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# Name Details $
1 Commercial District
1 Sunken Citadel
2 Total value: $11.44
# Name Details $
1 Glarb, Calamity's Augur
1 Goldspan Dragon
2 Total value: $11.95
The card prices displayed above are current prices - at the time this trade was finished they might have been significantly different
Dragonautic has sent the cards on 01-Sep-2024 15:34.
Sleet received the cards on 03-Sep-2024 18:57.
No feedback has been left yet for this trade.
Sleet has sent the cards on 29-Aug-2024 03:13.
Dragonautic received the cards on 06-Sep-2024 11:06.
Feedback for Sleet: - Awesome trade! Let's do it again!