DBACKX's profile
- MTG DECKS (496)
Casual Decks
mod Alara
vin Mirrodin new
vin Mirrodin Old
vin MirrodinOld+New
mod Modern Masters
leg Modern Masters 2015
mod Ravinica Simic
Duel Decks
Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas
leg Ajani
leg Nicol Bolas
Divine vs. Demonic
Elspeth vs. Tezzeret
Elves vs. Goblins
Garruk vs. Liliana
Heroes vs. Monsters
Izzet vs. Golgari
Jace vs. Chandra
Knights vs. Dragons
Phyrexia vs. The Coalition
leg Phyrexia
leg The Coalition
Sorin vs. Tibalt
Venser vs. Koth
leg Another deathless Deck
sta Ape
leg Auramancer Black/White
leg Auramancer V2.0
leg B/G Control
leg BGU Counters
mod Blood Extortion
vin Blue Graveyard Play
vin Blue spell spam
mod Boros Legion of Tokens
mod BUG counters
mod Cackling Nephilim
leg Cascade Craft
leg Charge up
leg Charms and Ultimatiums
mod Copy Cat
vin Council Flicker
leg Eight-Tails
leg Elemental Auras
mod Esper Planeswalkers
leg Evil Twin
mod Exalted
leg G/R Pinger
mod G/W Vigilance
leg Golgari
leg Grave Power G/B
leg Green Flash
leg Green Symbols
leg Grixis Planes
mod Guildmage Training
leg Haakon's Blackgreen
mod Havengul Hacks
leg Izzet Freecast
leg Izzet Freecast Arcane
mod Jund Creature Crush
vin Karn's a Dick
leg Land Assult
leg Land Assult
leg Maestrom Magic
leg Minus the Counters
leg Mishra Artifacts
leg Mishra Infinite Damage
vin Modern Blue Bums
leg Mono Green control
leg MonoG++
vin Multicolour Combat
mod Necrotic Ooze
leg Orzhov Exile
mod Pay more please
mod Persistance
leg Preement Soldier
leg Pyromancer Ascension
leg Rackdos Rage
leg Rat Race
vin Shadowborn March
leg Simic Artifact Modular
leg Simic Control
leg Simic Krasis
leg SkullBriar
leg Soul Architect
leg Spawnwrithe Spam
leg Spirits never die
vin Tappers
leg Thought Thief
leg Token Soldier
leg Toshiro Recast B/R
vin Toshiro Recast B/U
leg Turbo Fog Cerepol
vin Turn 0 Win
leg Unwinding Proliferation
leg Upkeep Deck
leg Wheeling Succession
leg Wizards BlackBlue
mod Wolf Pack
leg Wolves and Elves
leg Zombie Birth
leg Zombie Madness
leg pauper Dredge
leg Pauper Landfall
leg Attack of the Planeswalkers
leg Birds go Bird
leg Cleric Testing 1.0
leg Clerics
leg Demonic Demise
leg Dragon Fodder
leg Duids
leg Elemental Evoke
leg Elusive Illusions
leg Goblin Assult
leg Humans Reborn
leg Modern Haakon
leg Monk Meditation
leg Mono Blue Wizards
leg Rogues
leg Shamans
leg Simic Wizards
leg Spikes
leg Spirits WU
leg Spiritual Revival
mod Vampires
leg Wurm War
leg Zombies never Die
sta Artifact block
leg Carnival Koas
mod Charged up 2.0
leg Clerics B/W
mod Copy of Modern Waste Not
vin Lands.dec
mod Morbid Masters
leg RB Death Draw
leg Titan Walkers
leg Waste Not
leg WB Exile
leg White Lord
mod White Power Red
vin Daxos Enchantments
vin Discard EDH
vin EDH Karn
vin Experiment Kraj EDH
vin Lands EDH
vin R/G Lands EDH
vin Shirei Apostles
vin Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker
leg Sisters Stone EDH
vin Super friends EDH
vin Wizards EDH
vin Zur EDH
vin Golgari Guidwars EDH
leg Guildwars Simic
leg Lyzolda EDH Guildwars
League of Legends
vin Ahri - EDH
vin Cho Gath - EDH
vin Elise - EDH
vin Karthus - EDH
vin Malz - EDH
vin Morgana - EDH
leg Rengar - EDH
vin Viegar - EDH
vin Vlad EDH
vin Xerath - EDH
vin Zyra - EDH
Real EDH
vin Aleshia Current
vin Brago EDH
leg Derevi EDH
vin EDH Mizzix
leg EDH Sharuum ETB
vin Ghave
leg Glissa EDH
vin Jeleva
vin Lyzolda EDH
leg Marath EDH
leg Mayeal EDH
leg Oloro EDH
leg Reaper King Foil eDH
vin Ruric Thar EDH
vin Sydri EDH
leg Thraximundar EDH
leg Vorel EDH
leg Aleshia EDH
leg Angus Mackenzie EDH
vin Brago EDH
vin Feldon EDH
leg Ghave EDH
leg Hazezon Warrior EDH
leg Marchesa Wizards
leg Narset EDH
sta Nekusar
leg Nonbasic Landhate EDH
leg Shattergang EDH
leg Vorel EDH
leg Zedruu
Work In Progress
vin Artifact R/U EDH
vin Damia EDH
vin Damia EDH
leg Jenara EDH
leg Karador Spirits EDH
leg Lazav Dimir Copycat EDH
leg Marrow-Gnawer EDH
vin Moonfolk EDH
leg Omnath EDH
leg Rackdos EDH
leg Roon Manifest Flicker EDH
leg Shaman EDH
vin Unearth EDH
leg 3 cmc Legends EDH
leg Apatra
vin B/W Clerics
vin B/W Enchantments
vin Deathrender EDH
leg Derevi Tap
vin EDH - 5 colour
vin EDH Sidisi
leg Hapatra EDH
vin Jund -1
vin Kraj BreakBrick
leg Mono White EDH
vin Oona, EDH
vin RUG Aggression
leg Ruric Thar
vin Shu Yun Tokens
leg The Gitrog EDH
vin Top Deck EDH
leg Upkeep Tokens EDH
EDH Owned New
vin Glissa's Toys
vin Sram
vin Thada
vin Akiri&Silas
vin Arahbo
com Brago
vin Brago
leg Clerics EDH
com EDH Kethis Abzan Legends
com Emry EDH
vin Ezuri 2's
vin Grenzo 3
com Inalla Wizards
com Kykar
vin Mimeoplasm
com Mizzix
com Muldrotha EDH
com Neheb EDH
leg Oloro Lifegain
com Rishkar EDH
com RUG +4
com RUG Landfall
com RUG Timmy
leg Shirei
leg Skullbriar
com Spirits EDH
sta Sydri Artifacts
vin Tana&Sidar
vin Teysa Tokens
com The Gitrog
vin Thraximundar EDH
mod Artifact W/U
mod Artifacts Rule
mod Auramancer Blue/White
leg Birthing Pod
leg Birthing Pod 2
vin Boros Realized
mod Lifegain
mod Modern - Kithkins
vin Modern Heartless
vin Modern Jeskai
leg Modern RedBlue Burn
mod Modern Slivers
mod Modern Waste Not
leg Phoenix Strike
mod Pure white
mod Soulbond G/W
vin The Jeskai uncast
mod Treefolk
Bought Decks
leg Ajani Vs Bolas
leg Garruk Vs Lilly
vin Humanity's Vengance
vin Kalia
leg Savage Auras
Need to Update
leg Blue Control
leg Discard Red/Black
leg Explosion
leg Fire & Lightning Red
mod Mono Black
Needs Improvement
leg Auramancer Green/White
leg B/W Tokens
vin Big Creature Red/Green
leg Defender Deck
leg Dragons
mod Graveyard Green/Blue
leg Knights White/Green
leg LandFall Blue/Green
leg Lightning Burns
leg Mono Black
vin Mono Blue
mod Prophet of the Lich
vin Simic Self Mill
vin Standard Tournament Deck
leg White Human/Soldier Weeny
mod Zombie Blue/Black
vin 16/12/15
leg 17/01/12
leg 17/01/23
leg 17/01/26
leg 17/02/01
leg 17/03/06
mod 17/03/18
leg 17/05/02
leg 17/05/28
leg 17/07/20
leg 17/08/19
vin 17/08/20
sta 20/02/01
sta 20/02/18
sta 20/02/19
sta 20/11/03
leg 2014/10/26
leg 2014/10/7
leg 2014/11/04
vin 2014/11/08
leg 2014/11/15
sta 2014/11/20
mod 2014/11/5
leg 2014/12/10
leg 2014/12/28
leg 2015/01/02
leg 2015/01/02 (Judgment)
leg 2015/01/02 (Legion)
leg 2015/01/02 (Onslaught)
leg 2015/01/02 (random)
leg 2015/01/02 (Torment)
leg 2015/01/06
leg 2015/01/25
mod 2015/01/25 (fatpack)
leg 2015/01/31
vin 2015/03/01
vin 2015/03/01
leg 2015/04/03
vin 2015/04/12
mod 2015/04/23 Dragons Box
mod 2015/05/24
leg 2015/05/29
mod 2015/05/30
mod 2015/06/18
mod 2015/06/21
leg 2015/06/23
mod 2015/06/27
vin 2015/07/02 Power Hungry
leg 2015/07/03
vin 2015/07/04
mod 2015/07/04
leg 2015/07/07
mod 2015/07/21
mod 2015/07/25
leg 2016-06-01
leg 2016/02/26
leg 2016/03/15
mod 2016/03/19
leg 2016/04/02
vin 2016/04/03 Izzet
mod 2016/04/20
mod 2016/06/08 purchase
leg 2016/06/16
leg 2016/07/22
leg 2016/08/28
leg 2016/09/03
leg 2017/01/11
vin 2018/03/31
sta 2018/05/19
sta 2018/05/25
leg 2018/05/28
sta 2018/08/20
leg 2018/08/20 b
vin 2019/03/06
leg 2019/05/01
leg 2019/05/06 FacetoFace
leg 2019/05/06 Wizards
leg 2019/09/02
leg 2019/09/11
leg 2019/09/12
sta 2021/08/09
sta 2021/09/14
sta 2021/12/1
sta 21/06/14
sta 21/06/22
sta 21/08/07
sta 21/08/10
sta 21/08/12
mod All Gods PRices
sta Box
leg ggsdf
mod Khans Box
sta Secret Lair
leg Worth
Innistrad Sta ...
Needs work
mod Standard Architect
mod Standard Black Death
leg Standard Copy Cat
mod Standard Deatmantle
leg Standard G/B Artifact
mod Standard Heartless Summoning B/G
mod Standard Heartless W/B
mod Standard HumansR/W
leg Standard Molten Masticore
mod Standard MoltenMasticoreV2
mod Standard Red Proliferate
leg Standard Spirits B/W/U
mod Standard White Artiface
leg Precursor Counterpart
mod Standard Artifact B/U
mod Standard Black Proliferate Artifacts
leg Standard BurningPlanes
leg Standard Elves
leg Standard G/B Undying Morbid
mod Standard Green Rush
leg Standard GreenRush2.0
leg Standard Heartless B/U
mod Standard Heartless Summoning BR
leg Standard Phantasmal Revival
leg Standard Phyrexian Obliteration
leg Standard Precursor Counterpart
mod Standard Pure Black
leg Standard Red/Blue Control
vin Standard Ruinator
leg Standard Simic
leg Standard U/W Flicker Control
leg Standard W/U Tap Control
mod Standard Wolfrun R/G
Khans Standard
mod Standard Abzan
mod Standard Ensoul
sta Standard Jeskai
mod Standard Jund Junk
mod Standard Mardu
mod Standard Mono Red Burn
mod Standard W/U Weenie Attack
RTR Standard
vin Seagate
mod Standard B/W Lifegain
leg 2016/06/08 trade
vin 2016/06/12
leg 2016/5/5
leg 2016/5/5 v2
sta <3
sta 2022/04/27
sta 24/06/23
sta 32 check
com Akiri Rograkh
sta chun-li
com EDH Saheeli Artifacts
sta fasdfadsfadsfs
sta Gavi
com Golos
com Isshin EDH
com Isshin, Two Heavens EDH
sta Kyle List
com Lawyer
com Mairsil EDH Fuiture
vin Mairsil, the Pretender EDH
com Mila&Lukka EDH
sta Newest order
sta order 2022
sta Order 2024/04/06
sta Proxy cards
com Tayam EDH
com Teshar EDH
sta Topdeck
sta Tyranid
sta UG Elementals
sta Zombtards

Name | Cost ![]() |
Mountain | |
Mountain | |
Mountain | |
Signal the Clans | |
Feldon of the Third Path | |
Solemn Simulacrum | |
Wurmcoil Engine |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Vandalblast | |
2 | Forgotten Cave | |
3 | Acidic Slime | |
4 | Possibility Storm | |
5 | Harmonize | |
6 | Urabrask the Hidden |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 37 | 33 |
Percent | 52.0 | 47.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.