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ieatoburritos has been found to be a scammer. If you have lost cards or money because of this user, please see our help page on filing for mail fraud.
The card prices displayed above are current prices - at the time this trade was finished they might have been significantly different
ieatoburritos has sent the cards on 01-Dec-2012 16:25.
billbollow received the cards on 18-Dec-2012 01:04.
Feedback for ieatoburritos: - Would not trade with again. Waited 3+ weeks from initial acceptance, when I finally got my cards one was missing. It is over a month later and I still have not received it. Communication was also very poor throughout the period.
billbollow has sent the cards on 27-Nov-2012 18:07.
ieatoburritos received the cards on 17-Dec-2012 16:28.
No feedback has been left yet for this trade.