releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Calling the Council
TypeTactic, Dwarf (Order)
Edition Rising Dawn (# 4)
Cost1 +
RulesLimited.Action: Search the top 5 cards of your deck for a [Dwarf] unit or legend, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck.
Users having Calling the Council
Found 7 users
# Name Location
3 Poland - Opolskie
6 Poland - Warsaw
3 Poland - Opolskie
3 Spain - Pozuelo de Alarcón
3 Poland - Warsaw
Latest decks using Calling the Council
Name User Races
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現金為王 Kelvin Liu
*DW Cash is King mazor
*DW Cash is King 1 morvael

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