- MTG DECKS (66)
EDH Decks
Artifact Pod - Oswald Fiddlebender
Coin Flippery - Okaun and Zndrsplt
Combo Assembly - Experiment Kraj
Cyclin - Brallin and Shabraz
Dwarvehicles - Akiri and Silas Renn
Finals Week - Octavia, Living Thesis
Infinitokens - Jetmir, Nexus of Revels
Jeff Goldblum - Ian Malcolm, Chaotician
Ninja Tribal - Yuriko / Satoru / Krydle
Oathbreaker - Daretti
PDH Deck - Hallar, the Firefletcher
Quantum Commander- Rhys
Samurai Tribal - Saskia the Unyielding
Story Unending - Satsuki, Living Lore
Sunforger - Velomachus Lorehold
Turn Em Sideways - Bjorna and Othelm
Werewolves - Tovolar, Dire Overlord
Adventures - Beluna Grandsquall
Ah, Rats - Wick, the Whorled Mind
Assault Suit - Zurgo Helmsmasher
CEDH Your Mind - Sen Triplets
Cultivation - Yedora, Grave Gardener
Devil You Know - Zurzoth, Chaos Rider
Dragonstorm - The Ur Dragon
Epic Fun Times - Riku of Two Reflections
Everything - Omo, Queen of Vesuva
Feeling Roomy - Marina Vendrell
Gingersplicer - Brenard, Ginger Sculptor
I Scream - Jasmine Boreal of the Seven
Im In Your Mind - Sen Triplets
Lord of the Sings - Tom Bombadil
Modal Fun - Riku
Night Sky - Esika, God of the Tree
Oops All Chandra - Chandra
Pain - Rakdos, Lord of Riots
Penny for Your Thoughts - Gwafa Hazid, Profiteer
Shrines - Go-Shintai of Life's Origin
Skwirrels - Chatterfang
slime time - Jinnie Fay
Some Advice - The Archimandrite
Stopped Time - Obeka, Brute Chronologist
Superfriends - Atraxa, Praetors Voice
The Aristocrats - Shirei, Shizos Caretaker
The Azlask Experience - Azlask, the Swelling Scourge
The House Wins - Mr. House
Trigger - Kambal, Consul of Allocation
Zinnia Hare Apparent
Zombies - Sidisi
Non-EDH Formats
draft decks
Gideon Oath
Golgari Gleezard
mardu synth
Ravnica Battlebox
Combat Triggers
kaldheim draft deck 1
Politics - Queen Marchesa
pupper cube
Rukarumel Apostles Worksheet
Too Many Cooks
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