No, my shipping is 1.93 for a bubble mailer and tracking (that is my direct shipping cost and I spend an extra buck on the mailer)

The prices were already the lowest on deckbox, another fella was interested and I lowered them both to 6 bucks each, for Banishing light that is 3 dollars off trade value and for master of the feast that is close to 2 bucks off trade value in the buyers favor.

I don't know really, send me a PM with an offer.


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Just those specifically?

Still selling =P


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Cilvyn still trading those foils?

Depends on what you want, if you are buying both then sure I'll cut a deal

Check out my sell list big_smile

So I'm moving here soon and I don't want to move magic boxes I don't need, come on guys you know you want them =P

Title says it all if you are interested hit me up!

Thanks for your time big_smile


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


sebi wrote:

We want to allow "official" sales of sealed product as well at some point soon, through the "official system". Still need to implement some stuff and inquire about  the legal implications with Wizards. Until such point, you can still trade them normally.

Thanks for the response Sebi, don't want to be screwing the pooch on the new stuff already. Looking forward to the sealed product resale section, hopefully wizards doesn't give you too much trouble (I know that current block stuff they may be hard about needing to be a "wizards partner store" or some jazz like that) But if they do give you trouble perhaps you can load all the necessary information for everything aside from current block so we can at least do all the other stuff.

Thanks again!

That is a great update Sebi, I saw that the other day in my email and I was like score!

Also I have a question for you regarding the new selling rules. I understand that you want all product sold through you guys now, you are a business and that makes sense. But right now you don't support sealed product, I would love to sell it through you as that would be way easier than having to figure out the economy of ebay all over again. So can I still post selling topics in the market for sealed stuff? I sell my singles through you guys (well I will when someone buys some, I'm too slow on prices lol)  so its not like I'm trying to cut you out.

Thanks for your time and keep up the great work big_smile

Still need a shock? I could use a shrine


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Goodmorning Deckbox, hopefully we are all happily trading!


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Title says it all I'm looking to turn my lands into stuff.

If you have a foil Ajani, I REALLY want that, so talk to me.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have one for you, I'll start a conversation

Interest is certainly piqued!


(2 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

perhaps you misunderstand, I am selling 3 mana confluences, not looking to acquire them =P


(2 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

Title says it all, got them for sale at 17.50 willing to work with trades as well as cash.

Thanks for your time!

Title says it all, if you're interested start a discussion.

Thanks for your time!

bactgudz wrote:
AmarusCameron wrote:

My point is I don't have the time to treat this as a business, I have a normal well paying software dev job, and I'm a part of two start ups. Adding this as a small business would be a headache. Frankly if I could just sell cards like I do on ebay it would be much easier. Just one person selling to another person, not one person who needs to be an entity to sell to another person, it just annoys me.

No one is saying you can't do what you seem to want.

I guess I'm just trying to get all opinions and information available before jumping in =P

My point is I don't have the time to treat this as a business, I have a normal well paying software dev job, and I'm a part of two start ups. Adding this as a small business would be a headache. Frankly if I could just sell cards like I do on ebay it would be much easier. Just one person selling to another person, not one person who needs to be an entity to sell to another person, it just annoys me.

This gets somewhat complicated quickly.

I see all the points and I understand everything everyone is saying, I'm just not certain where my legal duty starts and ends. And whether or not I'm willing to take the additional burden so I can probably sell a hundred dollars worth of magic cards a year (maybe more I dunno)

As for the state online tax, I consider that a voluntary tax because states have not been allowed to enforce taxation over the internet in general for a while, only if distribution centers are in your state. Like for instance I pay VA state tax on Amazon purchases because as part of the deal for VA to allow them to build distribution centers here (yup they begged the state since DC and its environs are a gold mine) was for them to charge state tax through the website. that is the only type of way that states can currently tax you for your internet purchases (doesn't mean they aren't trying to change it lol) so I say screw you every time I see that little box.

bactgudz wrote:

Lol, most of you seem to be viewing it the wrong way.  If the IRS audits you and discovers your mtg selling activity, you would WANT them to classify it as a business and not a hobby.  Getting audited and having it discovered are extremely remote possibilities for most people, which is why they tend to just ignore the issue.

Why is that?

So that they can see the loss and have it as a tax write off? Seems a bit dishonest to me? I'm not trying to really push it as a business, just trying to get cash to buy the singles I want or need.

But it still sounds like if you have a hobby, it is no really consequence, I'm not angling for profit, just to off load cards. And if you consider magic as a whole part of the business I think my expenses vs my income would be 90/10, I buy waaaaaaaaay too many booster boxes. And I barely ever sell anything, I prefer trading.