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Warlord Go Smash
TypeTactic, Orc (Destruction)
Edition Cataclysm (# 15)
Cost3 +
RulesAction: Until the end of the phase, all non-Attachment support cards in defending zones become units with 2 hit points (each card retains its power) with the text 'This unit must defend, if able.' Each card also counts as a support card.
Users having Warlord Go Smash
Found 290 users
# Name Location
3 Germany - Braunschweig
3 Poland - Kielce
3 Switzerland - Buchs
3 Poland - Gdynia
3 Canada - Calgary
Latest decks using Warlord Go Smash
Name User Races
Grom (facile) simodal
奇怪的哥布林 Kelvin Liu
*OG Odd Goblins mazor
Odd Wurrzag mazor
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