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Bottled Life
Type lineEquipment - Item - Potion
TagsEquipment, Potion
RulesWhen this item enters play, put a 1 [Melee] / 1 [Health] Treant ally token into play.

On your turn: Exhaust a Druid hero or ally you control and destroy this item

Put a 1 [Melee] / 1 [Health] Treant ally token into play
Cost / Att / H1 / - / -
Edition Throne of the Tides (Common)
Users having Bottled Life
Found 24 users
# Name Location
1 Australia - Brisbane
20 South Africa - Bellville
4 United States - Palos Hills
1 Unknown location
2 United States - Washington
Latest decks using Bottled Life
Name User Class / Hero
Heal Token druid Theophan     Sumi'jin, Guardian of Cenarius
red token druid Vasily Chernonozhkin     Sumi'jin, Guardian of Cenarius

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