Innistrad Remastered
releases on January 24, 2025!

Buy on CardKingdom Buy on TcgPlayer

Innistrad Remastered
releases on January 24, 2025!

Buy on CardKingdom Buy on TcgPlayer
The card prices displayed above are current prices - at the time this trade was finished they might have been significantly different
Sebastien Dube has sent the cards on 04-Jan-2016 15:12.
Michael F received the cards on 12-Jan-2016 14:44.
Feedback for Sebastien Dube: - Great trader, thanks for the deal!
Michael F has sent the cards on 04-Jan-2016 14:19.
Sebastien Dube received the cards on 13-Jan-2016 18:51.
Feedback for Michael F: - great trader, everytinh was super!