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48 (96%)  - 
Last seen online:
22-Mar-2020 22:27
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I am not too terribly stringent when it comes to quality. If you are, let me know! Most of my cards are either near mint or slightly played at most. If a card is lower quality than that and for some reason isn't listed as such on my tradelist I will bring it to your attention when the trade begins. If you have any questions about card quality I'd be happy to send pics of the cards in question.

I don't mind trading down an expensive card for a bunch of $2 cards, or vice versa. I need the cards on my wishlist, so I'm trading or buying them and either way it'll cost the same, so trading down really isn't a problem for me. Unfortunately however it seems to be very difficult to get modern players to trade for Standard cards, so I'm fine with trading modern cards for standard, but would need for it to be a few dollars in my favor.

My negative reps were my fault as I generally only log on when needing to trade for a specific deck I did so and the trade was complete so I didn't log back in for a couple weeks only to find out my cards had gotten lost in the mail on their way so rightfully the other person felt scammed. I did get the cards to him, but it was delayed so I understand his frustration.

I am very quick to respond when I'm active, and willing to haggle, so if you see something you'd like, please let me know and don't feel offended if I move things around a little because I have all of my wants currently on my wishlist, but like most have an order of need based on trying to finish decks that are more important to me.
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