiority
vin Open Hostility
vin Stalwart Unity
Commander 2017
vin C17 - Feline Ferocity
vin C17 - Vampiric Bloodlust
vin C17 Dragons
vin C17: Arcane Wizardry
Other EDH
vin Copy of EDH Staples
vin Copy of Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch
vin Copy of Heliod, God of the Sun
mod Copy of Minotaurs
sta Copy of Neheb, the Worthy
mod Copy of S09 C Rakdos Olivia
vin Shamans
Event Decks
Innistrad Block
Khans Block
Return to Ravnica Block
mod Creep and Conquer
mod Dragons Maze
leg Wrack and Rage
Theros Block
mod BOG Event Deck
mod Journey into Nyx
mod Theros
mod Battle for Zendikar
leg Copy of Event Deck: Magic 2012 - Illusionary Might
mod Copy of Second Sun Control
mod Counter Surge
mod Hazoret Aggro
leg M13 Event
mod M14
mod Vehicle Rush
BW Heroic
BW Heroic vol2
RW Heroic
mod UB Heroic
leg Graveborn
Magic Duels
mod -1/-1
mod Blood Moon
mod Copy of Duels - Ramp it up
mod Copy of Duels - Watch UrzElf
mod Delirium
mod Duels - Growth & Decay
mod Duels - Sac'd
mod Esper Control
mod Green Red - Duels
mod Humans
mod Mad Mill Duels
mod Madness Vampires Rev 1
mod UG Tutelage
mod UR Tutelage
mod Werewolves
mod Whizzbang
mod Willbreaker
Pauper Modern
leg RW tokens pauper
mod Ad Nauseam
mod Black Zombies
mod Boros Burn
mod Burn - MTG Goldfish
vin Copy of Invisible Stalker
vin Copy of Invisible Stalker
mod Copy of Mono Red Goblins
mod Copy of new - gw hexproof
mod Eldrazi Aggro modified
mod Elves - modern
mod Elves - OMG
mod Goblin
mod Green Tron
mod Herbal Poultice Combo
mod Illusions
mod Infinite Extort
mod Jeskai Control - Modern
mod Mono Black Devotion
mod Mono black vehicles
mod Mono Black Zombies
mod Naya Zoo Aggro
mod RG Tron
vin Scavange
mod T2 Tokens
mod Two Tix Red
mod U/W Control 2017
vin UR Mindswipe Counterburn
vin UR Storm
mod UR Storm
Modern 100% OWNED
mod Boros Burn
mod Boss Sligh
mod Boss Sligh - 2018
mod Boss Sligh - Hol Brand
mod BR Vampire Madness
mod Budget Goblins
leg Colorless Eldrazi
leg Colorless Eldrazi - What I have
mod Constrictor Evolution
mod Copy of M/ Naya Burn
mod Copy of Rakdos RtR
leg Copy of Shadowborn Apostle
mod Dark Extort
leg Delver - Izzet
leg Eldarkzi
vin Grixis Delver
mod Gruul Blitz
mod junk tokens
mod Kuldotha Rebirth - Goldfish
mod Mardu Triskaidekaphobia modified
mod Mardu Vehicles
mod Maze mod
mod Maze's End
mod Mono Black Devotion Modified
mod Mono Blue Devotion
mod Mono Blue Illusions
mod Mono U Bounce Mill
mod Naya Burn
leg New Phyrexia - Infect
mod red devotion
mod Red Heroic - Balls Out
mod Red/black Vampires
mod Sorin's Tokens
mod Superfriends
vin Turn 2 Win
mod U Mill - Budget
mod UB Control Ashiok
mod UB Graveyard
mod UG Infect - Land Modified
mod uw control
mod UW Tempered Steel
mod Werefolk
mod white
mod Zoo Kitties
Modern Budget
mod Copy of UB_Zombie_hunt
mod Equipment - Budget
mod Modern Robots - Budget
mod Mono G Budget
mod Mono Green Aggro
mod Polymorph Budget
mod Simic Evolve
mod Soul Sisters - Budget
mod Suicide Black
MTG Decks
Clash Pack
Duel Decks
leg Ajani vs Nicol Bolas: Ajani
leg Ajani vs Nicol Bolas: Nicol
leg Copy of Garruk v Liliana (Garruk)
leg Copy of Garruk v Liliana (Liliana)
vin Divine v Demonic (Demonic)
leg Divine v Demonic (Divine)
leg Duel Decks Elspeth vs Kiora (Elspeth)
leg Duel Decks Elspeth vs Kiora (Kiora)
leg Duel Decks: Goblins
leg Duel Decks: Merfolk
leg Elves v Goblins (Elves)
leg Elves v Goblins (Goblins)
leg Elves vs Inventors - Elves
leg Elves vs Inventors - Inventors
leg Heroes v Monsters (Heroes)
leg Heroes v Monsters (Monsters)
leg Izzet vs Golgari - Golgari
leg Izzet vs Golgari - Izzet
leg Jace v Chandra (Chandra)
vin Jace v Chandra (Jace)
leg Jace v Vraska (Jace)
leg Jace v Vraska (Vraska)
leg Sorin v Tibalt (Sorin)
leg Sorin v Tibalt (Tibalt)
leg Speed v Cunning (Cunning)
leg Speed v Cunning (Speed)
leg Vamps vs Were {Were}
Intro Decks
Born of the Gods
mod Death's Beginning
mod Forged in Battle
mod Gifts of the Gods
mod Insatiable Hunger
mod Inspiration-Struck
Dark Ascension
mod Dark Sacrifice
mod Grave Power
mod Monstrous Surprise
mod Relentless Dead
mod Swift Justice
Dragon's Maze
mod Azorius Authority
mod Gruul Siege
mod Orzhov Power
mod Rakdos Revelry
mod Simic Domination
Dragons of Tarkir
Fate Reforged
mod Boros Battalion
mod Dimir Dementia
mod Gruul Goliaths
mod Orzhov Oppression
mod Simic Synthesis
mod Carnival of Blood
mod Deathly Dominion
mod Eldritch Onslaught
mod Repel the Dark
mod Spectral Legions
Journey into Nyx
mod Fates Forseen
mod Mortals of Myth
mod Pantheons Power
mod The Wilds and the Deep
mod Voracious Rage
Khans of Tarkir
mod Abzan Siege
mod Mardu Raiders
mod Temur Avalanche
mod Depths of Power
mod Mob Rule
mod Path to Victory
mod Sole Domination
mod Wild Rush
mod Bestial Strength
mod Death Reaper
mod Fire Surge
mod Lightforce
mod Psychic Labyrinth
mod Dragon's Hoard
mod Hit the ground running
mod Infernal Intervention
mod Price of Glory
mod Will of the masses
Return to Ravnica
mod Azorius Advance
mod Golgari Growth
mod Izzet Ingenuity
mod Rakdos Raid
mod Sylesnya Surge
mod Aggro Red
mod Copy of Event Deck: Magic 2012 - Vampire Onslaught
mod Izzet Theme Deck
mod Land Bracers
mod Azorius Aggro
mod Boros Auras
mod Dr Orzhov PhD
mod Esper Fonz
mod Grimmancer
vin Izzet Blitz - Pauper
vin Pauper Fiend
mod Red Head
mod STD GW Heroic
mod Vasco Pauper
leg Copy of Pauper -- BG Delve
leg Copy of Pauper Burn
vin Izzet Blitz - Pauper
leg Pauper Delve
leg Pauper Dimir
leg Pauper Goblins
leg Pauper Infect
leg Pauper Mono Green Stompy
leg Pauper Red Heroic
vin 2011-Standard_Illusions_by_Magics_Greatest_Explorer_(Alex_Bertoncini_)
vin 2015-Standard_Jeskai_Token_by_Todd_Stevens
mod Anderson - UWR - Control -R2R
vin Chapin MTGWC2014 UR Delver
mod Copy of 2013-Standard_The_Aristocrats_by_Tom_Martell
mod Duke 2014
vin Fabrizio Anteri - Suicide Zoo
leg Mardu Pyromancer - Gerry Thompson
mod Muller - Living End Worlds 2015
mod PV's Mono-Blue Tempo
mod Rietzl - Affinity - Worlds 2015
vin Shenhar MTGWC2014 Cruise Burn
mod Mono-Black Zombies
mod Mono-White Ascend
mod R - Artifacts
leg Legacy - Burn
mod Naya Dinos
leg Selesnya Exalted
mod Sliver Horde
mod UB - Faeries
THR/KTK Block Standard ...
mod Abzan Constellation
mod All In Mardu
mod B Discard
mod B/R Midrange
vin Blue Green
vin Blue/Red Control
mod BU Discard Alt
mod Copy of Abzan Aggro
mod Copy of BOSS SLEIGH
mod Copy of G/R Aggro
mod Cows
mod Discard - Standard
mod GB Devotion
mod Goblin-Oriented Red
mod GW Heroic
vin Jescai Tempo
vin Jeskai Swarm
mod Khans Green
mod M15 GW
mod Mardu Midrange
mod Mono Black Discard
mod Mono Black Humans
mod Mono Blue Aggro Final
mod Mono Blue Chief
mod Mono Blue Devotion
mod Mono Blue Ensoul
mod Monoblack Beatdown
mod Orc Tribal
mod Out Bolster
mod Rabble Red
mod Red Aggro KTK
mod Red/White Heroic
mod RG Theros
mod RW Double Strike
mod SadistLifegain
mod Sub-Sligh
vin Sultai Control (Villainous Wealth)
mod Sultai Delve
mod Sultai Nighthowler Graveyard
mod Sunshine Dragons v2
mod U/W Heroic Revised
vin UB Control
vin UB Heroic
vin UR Prowess (Khans)
Unique Brew
mod Abzan Tokens
mod Bitter Tokens
mod Enchanted Selesnya
mod RB - Sacrifice
mod UB Zombies
mod UR Tequilafrog
mod werewolf
mod White Cats and Co
mod White Tokens Newer
mod BW Aristocrats
mod GB Elves modified
mod U/R Thopters
vin UR Prowess - Modern - Modified
X - New Brew to build and test
mod BG Seasons
mod Black White Life Gain
mod Boros Equipment
mod Brown Eldrazi
mod Burn - Modern
mod Copy of Blue-Red Control
mod Copy of I Can't Believe It's Not Not Pauper! by chaoticsoldier
vin Copy of Infect GB
mod Copy of RG Energy (Pummeler)
mod Copy of Simic (Ravnica)
mod Copy of Suicide Black
mod David
mod Dimir Control
mod Dimir Doorkeep
mod Dimir Mill
mod Double Dragons
mod GB Elves
mod GW Humies
mod Izzet Spells
mod Modern - UW Control
mod Mono White Lifegain
mod Mono White Tokens
mod Road to Perdition
mod UR Fevered Visions
mod UR Tutelage
mod WB Zombies
mod xGB Elves
mod Zoo Revolt
mod Blue Green Cheese
sta Boggle Fiddle
mod Copy of budget izzet wizards
mod Copy of budget-ramp-nissa
pau Copy of Mono U Terror
mod Copy of Shadowborn Apostle
mod Copy of Token Deck
mod Copy of Undying Sacrifice (Avacyn Restored)
pau Copy of UR Skred
mod Copy of WR Tokens (Khans)
vin Copy of Your Mana Or Your Life
leg Dark Combo
sta David 2
mod David 2
mod Enchantress
mod Even More Goblins
mod GB Salvage
mod Golgari Aggro
mod Green Stompy
mod Modern Sphinx's Tutelage
sta Pauper Mono Black Control - Prof
mod Rakdos Minotaur Aggro
mod Ramunap Red v1
leg red - d
mod RG Burn
mod RG Valakut
mod Superfriends - Needs Work
mod UW Monks
leg Vamps vs Were {Vamps}

Name | Cost ![]() |
Flooded Strand | |
Scalding Tarn | |
Island | |
Monastery Swiftspear | |
Serum Visions | |
Young Pyromancer | |
Treasure Cruise |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Delver of Secrets // Insectile Aberration | |
2 | Monastery Swiftspear | |
3 | Sulfur Falls | |
4 | Young Pyromancer | |
5 | Serum Visions | |
6 | Remand |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 26 | 16 |
Percent | 61.9 | 38.1 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.