10,953 Extort Deck Idea

by hollibrett

10,955 W: Wishlist H: Tradelist

by Speeker

10,956 W: Wishlist H: Tradelist

by Speeker

10,957 looking to pimp out modern u/w/r

by Deathtopia

10,961 H: Savannah W: Bayou

by cartothemax

10,962 Looking for foil Deathpact Angels!

by TehPokedex

10,963 Have FOIL Aurelia's Fury

by Jonathanm517

10,965 H: Thragtusk, W: Blind obedience

by tompytomps

10,970 Databases

by purvisa

10,971 Land suggestions

by purvisa

10,975 GTC Shock Lands

by Speeker

10,977 looking for red and white cards

by Acasualplayer

10,978 looking for some red white cards

by Acasualplayer