Topic: My new ones

I don't have time today to explain them, but if you want to take a look and ask questions what's going on, I'll explain them later. Or just to tell me what to do different or tell me what's right. Keep in mind, some of them have different goals and you can try to deduce what they are. But like I said, I'll explain later, unfortunately. Consider it fun homework... wink

Captain America:

Germans: (I know... what an awful name. Just think WW2)

Nightmare 2: (Don't ask, I'll change it later.)

Screwed up:

Altered Knight:

Spirit U/W:

....: (Yes, it's a Delver one, but things are missing)

Now here's the catch. All of these aren't working somehow. Now I just need new ideas to make them work, if anyone doesn't mind.

P.S. Tawnos - I REALLY like your Splinterfright! It's worked so well, it's amazing. The trick is in the flashbacks, truly. <--- This is Tawno's baby.

Last edited by Hellnikko (2012-06-05 00:53:53)

Re: My new ones

Alright, you'll have to forgive me for the lengthy response in advance, as there are seven decks to talk through here.  So with no further delay...

Captain America - I see what you did there with the red, white and blue.  Champion of the Parish is great and could be a monster when combined with the other humans entering the battlefield (especially with Cathars' Crusade) - Wingcrafter making it flying would also be nice.  But, I can see a number of problems with this one.  First, where do your blue mana come from?  Second, to the same end, does it really need the third color?  I get how the name works with it being three colors, but from a playing perspective, cutting it to just two colors would work wonders.  If you wanted to remove the red, Thatcher Revolt could be replaced with Timely Reinforcements that both produces human tokens that don't die at the end of the turn and it could possibly give you six life for the same cost.  Then, you can replace the Zealous Conscripts with Commander's Authority and even add another Cathars' Crusade to increase the likelihood you pull one.  Then at turn five, you're producing humans every turn that are pumping up your CotPs or everything else with Cathars' Crusade.  I can speak from experience that combo gets nasty REALLY fast.  Third, why the emphasis on flickering here?  Outside of Zealous Conscript and a few other counters for CotP, you really aren't getting as much benefit as you could.  I can see where some other spells, either for control or drawing, would be more effective here.  Fourth, I'm not a big fan of Fling, especially when all the creatures you have are so essential to the deck's functioning.  What would you fling?  One of the CotPs?  Why not just attack and keep him?  Anything smaller wouldn't really do any major damage.  If you're looking for removal, Pillar of Flame is a NICE choice - note the exiling part of it.  Lastly, and this is a theme I'll hammer on, outside of Wingcrafter bonding, where is the flyer defense?  Do you think that's enough?

Germans - I guess I can see where the deck name comes in, but that requires me to think of CoD Zombies...  I like these sorts of decks because then there isn't any way for the opponent to block.  The problem, however, is that you end up having to make them drop 60-70, which is certainly more to deal with than the 20 life you normally think about.   To offer a few thoughts based on a combo I run in my discard deck, I like working Trepanation Blade with Altar of Dementia and Keening Stone.  The idea is to take a swing with a creature, let Trepanation Blade do it's discarding damage.  Then you sack the creature before it loses that power boost to cause your opponent to drop that many more cards.  I've seen that combo result in somewhere around 10-15 cards being dropped in one fell swoop.  Then the real one you need will be Keening Stone which, as I'm sure you can imagine, snowballs VERY fast.  What I'm not seeing is why you have Vampire Hexmage in here?  Just to remove the undying counter from the Mindcrusher?  If so, why not run Power Conduit?  It's a bit dated, but it would let you remove as many of those counters as you want while also pumping up the other creatures.

Nightmare 2 - I'm seeing some familiar combos here wink, where is Roil Elemental?  I'm also not following why Sundial of the Infinite (and then Buried Ruin) are in here.  While I can see where you would try to end the turn before the Geist's angel goes away, combat is technically over once the opponent's turn starts, so that's no dice.  So if you can fill me in on that front, I'm curious.  My suggestions would probably be self-serving here to move you more toward my Power Bill deck, so I'll stop on this one, suffice to say I'm curious how well it plays.

Screwed Up - I like the pairing of Unwinding Clock and Chalice of Life.  I can see where that'd be, well, for lack of a better way to say it, a dick move.   You might want to consider adding Recumbent Bliss, Martyr of Sands, and perhaps most importantly, Cradle of Vitality.  Cradle is SICK as any creature with lifelink can double in size for only two mana, all while you're still gaining life.  When paired with the other life gaining things you have in there, you can definitely see where you can make your creatures grow quickly.  I actually won a very drawn out multiplayer game because of Cradle paired with Felidar Sovereign, as the vigilance and lifelink let me attack, keeping a blocker while gaining life and doubling the Sovereign each turn with the Cradle.  I would actually suggest that you drop the Leonin Relic-Warder and Fiend Hunter for some sort of flying defense (see it came up again wink ) like Kemba's Skyguard and something else directed toward life gain like Soul's Attendant.

Altered Knight - Why have the red even in the deck if it's only for three cards?  Why not just switch to mono-white?  I'll be a stickler here too, but again, what about the opposing flyers?  I see Leonin Skyhunter, but what if they remove those?  Then you're up the creek, right?  There are a number of white flying knights available (I'm digging Skyhunter Prowler or Skyhunter Skirmisher, or for a good laugh with your friends, Ladies' Knight wink).

Spirit U/W - I know it's been done to death, but it's almost required to have Lingering Souls in here, isn't it?  Shimmering Grotto already splashes in a few black to flash it back, otherwise you could just live with it coming out once and being gone (or using another card to get it back, i.e., Elixir of Immortality, which you have in the deck already).  Some of those Adaptive Automatons you have in Altered Knight could work in here too.  I should note that this is the first deck I've seen that has a means of combatting getting top-decked.  I'm a big fan of Call to the Kindred in single creature subtype decks.

Delver - Really?  C'mon man.  Delver has been done to death by everyone.  It might work, but I'd suggest blowing it up out of spite.  If you were really going to stick to it, I would recommend centering around Runechanter's Pike and unblockable creatures like Invisible Stalker, Phantom Warrior, or even Blighted Agent.  I think that would be far more amusing than just another Delver deck.  But that's just my two cents.

Alrighty then, I've written about three pages here, so I'll shut up.  I hope some of those suggestions help.  As I'm sure you already know, playtest, playtest, playtest.  Unless you're copying someone else's deck, there's no way to know if my ideas are any better than yours.  Also, poor green and black feel neglected.

Re: My new ones

Alright, some of these decks are combos I read about and so I'll have to explain them in detail on why they are present.

Obviously the Captain America is a joke. I was going to throw in some Accorder's Shields for flair. I could easily just make it a R/W humans deck to make it more efficient. I was curious on how else I could make it viable without the dual lands I obviously need just because a three color can be painful. (Hence the apparent problem with it.) Cloudshift was simply to exploit the clause for Zealous Conscript. Conscript comes into play, take control of creature. Cloudshift said creature, it's now mine permanently since it's never the original creature and therefore doesn't go back. I could essentially do the same thing with Ghostly Flicker to include artifacts or land. Or, I could cloudshift the conscript again for another creature the second time. Lots of variation. The problem is mana, really. I should have Shimmering grottos or any land fetch cards to make it easier, really. And btw, I don't think Timely Reinforcements will work that way. It's just white soldiers, not humans. And fling is really awesome when I attack with a red human and then fling it afterward just for extra gumption. But I can see how it's not that great. It was just for Captain America pride. lol

Germans is just a deck I put together to essentially burn libraries. Or try, that is. The one time I played it and really did damage was playing two other friends (Originally, it was one on one, and that's why I played it) and made them burn roughly 60+ cards between the both of them before they killed me. With your recommendations, I think I will check those cards out because I do see the snowball effect and I likes! Thank you for this one! And to be honest, I didn't really have a plan for Hexmage Vampire except to counter other counters like planeswalkers. (Not sure if that really works.) But I did want to keep the Sadistic Sacrament and felt bad if that was the only black card. neutral

Nightmare 2: This one has the Venser/Oblivion Ring/Sundial trick. And you're right, it doesn't work on the Geist's Angel like I thought it would, but essentially this is what happens. I oblivion ring a permanent. On the 2nd main phase, I blink the oblivion ring on the permanent with Venser and then quickly stop the turn. Everything on the stack disappears and the permanent is gone for good and doesn't come back for the Rings second part. this could also be done for Mimic Vat also. I know, it's dirty. With any of these combos, I just want to try them once and then not do it again.

Screwed up: This is an alter to my other multiplayer life-gain, MP Nightmare. I wanted to get something that could gain me life extremely. I've played this deck 5 times and I could not get the combo that I read from Reddit last week. First, I need to have a Suture Priest, and then a Fiend Hunter (opponent's creature exiled is optional). Then I would need to have 5 mana to put down an oblivion ring for the Fiend Hunter and Relic-Warder targeting the ring. Then when the Fiend Hunter comes back, it targets the Relic-Warder and bam. Infinite Life. Unfortunately, I can't get the cards in my hand without dying horribly. And no, I still have not got my chalice's flipped and utilized the Unwinding Clock for multiplayer. Everyone sees the damage and I'm toast fairly quickly.

Altered Knight: you are definitely right on the flyer bit. I should easily add in a lot of flyers or something to combat the flyer threat. The red is just to bring out the Oxid Ridge guy. Perhaps I should just put him into my mono-red deck, but thought I'd try for the knight. I wanted to see how well indestructible could work for cheap instead of waiting on an Avacyn, really. This was just getting ideas from the Duel Decks, Knights and Dragons. (Ha, that's an awesome card btw.)

Yeah, Spirits: Not sure why I don't have Lingering Souls except I would need to add black to it to capitalize on the flashback. And that's true on the Automaton, but it won't make them flying, will it? That's probably why I didn't add it, but anything is worth a shot.

And yes, we are to Delver: I know it's been done to death (Hence the name I gave it.), but I lack the cards that most have and wanted to see what I could make of mine. And yes, I've already tried just using Invisible Stalkers and Runechanter's Pikes, but something was missing. I just wanted to see how it worked and the ideas in it. What I really wanted to try was the snapcasters. The first one I got, I quickly traded it on here for (what I thought) excellent cards. Then I started to explore blue and was like.... why did I trade that guy?!?

Now this is the kicker. I hardly play one on one with these. It happens, but the focus is multiplayer with friends. I really have no idea how to adjust for other people in a game. I'm usually out of options and no hand at turn 8 and others just have a much bigger force than I. It's like I didn't do anything at all all those turns.

Re: My new ones

And yes, I need help with my green and black love. For me, Black is the hardest to deal with. And green, I tried to make a mono green and I'm not sure how I screwed it up, but it sucks!

Maybe needs more Giant Growth and Overrun...

Re: My new ones

So for the rundown...

For playing multiplayer in general, and mind you I haven't been in more than three person games in years, but the real challenge is finding the balance between having a solid defense and still being able to affect the board.  If you have something INCREDIBLY powerful but that requires a combo that someone might spot, odds are you should setup the deck with a more defensive mindset, meaning more creature removal and blockers.  If someone spots you pulling out an infinite life combo, you'd better believe you'll be dead in the next turn or so; but if you have a solid enough defense, you can simply laugh it off, drop the bomb and win the game.  To that end, you likely will want to augment ALL of your decks depending on their key combo/standard and drawn-out win conditions.  Also, the degree to which you can figure out how to draw additional cards while your opponent still only gets one a turn is a MAJOR plus in multiplayer (via Well of Knowledge, Mad Prophet, or any of a wealth of other cards).

Captain America - I can see where it would work if you have it as a three color deck, but realistically, you should build the other colors in a bit more.  The problem with only having 2-3 cards from a color is that you ALWAYS (thanks to Murphy's Law) end up drawing the land for that color and are sitting there with mountains when you really need plains (or islands - to which point you still didn't say where the blue is coming from wink ).  You're right about Timely Reinforcements but if you're all bout human creation, Commander's Authority on a Thraben Doomsayer will work that out for you quite well.

Germans - First off, this deck is SCREAMING for Jace, Memory Adept to be included.  More importantly, here's where I'm talking about upping the defense.  If you put Keening Stone into play and your opponents have cards in their graveyards, you'd best get ready for it to hit the fan.  For blue I've found Guard Gomazoa to be among the most effective defenders at stalling the game, as he can block ANYTHING and it won't kill him or harm you.  Sadistic Sacrament can stay in and I'm sure you can find some other black removal or other things to help lighten their card load.  Gnat Miser is always a fun one.  Put that into play with 2-3 Howling Mine out and you can laugh as they're stuck discarding stuff left and right because their max hand size is down to three, while they're drawing more than that each turn.  However, as with any "everybody draws more cards" situation, it could easily backfire.  Actually, if you wanted to pull the black and go mono-blue, you have more options.  Prodigal Sorcerer/Zuran Spellcaster (or anything of the TIM family) would work beautifully with Mindcrank.  Lastly, Mirran Spy/Puppeteer/Stonybrook Anlger would be killer here as you can attack with whatever you want equipped with the Trepanation Blade, they drop how many cards, and then you untap the attacker before combat resolves to prevent your creature from getting killed.

Nightmare 2 - I hadn't realized that if you flicker Oblivion Ring and then end the turn with that effect.  When looking at the cards I don't think it would work, as whatever Oblivion Ring exiled is returned to play as soon as it leaves play, which means that before you would be able to end the turn, returning that card to play would be on the stack remaining to be resolved, then, in the same way that a Royal Assassin cannot cancel out a Prodigal Sorcerer, the effect would still have to be resolved.  If you can get a more solid ruling on that I'd be open to hear about it.

Screwed Up - The infinite life gain is clever, but you need four cards to pull it off.  If you're going to run that strategy I would say you should focus even more on defense.  You need to stall your opponents until you can get them all into the battlefield, so gaining life quickly via Martyr of Sands and Rest for the Weary is essential.   Then I would drop Lifelink for defenders who already have it, i.e., Seraph of Dawn.  You should save the Chalices until you've already passed the 30 mark, and then you'll be able to get that damage in quickly.  With Unwinding Clock you would be able to get 10 damage in before they could do anything to stop you.

Altered Knight - I definitely feel you here.  I've actually toyed with the idea of putting together a deck like this.   Again, you can either stress the flying defense or throw in Pacifism, Defang, or Recumbent Bliss.  Those would likely solve your problems too unless their entire deck is based on flying.

Spirits - You already have the black to flashback Lingering Souls via Shimmering Grotto.

Delver - yeah... Delvers and Snapcasters, yuck.

Re: My new ones

Now for your green deck...

I'm liking the deathtouch spread throughout the deck, but I'm not really seeing the multiplayer win condition.  Normally green's strength is to mana ramp and either dump 5,000 creatures to overwhelm the enemy or one HUGE one to overpower anything in your way.  Again, I'm liking the deathtouch creatures and the lures, but I'm not seeing where you have any options if you don't have at least one Lure and deathtouch.  But I have a few questions.

First, why Birds of Paradise?  They help generate mana and are definitely flexible if you're trying to splash some other colors in, but for mono-green, why not just rock Llanowar Elves?  You could use the Birds in another deck or otherwise unload them for something more useful like a Primordial Hydra.

Second, is Lumberknot the only real power play here?  What if he were to be countered or wiped out with a non-targeting ability, i.e., Massacre Wurm?  Then what?  Asceticism would help here, as you can regen your creatures while also protecting them from removal or most other effects.

Third, you have some anti-flying stuff here, which is good, but if you're not worried about sticking to extended format, green has the best anti-flying card out there in Katabatic Winds.  Sure the phasing means it won't be in effect every other turn, but that's why you have more than one.  If you play two out on alternate turns, creatures with flying are completely useless for the remainder of the game.

Fourth, I like Greenhilt Trainee, but as currently constructed, you only have two cards that will ever get him above the necessary power for more than one turn.  There are plenty of options here.  Bear Umbra is one sweet choice.  Trusted Forcemage won't quite get him there on his own, but could definitely help.  Hunger of the Howlpack is another good one if things are dying from the deathtouch creatures.

Lastly, as a thought, I saw you had Darksteel Plate in the Altered Knight deck.  Why not put those in here?  An indestructible, lured, deathtouch creature would be quite troublesome for your opponent(s).

Re: My new ones

Captain America: (Must have forgotten islands. Whoops!)

Germans: Jace would be awesome.

Nightmare 2: Read the fine print on Sundial of the Infinite. Everything on the stack as it's tapped is exiled. Feel free to look up Venser tricks. There's another with Glimmerpoint Stag.

Screwed up: If I go into infinite life mode, I know my friends will concede and there's really no reason to keep playing after that. I think I'll scrap it and really focus on getting 30+ life as soon as possible and then drop some chalices. That's the only way I can really do it.

Altered Knight: Will definitely add some removal. Hell knows I need it.

Spirits: Another well observation. I only have four and I forget what decks those are in.

I won't bring up that unmentionable again. :-P

Green deck: Birds of Paradise were a way for flight blockers along with mana gain. I wasn't utilizing their multicolor, but they seem a lot more useful than the elves last time I played. I know I had elves in them before and I was embarrassed, let's put it that way. Lumberknot is part of it, but I wanted to really mess with people on the trainees. I do like all your other thoughts, especially the darksteel one. I'll be making a lot of changes hopefully. :-)

Thanks again!

Re: My new ones

In regards to your "Germans" If you're running U/B Mill and are willing to trade for some specific cards, Geth, Lord of the Vault is sweet in standard, and Hedron Crab, Nemesis of Reason, Traumatize, and keening stone for extended, those are just the ones I like, if you want to go into modern then Oona, Queen of the Fae is pretty sweet, depending on the deck you're facing, obviously not nearly as good against tri color decks but she can tear up mono-decks, again these are just the mill cards I like.

Re: My new ones

I really should look at these decks before I post them... I swear I had Hedron Crabs in there! I just looked at my deck and sure enough, I do. I definitely don't have deranged assistant or Mindshrieker in there anymore. Huh.

I also deleted screwed up. Just thinking about it, I'm doing something wrong. And I'm definitely using Seraph of Dawn now. So, I altered my MP Nightmare that replaced it. Edit: Added some cards I think would fit, but still need to whittle it down.

Last edited by Hellnikko (2012-06-04 10:48:41)

Re: My new ones

Back to the Germans I don't quite understand the Deranged Assistants you aren't running any reanimation or anything to work with your graveyard so it doesn't seem like a good fit, I'm assuming you're going for mana acceleration so I would recommend Bog Initiate/Sea Scryer for 2 drops or Vesper Ghoul/Bog Witch for 3 drops, if you want to stick to what you've got the most closely, however I have found that with mill it often works to include self-mill so you can pull stuff out of your graveyard

I like your Captain America deck, however I think you need something for mana fixing, I have never been successful running 3 non-green colors with only basic lands and no color-fixing artifacts, but maybe that's just me, i'm not sure. And as far as fling, you're rarely going to be flinging anything that'll do more than 1-2 damage so you're probably better off with something like bolt or incinerate, although fling is more fun

For nightmare 2 I would go all out for the permanent exile Sundial trick, skip unsummons, you have Aether Adepts to do that, go for glimmerpoint stags if you want to do it alot because they're easy repeatable flicker on your opponent's permanents. Other than that I really like the design, it's very similar to the Flicker deck i've been working on, if you're interested, I'm also curious about how well the Geist of Saint Traft has been working, can you regularly get the token and exile an opponent's card?

Altered Knight, I would push the opposite that TyWooOneTime suggested, push for more red, Skyknight Legionnaire works well and gives you flying defense, any of the soulbond knights from AVR are good to consider, especially if you're trying to keep red in the mix, if you decide to drop it Pentarch Paladin is at least worth considering for the sideboard as it can tear mono colored decks apart, Sworn Defender is a card I like because it can promise that you're going to have a huge blocker against big trampley things.

Spirit Looks really good to me accept shriekgeist, I don't see a milling sub-theme at all so I would say drop them and pick up 2 more Niblis of the Urn

I won't even Comment on the Delver, I can't afford snapcasters so I couldn't help out anyway

Your mono-green has nothing huge, no land tutoring and no strength boosting enchantments, I feel like you're trying to play mind games with some of the cards, and that's not usually how green works well in my experience, it wants to get really big really fast and stomp face, I would keep the birds, the slime and maybe the briarpack, but I wouldn't use any of the other creatures, I personally like to use Greater Basilisk, it's a big creature that can block almost anything and live, also you seem to be very afraid of flying, so I would run some flying removal rather than so much flying and reach I like Wing Puncture and Ulvenwald Tracker, especially if you're running deathtouch, also Kessig Recluse is a nice flying blocker.

For your MP Nightmare I feel like only having one win condition is a little bit too limited, Serra Ascendants are one way to have another win condition with the same deck goals, but as it is if you're facing any artifact removal this deck won't really have anywhere to go, my advice? Splash in some big angels, they don't need to be amazing ones, Serra Angel is a good choice, otherwise Guardian Seraph, Requiem Angel (works well with the soul sisters), or Victory's Herald

Re: My new ones

Wow, you rock! Thanks a ton for the advice and I'll have to do some research on the cards and get back to them. Some of them I'm not familiar with and I'll have to look them up individually.

Re: My new ones

I'm not familiar with some of the cards myself to be honest, I've just figured out how to search on Gatherer extremely efficiently and I like looking at other people's decks, hopefully it helps

Another quick question, when you use the O-Ring for permanent Exile with the Sundial, do you lose the ring? and if so is it worth it? I have been trying Exclusion rituals but they tend to take too long to get out, T6 removal is pretty slow

Last edited by imsully2 (2012-06-09 06:45:25)

Re: My new ones

I have to do a report on some of the decks I used this past week.

Germans did very well heads-up. I'm not sure if it was just the perfect starting hand, but once I can get a hedron crab, mindcrank and trepanation blade, it's locked down tight. I had him so mana starved and just pummeled him so bad that I actually felt bad about it! I didn't use that many sorceries or instants, if at all. Then we played a three person FFA and I barely won that. We all played a blue of some kind and one of them brought Jace out. The only thing that really saved me is that they didn't notice me as a threat, which I was sad about. I just sort of won because really, I looked pathetic. Then I drew two Increasing Confusion and pumped them twice for U8. Meaning 48 cards in 4 turns hit the graveyard. I was also one mana off from Kicking Sadistic Sacrament, so I was sad about that. If only I didn't block with my two deranged assistant, which I found out I did have in there. I ended up taking them out to put in some Grindclocks. This deck is easily the worst deck that I've made and it actually turned out, or rather played out, perfectly for me.

My MP nightmare also worked extremely well. Flying defense has helped tons and it does help to get as much life as possible to flip the chalice of lifes. Then add the unwinding clock later. I was always just trying to focus on the setup but what I needed to do was rush there and then execute.

Copy of Splinterfright deck is just mean. I have to try really hard to lose to it, no matter who's playing. I played a guy who likes to Day of Judgment everything at the start and it really blew up in his face during one of our games. I was so pumped up that it was nearly impossible for anyone to do anything. I like it the most.

And surprisingly enough, my delver is doing well without most of it's components. Today, I filled in all the holes but I love to play it because it actually makes my friends play better, smarter, and puts me into a lot more control then I'm used to. It truly is a little different playing experience with that one. These guys really think twice, wait a bit after they cast something just to make sure I can't mana leak or flash a snapcaster out. It's great. Maybe I'm used to revving up all the time. Perhaps that's a bad thing too. *shrug*

(More decks to come...)

Last edited by Hellnikko (2012-06-09 07:22:38)

Re: My new ones

Glad to hear things are working!

Re: My new ones

I have some new ones. Feel free to tear them apart and put them back together. :-)

Eldrazi Conscripts:

Cranberries: (Added Endless Ranks of the Dead)

Copy of Land Hate 2.0: (Not my creation)

R/W Humans: (This one I need help with and want to know if/how I could utilize the combos)

Re: My new ones

First off for the Eldrazi conscripts you're running GWU and exalted, I know it's a little pricey but there's no excuse not to be using Rafiq of the Many. Second and lesser, I would first say that it would be wonderful to have Noble Hierarchs but let's face it getting a playset of a utility card like that isn't worth the price. So instead drop the Llanowar elves, you're not running green for anything but mana so you're better off trying for Avacyn's Pilgrim because if you can play it you have access to green mana already.

I would also say keep it at a maximum of 2 endless ranks, you need to be drawing the treasure hunts, along with that you would be better off with tutoring than endless ranks imo since the hunts are the main fuel of the deck, how well is this deck performing? it seems like it could be an extremely iffy deck in the wrong circumstances.

Mwonvuli Acid-Moss! It's sortof right along the lines of this deck and gives it the acceleration that you need to get cards like into the maw off. Also Tectonic Rift is an excellent choice, you could easily be swinging for 8 every turn and still have plenty of blockers. If you are consistently ahead in land then you could use Tectonic Break to leave yourself as the only one with access to mana. Drop melt terrain and demolish I know that demolish is more flexible but you need to commit to the land hate idea. Another idea is Zo-Zu the Punisher or tunnel ignus this can really punish opponents when they're trying to recover from you destroying all of their lands and you shouldn't need nearly as many lands as they do. To go along with him another good card is mana flare since your opponents hopefully won't have enough land to cast anything even with the flare but the deck needs to be tested before this card is tried out. You could also use Price of Glory to prevent people from countering your land kills since if they counter it they'll lose one anyway and you have no instants/flash it's at basically no risk to you, of course almost all of these cards aren't in standard so if you want to keep it standard ignore everything I said accept Tectonic Rift

I'm not seeing a great win condition for the Humans deck, it looks like your best bet is to use a battle hymn into a devil's play which you then use dual casting on. If you want token overflow to be another possibility I would use at least 2 cathars' crusade or else get some trample for your champion of the parish, it seems like for tokens you want to duel cast every token producing spell with a midnight guard so that when the tokens pop out he untaps and you can do it again but that's probably not even going to start until t4, I also don't get the alabaster mage, overall I'm just confused and probably missing the main combo piece.

Last edited by imsully2 (2012-06-13 15:27:17)

Re: My new ones

First off, I'm with imsully on Avacyn's Pilgrim over the Llanowar Elves.  However, to be honest, I would drop either in favor of Abundant Growth, as it doesn't help the mana ramping, but helps you draw cards and can allow you to use ANY land for any color, so then if you get six of any land, you should be set to go.  I'd also find a way to include Wingcrafter to be able to make your creatures flying (even if it comes at the cost of Squadron Hawk).  Then you have the flying defense but also can generate flying offense.  The one thing I'm concerned about here is the fact that outside of Sovereigns of Lost Alara, if you don't draw Eldrazi Conscription in the first few turns, you really don't have much going on.  Perhaps you could build in a few larger creatures or some other means to ensure that you can remain competitive.  Lastly, while you have a means to make your creatures hexproof, remember that they're still free to target an enchantment on said hexproof creature.

For Cranberries, I've actually tried a copy of this deck myself with quite limited results if you start adding other cards.  While Endless Ranks of the Dead helps to generate more zombies, it could easily kill the deck's momentum, such that if you don't have another Treasure Hunt in hand, you could be up the creek for 10+ turns.  I would actually suggest including two Elixir of Immortality and taking out the Endless Ranks.  Also, how many turns are you willing to mulligan to get the right hand for this deck?  I've had to go three or four times before I have a hand with anything good.

For Land Hate, I get that it's someone else's deck design so I understand if you can't really explain the full reasoning the other person had, but I'm curious both what the win condition and typical expected play are.  I have a land destruction deck as well, but mine operates mono-red with Meekstone, Circle of Flame, Vulshok Sorcerer, Lightning Bolt, Cerebral Eruption, and a few others meant to stall the opponents' options until the land destruction really gets going.  Those can buy a LOT of valuable time since land destruction doesn't really start going until you have three or four mana at your disposal.  I do like Invader Parasite though and would recommend looking into expanding beyond Standard format.  Dual Casting and Pyromancer Ascension would also work wonders here as you can take out two lands with each spell, as opposed to only one and waiting for Charmbreaker Devils to get the spells back.  Lastly, Pillage and Stone Rain are definitely good for land destruction decks.  Check out mine at and feel free to ask anything you want if it will help yours out.

Lastly, for the R/W Humans, just a few thoughts.  First, this is screaming for Mentor of the Meek, Thraben Doomsayer, Commander's Authority, and Elixir of Immortality.  The Mentors will let you rip through the deck very quickly while both the Doomsayers and Authorities will pop out added creatures (while also helping the Mentors let you cut through the deck).  Elixir will let you stay alive until you can overpower the enemy while also letting you recycle your spells.  It will give you life gain that allows you to remove Alabaster Mage.  I'll again second imsully on including another Cathars' Crusade, trust me when I say this will help make the creatures dangerous, and fast.  I'd also suggest Mad Prophet as he's another human who will help you burn through the deck, but that's up to you to decide on.

Best luck!

Re: My new ones

Excellent advice, gentlemen. I'll have to expand more tomorrow, but just wanted to thank you both for now. smile

Last edited by Hellnikko (2012-06-14 01:59:54)

Re: My new ones

Eldrazi Conscripts: You two are very right to use the pilgrims, but I would definitely want to use abundant growth more. Unfortunately I only have 3. Then again, I may want to focus on the ramping because the sooner I can get Sovereigns out, the better. The other cards imsully mentioned I obviously don't have, but it's something to look forward to. Especially if I like the deck enough. I didn't focus too much on the flying, but it's not a bad idea to juggle the thought. And I realize the enchantments are going to be open outside of hexproof, but if I still have a sovereigns out, I could do it again 3 more times. Also if I keep abundant growth, they have enchantments to target and may burn them up their counters before I eventually bring out the good stuff. I'll keep both thoughts in mind!

Cranberries: It hasn't been bad, really. I've milled myself to death before. That's not fun. I'm fully prepared to mulligan down to one, just as long as I can get a treasure hunt in my hand. I know the land will come and the zombie infestation should come later. If it's not, then I'm up the creek with land and no outlet to make zombies. Elixirs is NOT a bad idea either, in case I do screw up, that can be a major out. I really wanted endless ranks to add major pressure because I can only bring out 20 zombies. And they are sporadic and won't keep spawning and eventually they'll die. Elixirs will fix that, but maybe I can combo it a little? If I can get one out and no one counters or removes it, I can discard the other with something else and make a zombie with it. *shrug* How about 4 treasure hunts, 1 infestation, 1 elixir, and 1 endless? Unless someone has a Liliana's Caress, I should be fine. LOL

Land Hate 2.0: I saw this on Reddit about 3 weeks ago and had to try it out. It just sounded so damn fun, I couldn't pass it up. I ordered some of the cards and noticed it was a standard so I could bring it to a tourney for shits and giggles. But what I'd really like to do is focus on the multiplayer too. The main focus is to shut down one opponent at 3 mana constantly. That way they can't bring out their big guns while you can pummel them with yours. I REALLY like Dual casting and pyromancer Ascension and I have both! (Although only one of the ascension, sadly) Very awesome ideas and I'll keep them in mind especially when I decide to drive outside the realm of standard, which seems to be my focus for some reason.

R/W Humans: This was just unfinished and I was stuck on what I really want it to do. Do I focus on making it aggro or am I trying to be more methodical. For instance, there's a really unique combo to try and where you stick a midnight guard with dual casting and then hit either gather the townsfolk or thatcher's revolt WITH a battle hymn. Midnight guard will untap separately for each human that hits and you can essentially keep gaining mana because you'll be copying both spells. Not sure if it's infinite, but if I can ramp it twice, that's a lot of mana open for a devil's play. Champions and cathar's was just a secondary and unfortunately, I only have the one Crusade so that's why there's only one. Elixir's aren't bad, but I think they are more random to control. Not the life gain part, just the shuffling the yard into deck. I wasn't intentionally asking to make it a aggro humans, but it might be my only choice. I will look into the cards you've suggested. And the Mage was just an extra. I saw him lying around and thought.... eh, just pop him in. lol

Anyway, thanks a ton for the advice. You guys rock. I like having a small group of advice givers on this forum. I also miss Tawnos but I'm sure he's busy. He probably deserves a rest. big_smile

Last edited by Hellnikko (2012-06-14 12:22:56)

Re: My new ones

imsully2 wrote:

Another quick question, when you use the O-Ring for permanent Exile with the Sundial, do you lose the ring? and if so is it worth it? I have been trying Exclusion rituals but they tend to take too long to get out, T6 removal is pretty slow

Oh, man. I feel like an ass. I didn't see this question!

NO, you do not lose the oblivion ring. It comes right back at the end step, but it can target something else to exile something else permanently the next turn. The second statement is basically on the stack before you activate the sundial, but once you do, everything on the stack is exiled. That's the same for the Geist's angel, glimmerstags, and mimic vat. Hope that helps. wink

Re: My new ones

If you decide to drop the Llanowar Elves and the Pilgrim for Abundant Growth I would STRONGLY recommend getting some Gladecover Scouts or Slippery Bogles in there, the initial size of the creature is irrelevant when you're using Conscription. I would also suggest Rancor, just cause if you go against a token deck you'll get chump blocked and the sac will be easily doable plus rancor is just a sweet card

Cranberries: Laboratory Maniac as a 1 of, just as insurance, your loss is now a win smile I run one in a Mono-blue card draw and it works fairly well

I still like the Acid-moss just cause it puts you 2 lands ahead of your opponent but it's not standard sad

Are you sure each human resolves separately? I was under the impression that instants resolve at the same time but it would make sense that each token would have to go on the stack individually, however the spell would've resolved before the tokens are put on the stack so you wouldn't be able to copy it if my understanding is correct, you could copy the Battle Hymn for each token but I don't think you could copy both spells. If you want a cheap infinite combo with midnight guard, you should look into Presence of Gond, not standard but instant unlimited elves and it's pauper legal smile If you want to gain life ditch the mage and put in Nearheath Pilgrims, you're only going to want to spend the mana on the Champions, might as well make it permanent(ish) other than that how are you planning to get up to 60 cards? I would suggest at least one more Cathars' Crusade along with something else to pump mana into, nothing comes to mind currently but a mana outlet aside from Devil's Play could be good, especially if they have a Witchbane Orb, then everything is sad

Re: My new ones

As far as the Oblivion ring and sundial, so you would wait until when to get it back? If you use the sundial I don't think you get an end step do you? I'm way beyond my depth and this is why I'm scared of this combo, I wouldn't be able to explain it

Re: My new ones

imsully2 wrote:

I would also suggest Rancor, just cause if you go against a token deck you'll get chump blocked and the sac will be easily doable plus rancor is just a sweet card

Good idea on the hexproof. That's why I added the Elgaud Shieldmate. But the Conscriptions already have trample with Annihilator. And Rancor will soon be standard again. Not that it matters in this deck, but meh. smile

imsully2 wrote:

Cranberries: Laboratory Maniac as a 1 of, just as insurance, your loss is now a win smile I run one in a Mono-blue card draw and it works fairly well

Cool idea... except I traded you my only Maniac. wink If I get more, that's really not a bad idea. Just that it's very hard to control.

imsully2 wrote:

I still like the Acid-moss just cause it puts you 2 lands ahead of your opponent but it's not standard sad

I've already got them on order. No reason I can't if I'm playing casually.

imsully2 wrote:

Are you sure each human resolves separately? I was under the impression that instants resolve at the same time but it would make sense that each token would have to go on the stack individually, however the spell would've resolved before the tokens are put on the stack so you wouldn't be able to copy it if my understanding is correct, you could copy the Battle Hymn for each token but I don't think you could copy both spells. If you want a cheap infinite combo with midnight guard, you should look into Presence of Gond, not standard but instant unlimited elves and it's pauper legal smile If you want to gain life ditch the mage and put in Nearheath Pilgrims, you're only going to want to spend the mana on the Champions, might as well make it permanent(ish) other than that how are you planning to get up to 60 cards? I would suggest at least one more Cathars' Crusade along with something else to pump mana into, nothing comes to mind currently but a mana outlet aside from Devil's Play could be good, especially if they have a Witchbane Orb, then everything is sad

Everything I looked up says you can. This is just from google:
...But, you're right. I actually don't want to hit someone for infinite damage. It's cool to pull off once, but not sure I'd want to keep playing the combo after that. Of course, there's always a catch if they do pull off a witchbane orb. At any rate, I did decide to make this a real aggro deck rather than using this combo. This is one I would hate to explain before someone inevitably counters me. So I decided to follow TyWooOneTime's (That is a very hard name to spell. lol) advice on the cards he suggested to fill it out nicely. Should be fun!

Re: My new ones

imsully2 wrote:

As far as the Oblivion ring and sundial, so you would wait until when to get it back? If you use the sundial I don't think you get an end step do you? I'm way beyond my depth and this is why I'm scared of this combo, I wouldn't be able to explain it

Okay, these are the steps you'll want to take. Let's assume you have Venser and a Sundial out, plus you have enough mana to cast an Oblivion Ring plus activate your Sundial of the infinite. Let's say you want to Ring a powerful creature before you attack. So in your main phase, you do just that. Then you attack. Now, for your second main phase, use Venser's +2 on your Ring and immediately activate your sundial. The creature will never come back and at the next end step, which would be your opponent's turn because you used the sundial, your Ring will come back on THEIR end step. Guess what happens on your turn? You can wash, rinse, repeat another permanent!

That's pretty much it in a nutshell. You can do this for Mimic Vat, Glimmerpoint stag, and I did find out you CAN do this for Geist of Saint Traft, but you need to end your turn with the sundial JUST as damage has been calculated.

Re: My new ones

As far as the shieldmate, I have found soulbond to be quite restrictive, if you swing with whatever you've enchanted then your opponent swings back you don't want to block with the shieldmate since it would probably die or the other creature would, breaking the bond, however if it's working for you then ignore that it's just based on me having alot of issues with the soulbond mechanic. I like that you have turn aside to protect the enchantments but I feel like after you play once with this deck your opponents will learn to sideboard Demystify or Cursebreak or something and that could really just destroy your combo, I like that the enchantments can't be countered so they're always a permanent so turn aside is perfect, but I always try to have 2 different possible win conditions, hypothetically your opponent could force you to discard one, since it seems likely that one of four would be in your hand before you get the Sovereigns out, then a simple (if expensive) Surgical Extraction breaks your deck, This is of course worst case scenario, and I'm anxious to hear how well the deck does, I hadn't seen the Sovereigns before, another card to consider if you really like this deck is Bruna, Light of Alabaster, it fills in the issues with not wanting to hard-cast the conscription after it's in your hand and can re-use the ones in your graveyard, but is it really worth the price tag? Probably not.

The more I think about it the less the maniac makes sense, it's the kind of thing where it's very situational, you're going to want to discard it but will you risk it? It's just more clutter in the deck which pulls away from the main theme, I just saw milled yourself and thought of my deck but that's completely different, in that deck at end game I usually have 50 cards in hand, lol

The only thing I  could think of weakening the land hate would be counterspells but you have enough destruction and with the charmbreaker devils you laugh at counter, plus if it works then they won't be able to do anything else if they're casting even one counter per turn. The only possible issues I could see are Terra Eternal, or Privileged Position, but no one uses terra eternal and people who use Privileged Position probably spent alot of money on their deck and aren't playing casually, lol. I'm very interested to hear how this one preforms.

My advice: copy and paste his name next time smile

I now understand both combos and agree the the infinite mana/tokens works along with the O-ring, I wasn't thinking of Venser.

A question: Is my advice helpful or am I just talking? I won't be offended however I don't wish to waste your time if it's not helpful