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# Name Details $
1 Blood Crypt
1 Slaughter Pact
1 Stifle
3 Total value: $32.14
# Name Details $
1 Geralf's Messenger
1 Gravecrawler
1 Venser, the Sojourner
3 Total value: $38.54
The card prices displayed above are current prices - at the time this trade was finished they might have been significantly different
MidNight12 has sent the cards on 10-Nov-2014 14:41.
Mickey received the cards on 16-Nov-2014 21:17.
Feedback for MidNight12: - All good, cards were great. Thank you!
Mickey has sent the cards on 12-Nov-2014 01:09.
MidNight12 received the cards on 17-Nov-2014 21:55.
Feedback for Mickey : - easy peasy, awesome trader