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# Name Details $
1 Cavern of Souls
1 Mystifying Maze
2 Total value: $44.64
# Name Details $
1 Ashnod's Altar
3 Augur of Bolas
1 Snapcaster Mage
5 Total value: $29.87
The card prices displayed above are current prices - at the time this trade was finished they might have been significantly different
Meou has sent the cards on 11-Mar-2013 20:06.
Rockin Chizel received the cards on 14-Mar-2013 01:04.
Feedback for Meou: - Very quick trader
Rockin Chizel has sent the cards on 11-Mar-2013 20:56.
Meou received the cards on 13-Mar-2013 21:35.
Feedback for Rockin Chizel: -