GoST for both?

I'll cheers to all of that...

trade sent...

trade sent...

Are you willing to trade too?


Have lots of other stuff too!

LOOK at my binder!

Top priority WANTS:

2x Snapcasters
3x Sulfur Falls
3x Steam Vents
1x GoST


3x Temple Garden
3x AoS
1x Hallowed Fountain
2x Overgrown Tomb

Thanks for checking me out... Will consider all offers...

1x resto and 1x hallowed fountain for 1x Geist?

I have a soul foundry but I wan the Sorin LoI

Think we can work something out?


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

i could probably use one or two more but i probably wouldn't trade out of my inventory for it.

I just made a trade for 2 a sec ago.

if you think we can make something work lets do it. the sublime archangel, Jace AoT, and AoS are spoken for but anything in the tradlist is up for grabs.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bumpity bump!


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have recent traders regret and miss my little snappys.

I will trade legacy-type items for them.

I have other wants as well. I'll consider those trades as well.

Some possibility that I will trade from inventory for the snaps.



(50 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

grossoggodeckbox wrote:

As I see it, this situation is no different than had the OP ordered an item from an online store which was lost in the mail.  The course of action which should be taken next were that to happen would not be debated by anyone, as we all would agree that the OP should be refunded by the online merchant.  Look at it this way: Would you give an ebay seller or Amazon 50% of the value of your order because it was lost in the mail?   No, and in fact it would be preposterous for anyone to suggest you should.  I don't know why that same argument is somehow considered reasonable in this forum.

Cheers to that!


(50 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I know I'm popping in late on this one, but does anyone else think this is in anyway nickel-and-diming?

just fuckin pay for for the cards and get it over with. It's called paying wants due.

1) you promised cards.
2) your promised cards were not delivered.
3a)  give back cards you received or
3b)  buy cards and have them sent as replacement.

ultimately, it's the material aspect of the cards. not the monetary aspect.

yes, i know that these materials are worth money. but they are NOT money.

Materials promised = materials delivered.

the only reason money should be involved is if both parties agree to a value in payment.

GarrukWildspeaker wrote:
namartia wrote:

Should you decide to sell them would you be willing to give us a hot at buying first? I know I'd be interested. If so, what's your asking price for the playset?

Namartia, are you interested in trading for some? I have three that I'd be willing to trade.

I'm definitely interested. Only thing I have on your wish list is 2 detention spheres though.

Feel free to look though my inventory to find something and start a trade. Maybe we can make a deal.

Should you decide to sell them would you be willing to give us a hot at buying first? I know I'd be interested. If so, what's your asking price for the playset?

Convo started...

I'm considering this... Is it the buy a box promo?

I have 2 death rite shaman. Starting a trade convo with you.

How bout if we all just have a profile page link as part of of signature?

Also. How do I get a signature?


(12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

i have a pegasus token from unglued if you're interested...

I'll do huntmaster for overgrown tomb.

And I'll also pice the thragtusk at 23 bucks. And I'll price them at 25 if I can get more than one from you.

It should be noted that I have a bonfire and a jace Aot on the way as well.

Title says it all.
Thrags an a harbor are all of priority for me right now.

I also want a vampiric tutor for EDH if anyone wants to strike up a deal for that. I prefer th Mirage version.

Here is my profile. Tell what I can do to get them.


Edit for more easy access.


what he did was negligent.

for instance, i made a deal earlier this week to send an olivia voldaren plus some. of course i made this deal in the hubbalabub after a weekend worth of trading when rtr came out officially. stupid me, i fucking traded them off, AND i accepted a dudes trade for em on here.

so i BUY him a new one on tcgplayer. no ifs ands or buts about it. dude didn't even have to ask.

my general feeling for this type of take-back/indian-giving behavior (no offense) is that we MUST be strict against it. our word is all we have to go on. PERIOD. we can't obstruct that passage of consideration for one another otherwise the system becomes broken.

As soon as you hit that accept button, the cards are no longer yours IMHO.