BIONISAM 's profile
- MTG DECKS (115)
Card lists
leg 1-color charms
sta 1-mana draw
mod 2-color Charms
sta 2-mana draw
leg 3-color Charms
sta 4-mana draw
sta Cards that can draw the game
mod Commands
sta Companions
mod Missing Cards
vin Precon
sta Reanimator spells
mod Talismans
leg Wraths
mod Abzan midrange
mod Gb Devotion
mod Gr Devotion
vin Jeskai Ascendancy
vin Jeskai tempo
mod Mardu midrange
mod MonoB Aggro
mod Temur Ascendancy
mod UB Control
mod Weaver 2.0
EDH - Arthur
com Atraxa
com Boros equipment
com Gonti
com Juri
com Lord Windgrace
com Talrand
EDH - Tier 1
com Anafenza
com Derevi
com Dynaheir
com Elesh Norn
com Hazezon
com Jon Irenicus (Bad Santa)
com Kess
com Lara Croft
com Maelstrom
com Marchesa
com Nethroi
com Old Stickfingers
com Sergeant John Benton
com Vial Smasher
EDH - Tier 2
EDH - Unfinished
com Sisay Experience
sta Goblins
sta Highlander Grixis Peez
sin Highlander Naya
Land lists
leg 5-Color
leg Battlebond lands
mod Battlelands
sta Capenna Panoramas
sta Checklands
mod Cycle Lands
mod Fastlands
mod Fetchlands
mod Filterlands
mod Future Sight Lands
sta Guildgates
sta Guildgates, Artifact
sta Guildgates, Life
sta Guildgates, New
mod Guildgates, Old
mod Guildgates, Refuge
sta Guildgates, Snow, New
mod Guildgates, Snow, Old
mod Handlands
mod Manlands
sta MHorizons Sac Lands
leg Old filters
mod Painlands
sta Pathways
mod Ravnica karoo
sta Shocklands
leg Slow Fetches
sta Slowlands
sta Surveil Lands
mod Temples
mod Timespiral Storage
mod Trilands
sta Triomes
mod Ashlie Abzan
mod BW Aggro
mod Extort
vin Prophet
mod Red Equip
mod Abzan Flicker
mod Boonweaver
vin Jalira
vin Jeskai tokens
mod Mardu Midrange
mod Midrange
mod MonoG Devotion
mod R/W Heroic
mod RDW
mod W Aura Heroic
mod W/U Heroic
leg 0. Next Order
sta 1. Trading
sta Daxos
sta From Shawn
sta Ghave
sta Green elves
sta Judge
oth Judges' Tower
sta Korvold
sta Literal cards
leg Shopping list
sta To make
sta Weird cards
leg Wish list

Name | Cost ![]() |
Transguild Promenade | |
Rupture Spire | |
Terramorphic Expanse | |
Evolving Wilds | |
Painted Bluffs | |
Mirrodin's Core | |
Opal Palace |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |