releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Snotling Invasion
TypeQuest, Orc (Destruction)
Edition Fragments of Power (# 18)
Cost0 +
RulesPlay in any opponent’s zone, under his control. Forced: At the end of your turn, sacrifice a development in this zone or deal 2 damage to this section of your capital, if able. Action: At the beginning of your turn, if a unit is questing here, put X resource tokens on this card, where X is the unit’s power. Then, you may remove 3 resource tokens from this quest to destroy it.
Users having Snotling Invasion
Found 13 users
# Name Location
3 Germany - Flensburg
3 Poland - Warsaw
1 Unknown location
3 Poland - Katowice
3 Poland - Warsaw
Latest decks using Snotling Invasion
Name User Races
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Orc 2013 World Champion Oliver Franke krasnal
2013 World Champion joeyftw
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