12,601 Import 0 of a card

by rychan

12,604 Looking to trade a Scavenging Ooze

by scribblenuts

12,605 Looking for a sneak attack

by merged

12,607 really need copperline gorge

by thebucho

12,609 Looking for a Sneak Attack

by merged

12,611 MTG Feature requests

by Wismac

12,614 T> Need 4 Glacial Fortress

by DemiDanzig

12,617 badly need wurmcoil engine

by thebucho

12,618 New User - Trades Wanted!

by messagej2

12,621 Looking for Bridge from Below

by Woolcock66

12,625 anyone have any steam vents for trade?

by cmcmaster0714

12,630 Sticky, Closed: Welcome to Ohio the gathering.

by Monolith