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# Name Details $
1 Bayou
1 Savannah
2 Tropical Island
4 Total value: $1,706.74
# Name Details $
4 Lion's Eye Diamond
1 Sarkhan Vol
5 Total value: $1,776.41
The card prices displayed above are current prices - at the time this trade was finished they might have been significantly different
lyvyndyr has sent the cards on 08-Feb-2013 15:44.
ETC received the cards on 13-Feb-2013 04:01.
Feedback for lyvyndyr: - Great trader, second trade, went just as smoothly as the first time.
ETC has sent the cards on 13-Feb-2013 18:25.
lyvyndyr received the cards on 20-Feb-2013 22:54.
Feedback for ETC : - Second time trading, just as efficient and friendly as the first time around