releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Shield Bash
Type lineInstant Ability - Protection
RulesYou may exhaust one of your Shields rather than pay Shield Bash's cost.
Your hero deals 1 melee damage to target hero or ally. If you targeted a hero, you may interrupt an ability card played by its controller.
Cost / Att / H3 / - / -
Edition Heroes of Azeroth (Rare)
Users having Shield Bash
Found 36 users
# Name Location
1 Romania - Cluj-Napoca
1 Czech Republic
4 United States - Binghamton
14 United States - Binghamton
1 Unknown location
Latest decks using Shield Bash
Name User Class / Hero
Warrax the indomitable James Kelly     Warrax
H Tank Warrior Vartu     Dar'thael the Bloodsworn
Bulkas Wildhorn Uldor     Bulkas Wildhorn

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