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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Name Mana Rarity $
# 1 +2 Mace
# 2 Arborea Pegasus
# 3 Blink Dog
# 4 The Book of Exalted Deeds
# 5 Celestial Unicorn
# 6 Cleric Class
# 7 Cloister Gargoyle
# 8 Dancing Sword
# 9 Dawnbringer Cleric
# 10 Delver's Torch
# 11 Devoted Paladin
# 12 Divine Smite
# 13 Dragon's Disciple
# 14 Dwarfhold Champion
# 15 Flumph
# 16 Gloom Stalker
# 17 Grand Master of Flowers
# 18 Guardian of Faith
# 19 Half-Elf Monk
# 20 Icingdeath, Frost Tyrant
# 21 Ingenious Smith
# 22 Keen-Eared Sentry
# 23 Loyal Warhound
# 24 Minimus Containment
# 25 Monk of the Open Hand
# 26 Moon-Blessed Cleric
# 27 Nadaar, Selfless Paladin
# 28 Oswald Fiddlebender
# 29 Paladin Class
# 30 Paladin's Shield
# 31 Planar Ally
# 32 Plate Armor
# 33 Portable Hole
# 34 Potion of Healing
# 35 Priest of Ancient Lore
# 36 Rally Maneuver
# 37 Ranger's Hawk
# 38 Steadfast Paladin
# 39 Teleportation Circle
# 40 Veteran Dungeoneer
# 41 White Dragon
# 42 You Hear Something on Watch
# 43 You're Ambushed on the Road
# 44 Aberrant Mind Sorcerer
# 45 Air-Cult Elemental
# 46 Arcane Investigator
# 47 Bar the Gate
# 48 The Blackstaff of Waterdeep
# 49 Blue Dragon
# 50 Charmed Sleep
# 51 Clever Conjurer
# 52 Contact Other Plane
# 53 Demilich
# 54 Displacer Beast
# 55 Djinni Windseer
# 56 Dragon Turtle
# 57 Eccentric Apprentice
# 58 Feywild Trickster
# 59 Fly
# 60 Grazilaxx, Illithid Scholar
# 61 Guild Thief
# 62 Iymrith, Desert Doom
# 63 Mind Flayer
# 64 Mordenkainen
# 65 Mordenkainen's Polymorph
# 66 Pixie Guide
# 67 Power of Persuasion
# 68 Ray of Frost
# 69 Rimeshield Frost Giant
# 70 Scion of Stygia
# 71 Secret Door
# 72 Shocking Grasp
# 73 Shortcut Seeker
# 74 Silver Raven
# 75 Soulknife Spy
# 76 Split the Party
# 77 Sudden Insight
# 78 Tasha's Hideous Laughter
# 79 Trickster's Talisman
# 80 True Polymorph
# 81 Wizard Class
# 82 Wizard's Spellbook
# 83 You Come to a River
# 84 You Find the Villains' Lair
# 85 You See a Guard Approach
# 86 Yuan-Ti Malison
# 87 Acererak the Archlich
# 88 Asmodeus the Archfiend
# 89 Baleful Beholder
# 90 Black Dragon
# 91 The Book of Vile Darkness
# 92 Check for Traps
# 93 Clattering Skeletons
# 94 Deadly Dispute
# 95 Death-Priest of Myrkul
# 96 Demogorgon's Clutches
# 97 Devour Intellect
# 98 Drider
# 99 Dungeon Crawler
# 100 Ebondeath, Dracolich
# 101 Eyes of the Beholder
# 102 Fates' Reversal
# 103 Feign Death
# 104 Forsworn Paladin
# 105 Gelatinous Cube
# 106 Grim Bounty
# 107 Grim Wanderer
# 108 Herald of Hadar
# 109 Hired Hexblade
# 110 Hoard Robber
# 111 Lightfoot Rogue
# 112 Lolth, Spider Queen
# 113 Manticore
# 114 Power Word Kill
# 115 Precipitous Drop
# 116 Ray of Enfeeblement
# 117 Reaper's Talisman
# 118 Sepulcher Ghoul
# 119 Shambling Ghast
# 120 Skullport Merchant
# 121 Sphere of Annihilation
# 122 Thieves' Tools
# 123 Vampire Spawn
# 124 Vorpal Sword
# 125 Warlock Class
# 126 Westgate Regent
# 127 Wight
# 128 Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade
# 129 Zombie Ogre
# 130 Armory Veteran
# 131 Barbarian Class
# 132 Battle Cry Goblin
# 133 Boots of Speed
# 134 Brazen Dwarf
# 135 Burning Hands
# 136 Chaos Channeler
# 137 Critical Hit
# 138 Delina, Wild Mage
# 139 Dragon's Fire
# 140 Dueling Rapier
# 141 Earth-Cult Elemental
# 142 Farideh's Fireball
# 143 Flameskull
# 144 Goblin Javelineer
# 145 Goblin Morningstar
# 146 Hoarding Ogre
# 147 Hobgoblin Bandit Lord
# 148 Hobgoblin Captain
# 149 Hulking Bugbear
# 150 Improvised Weaponry
# 151 Inferno of the Star Mounts
# 152 Jaded Sell-Sword
# 153 Kick in the Door
# 154 Magic Missile
# 155 Meteor Swarm
# 156 Minion of the Mighty
# 157 Orb of Dragonkind
# 158 Plundering Barbarian
# 159 Price of Loyalty
# 160 Red Dragon
# 161 Rust Monster
# 162 Swarming Goblins
# 163 Tiger-Tribe Hunter
# 164 Unexpected Windfall
# 165 Valor Singer
# 166 Wish
# 167 Xorn
# 168 You Come to the Gnoll Camp
# 169 You Find Some Prisoners
# 170 You See a Pair of Goblins
# 171 Zalto, Fire Giant Duke
# 172 Zariel, Archduke of Avernus
# 173 Bulette
# 174 Bull's Strength
# 175 Choose Your Weapon
# 176 Circle of Dreams Druid
# 177 Circle of the Moon Druid
# 178 Compelled Duel
# 179 Dire Wolf Prowler
# 180 Druid Class
# 181 Ellywick Tumblestrum
# 182 Elturgard Ranger
# 183 Find the Path
# 184 Froghemoth
# 185 Gnoll Hunter
# 186 Green Dragon
# 187 Hill Giant Herdgorger
# 188 Hunter's Mark
# 189 Inspiring Bard
# 190 Instrument of the Bards
# 191 Intrepid Outlander
# 192 Loathsome Troll
# 193 Long Rest
# 194 Lurking Roper
# 195 Neverwinter Dryad
# 196 Ochre Jelly
# 197 Old Gnawbone
# 198 Owlbear
# 199 Plummet
# 200 Prosperous Innkeeper
# 201 Purple Worm
# 202 Ranger Class
# 203 Ranger's Longbow
# 204 Scaled Herbalist
# 205 Spoils of the Hunt
# 206 Sylvan Shepherd
# 207 The Tarrasque
# 208 Underdark Basilisk
# 209 Varis, Silverymoon Ranger
# 210 Wandering Troubadour
# 211 Werewolf Pack Leader
# 212 Wild Shape
# 213 You Find a Cursed Idol
# 214 You Happen On a Glade
# 215 You Meet in a Tavern
# 216 Adult Gold Dragon
# 217 Bard Class
# 218 Barrowin of Clan Undurr
# 219 Bruenor Battlehammer
# 220 Drizzt Do'Urden
# 221 Farideh, Devil's Chosen
# 222 Fighter Class
# 223 Gretchen Titchwillow
# 224 Hama Pashar, Ruin Seeker
# 225 Kalain, Reclusive Painter
# 226 Krydle of Baldur's Gate
# 227 Minsc, Beloved Ranger
# 228 Monk Class
# 229 Orcus, Prince of Undeath
# 230 Rogue Class
# 231 Shessra, Death's Whisper
# 232 Skeletal Swarming
# 233 Sorcerer Class
# 234 Targ Nar, Demon-Fang Gnoll
# 235 Tiamat
# 236 Trelasarra, Moon Dancer
# 237 Triumphant Adventurer
# 238 Volo, Guide to Monsters
# 239 Xanathar, Guild Kingpin
# 240 Bag of Holding
# 241 The Deck of Many Things
# 242 Dungeon Map
# 243 Eye of Vecna
# 244 Fifty Feet of Rope
# 245 Greataxe
# 246 Hand of Vecna
# 247 Iron Golem
# 248 Leather Armor
# 249 Mimic
# 250 Spare Dagger
# 251 Spiked Pit Trap
# 252 Treasure Chest
# 253 Cave of the Frost Dragon
# 254 Den of the Bugbear
# 255 Dungeon Descent
# 256 Evolving Wilds
# 257 Hall of Storm Giants
# 258 Hive of the Eye Tyrant
# 259 Lair of the Hydra
# 260 Temple of the Dragon Queen
# 261 Treasure Vault
# 262 Plains
# 263 Plains
# 264 Plains
# 265 Plains
# 266 Island
# 267 Island
# 268 Island
# 269 Island
# 270 Swamp
# 271 Swamp
# 272 Swamp
# 273 Swamp
# 274 Mountain
# 275 Mountain
# 276 Mountain
# 277 Mountain
# 278 Forest
# 279 Forest
# 280 Forest
# 281 Forest
# 282 Grand Master of Flowers
# 283 Mordenkainen
# 284 Lolth, Spider Queen
# 285 Zariel, Archduke of Avernus
# 286 Ellywick Tumblestrum
# 287 Icingdeath, Frost Tyrant
# 288 White Dragon
# 289 Blue Dragon
# 290 Iymrith, Desert Doom
# 291 Black Dragon
# 292 Ebondeath, Dracolich
# 293 Inferno of the Star Mounts
# 294 Red Dragon
# 295 Green Dragon
# 296 Old Gnawbone
# 297 Adult Gold Dragon
# 298 Tiamat
# 299 Arborea Pegasus
# 300 Blink Dog
# 301 Celestial Unicorn
# 302 Cloister Gargoyle
# 303 Nadaar, Selfless Paladin
# 304 Oswald Fiddlebender
# 305 Displacer Beast
# 306 Djinni Windseer
# 307 Dragon Turtle
# 308 Mind Flayer
# 309 Pixie Guide
# 310 Rimeshield Frost Giant
# 311 Baleful Beholder
# 312 Clattering Skeletons
# 313 Gelatinous Cube
# 314 Manticore
# 315 Westgate Regent
# 316 Wight
# 317 Delina, Wild Mage
# 318 Goblin Javelineer
# 319 Hulking Bugbear
# 320 Minion of the Mighty
# 321 Rust Monster
# 322 Xorn
# 323 Zalto, Fire Giant Duke
# 324 Bulette
# 325 Dire Wolf Prowler
# 326 Gnoll Hunter
# 327 Loathsome Troll
# 328 Lurking Roper
# 329 Neverwinter Dryad
# 330 Ochre Jelly
# 331 Owlbear
# 332 Purple Worm
# 333 The Tarrasque
# 334 Underdark Basilisk
# 335 Varis, Silverymoon Ranger
# 336 Barrowin of Clan Undurr
# 337 Bruenor Battlehammer
# 338 Drizzt Do'Urden
# 339 Farideh, Devil's Chosen
# 340 Gretchen Titchwillow
# 341 Hama Pashar, Ruin Seeker
# 342 Kalain, Reclusive Painter
# 343 Krydle of Baldur's Gate
# 344 Minsc, Beloved Ranger
# 345 Shessra, Death's Whisper
# 346 Trelasarra, Moon Dancer
# 347 Volo, Guide to Monsters
# 348 Iron Golem
# 349 Mimic
# 350 Cave of the Frost Dragon
# 351 Den of the Bugbear
# 352 Dungeon Descent
# 353 Evolving Wilds
# 354 Hall of Storm Giants
# 355 Hive of the Eye Tyrant
# 356 Lair of the Hydra
# 357 Temple of the Dragon Queen
# 358 Treasure Vault
# 359 The Book of Exalted Deeds
# 360 Dancing Sword
# 361 Flumph
# 362 Guardian of Faith
# 363 Loyal Warhound
# 364 Teleportation Circle
# 365 The Blackstaff of Waterdeep
# 366 Demilich
# 367 Grazilaxx, Illithid Scholar
# 368 Tasha's Hideous Laughter
# 369 True Polymorph
# 370 Wizard's Spellbook
# 371 Yuan-Ti Malison
# 372 Acererak the Archlich
# 373 Asmodeus the Archfiend
# 374 The Book of Vile Darkness
# 375 Forsworn Paladin
# 376 Sphere of Annihilation
# 377 Vorpal Sword
# 378 Flameskull
# 379 Hobgoblin Bandit Lord
# 380 Meteor Swarm
# 381 Orb of Dragonkind
# 382 Wish
# 383 Circle of Dreams Druid
# 384 Froghemoth
# 385 Instrument of the Bards
# 386 Long Rest
# 387 Werewolf Pack Leader
# 388 Orcus, Prince of Undeath
# 389 Skeletal Swarming
# 390 Triumphant Adventurer
# 391 Xanathar, Guild Kingpin
# 392 The Deck of Many Things
# 393 Eye of Vecna
# 394 Hand of Vecna
# 395 Treasure Chest
# 396 Vorpal Sword
# 397 Treasure Chest
# 398 Portable Hole
# 399 You Find the Villains' Lair
# 400 Power Word Kill
# 401 Magic Missile
# 402 Prosperous Innkeeper