Updated list of needs
226 2014-03-14 12:54:48
Re: NEED UW Grand Arbiter EDH - A few Modern (1 replies, posted in Trading Post)
227 2014-03-14 12:53:16
Re: NEED UW Grand Arbiter EDH - Some Modern (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Updated list of Needs
228 2014-03-13 13:38:24
Re: Standard Bant.. Control? (20 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
IMO, i think the best options are to go full bant control, or take it more of a sylesnya route with advent of the wurm, voice, fleecemane. splashing detention sphere for removal and sphinx's reve for draw power.
229 2014-03-13 12:29:43
Re: Standard Bant.. Control? (20 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
I would have called this build bant midrange. GR monsters will beat you because they just go bigger and do if faster than you can.
I play UWr control recently and I've done okay against RG monstes and jund monsters, though i've heavily tailored my deck to beat them and the aggro matchup. It is the supreme, verdict, detention sphere, shinx's rev shell though. I've rarely felt "stomped" like Timber said.
I run 2 main deck celestial flares and a main deck nullify. You have to save counters/flares for the storms breaths and deal with everything else with charms, spheres and verdicts. Also, pithing needle is great for domri.
After board, i put in more flares, more efficient counters and blind obedience.
in bant you still have access to some of that stuff, however it'd have to be in your sideboard or change the deck a little. some of the cards in the deck just look bad imo, Kiora's follower for example, a bear that untaps stuff? idk, doesn't seem very strong.
230 2014-03-12 14:52:08
Re: W: 4 Mutavault H: See post (5 replies, posted in Trading Post)
well right hence the current price, and why it's still rising... it will drop after rotation for sure, but to assume long term it wont' rebound is silly... if you want to trade 2/1 mutavaults you should wait until then
I wouldn't recommend anyone trading down that hard on a card that will see play until the last day it's in standard and price memory will keep it at some decent measure of it's current value because people know their "good" cards will want to hang onto them.
but there are suckers born every minute.
231 2014-03-12 14:43:06
Re: W: 4 Mutavault H: See post (5 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Eh, not flooded... core sets don't get opened as much as block sets and the are only in rotation for a year instead of the full 2 years like blocks...
long term mutavault will stay right about where it's at now or a little less.
232 2014-03-12 14:28:09
Re: W: 4 Mutavault H: See post (5 replies, posted in Trading Post)
just a note on your post.
Mutavaults are eternal cards, they were seeing play in modern and legacy some before the reprint. While its true that vaults will drop some after rotation. 2/1 value on modern, legacy is not a fair asking price.
during the entire ravnica block almost, it was hovering between $30 and $35 before reprint. It will stabilize at about that price if not higher at some point after rotation, especially with the high interest in modern atm.
233 2014-03-12 13:46:03
Re: Standard Bant.. Control? (20 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
yeah, if it's an FNM deck and not going to see PTQ/5k play then it may not be a huge deal.
Even then, though, i know my FNM is fairly comparative. I've gone to more casual stores and crushed before, but I usually bat 500 at my usual haunt. YMMV...
234 2014-03-12 13:40:48
Topic: NEED UW Grand Arbiter EDH - Some Modern (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
The ones I highlighted with links are the ones I'm really looking for. I'd like to get the top 10 cards for EDH, but that represents a substantial amount of trade value in popular decks. I'm not terribly optimistic about picking those up.
really want a couple jars bad, but I can't seem to make a trade work with them included... but I can't justify just trading for a few .25 commons... :\
trade list - http://deckbox.org/sets/74954?s=j&o=d
Modern - Top priority
EDH - in order of price
1 Cryptic Command
1 Snapcaster Mage
1 Leyline of Sanctity
1 Remand
1 Mystic Gate
1 Ancestral Vision
1 Path to Exile
1 Dust Bowl
1 Austere Command
1 Tectonic Edge
1 Hinder
1 Rhystic Study
1 Skycloud Expanse
1 Springjack Pasture
1 Frost Titan
1 Wall of Omens
1 Moonsilver Spear
1 Empyrial Plate
1 Condescend
1 Rewind
1 Dismantling Blow
1 Summoner's Bane
misc trade filler - in order of current priority
99 Island (zendikar)
99 Plains (Zendikar)
99 Forest (Zendikar)
99 Mountains (Zendikar)
99 Swamps (Zendikar)
No longer Need
1 Celestial Colonnade
1 Spell Crumple
1 Swords to Plowshares
1 Sun Titan
1 Runechanter's Pike
235 2014-03-12 13:39:46
Topic: NEED UW Grand Arbiter EDH - A few Modern (1 replies, posted in Trading Post)
The ones I highlighted with links are the ones I'm really looking for. I'd like to get the top 10 cards for EDH, but that represents a substantial amount of trade value in popular decks. I'm not terribly optimistic about picking those up.
really want a couple jars bad, but I can't seem to make a trade work with them included... but I can't justify just trading for a few .25 commons... :\
trade list - http://deckbox.org/sets/74954?s=j&o=d
Modern - Top priority
EDH - in order of price
1 Cryptic Command
1 Snapcaster Mage
1 Leyline of Sanctity
1 Remand
1 Mystic Gate
1 Ancestral Vision
1 Path to Exile
1 Dust Bowl
1 Austere Command
1 Tectonic Edge
1 Hinder
1 Rhystic Study
1 Skycloud Expanse
1 Springjack Pasture
1 Frost Titan
1 Wall of Omens
1 Moonsilver Spear
1 Empyrial Plate
1 Condescend
1 Rewind
1 Dismantling Blow
1 Summoner's Bane
misc trade filler - in order of current priority
99 Island (zendikar)
99 Plains (Zendikar)
99 Forest (Zendikar)
99 Mountains (Zendikar)
99 Swamps (Zendikar)
No longer Need
1 Celestial Colonnade
1 Runechanter's Pike
1 Spell Crumple
1 Swords to Plowshares
1 Sun Titan
236 2014-03-12 12:43:42
Re: Standard Bant.. Control? (20 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
I've tested the Post Born of the Gods Reid Duke Prophet Bant, and all I can say is that I am in love. I may make some tweaks to it, but I am not sure at this point since half the deck is proxies!
I just want to point out that Reid Duke could probably pilot a ham sandwhich to a 50/50 record at a large tournament. And while I'm sure the deck is decent enough to win games, it hasn't put up any big numbers.
Just be aware you're piloting a brew, albeit a brew by a pro, but still a brew and I haven't seen him or anyone else play it to any success.
237 2014-03-12 12:38:11
Re: [Modern] Sac the token artifact deck (10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
I said, trade not buy, the guy has a pretty decent inventory depending on what he's willing to let go of. He has the cards to trade for the complete affinity list as seen at the pro tour and the recent GP.
And, budget can mean a lot of things... typically while individual players can have budget restrictions, formats have "budget" decks. Affinity is a budget deck for modern regardless of the price of individual cards compared to personal budgets. Soul sisters would be another example, but affinity is more a of a credible threat than soul sisters. Fish also comes to mind as affordable.
238 2014-03-11 19:56:37
Re: [Modern] Sac the token artifact deck (10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
The majority of Affinity cards are >$1 though so it adds up.
~$120 on the lands alone.
He has the Steel Overseers so most of what he needs is Ravager and etched champion but still.
this is true, but the lands are 10 bucks each for the most part, trading for multiple 10 dollar cards is easier than one $50 card... opals are pretty clutch in the list though, i don't think affinity would work without them.
239 2014-03-11 12:26:24
Re: [Modern] Sac the token artifact deck (10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
depending on what kind of modern decks are in your area, this could be too slow. That would be my only concern.
The actual affinity list isn't hard to put together. Out side of the opals, most cards are <=$10
240 2014-03-10 16:14:46
Re: Standard Bant.. Control? (20 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
If you want to play control in standard ATM then, its got to be the UW shell with verdicts, sphinx's,d-sphere, jace etc...
You're really just splashing green at that point for a kiora or two, plus some sideboard action with mistcutter hydras. Green doesn't add a whole lot to the archetype.
If you want to play control, UWx splash, red or black, is the way to go. In red you get counterflux and izzet charm, which are both good in the mirror and provide some added flexibility. Black, gives you access to hero's downfall and more hard removal if you're facing a lot of creature/planes walker decks, ala, GR aggro.
You could alternatively do a bant midrange, that used the sylesnya token generators, advent, sylesnya charm, conclave, voice, etc... splash some blue for things like prime speaker, and kiora
There's also some fringe hex-proof potential within these colors, but I think that's not really a strong deck in the format.
which do you think appeals to you more?
241 2014-03-10 14:56:07
Topic: French EDH - What do you know? (0 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
http://www.mtgsalvation.com/forums/the- o-beat-and
http://www.commandercast.com/pardon-my- 1v1-format
what do you know about French EDH? there's a group in my area that does it and I'm looking to get into EDH. I'm trading for Grand Aribitur EDH stuff, but I don't know much about EDH except the basics, let alone a 1 v 1, competitive version of the game.
242 2014-03-10 14:43:48
Re: mono black help (7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
I agree with TY, jamming in, cards to make it "unique" just takes away from the power of the deck. The deck has been run and tested by countless pros that put far more time in the game than any of us. I'd trust in their reasoning for the choices.
I will say one thing though. You can make meta dependent choices to strengthen the deck, this is where you're knowledge of what's being played in you're area comes in. If you see lots of UWx control then splashing green or white is probably okay for enchantment removal. If you see tons of aggro, then you may main deck bile blight. That's all on you though and nothing we say can help you really get a feel for you meta.
if you're worried about opposing gods, mono black usually doesn't have trouble with them too much, with the removal suite they run... gild can be an option after they're turned on...
243 2014-03-10 14:36:19
Re: [Standard] Junk Midrange (4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
I couldn't point to anything fundamentally wrong with you're build. It's all meta dependent, once you put in blood baron, voice and the right lands, the rest of the deck is just built around whatever you need it to beat.
Sounds like you made an okay call. You're PTQ experience went better than mine this weekend. I was on UWr control and got trolled round one by a maze's end deck... I stayed a couple more rounds, but after a second loss that was enough for me.
244 2014-03-10 14:32:03
Re: Standard Bant.. Control? (20 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
You talking about standard?
245 2014-03-07 20:26:49
Re: Bant cloning deck review please (5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
Why would you use Progenitor Mimic to copy a Legendary?
Doesn't make much sense to me, you'd never ever get a token... I like cloning them sometimes, but you have wait for you opponent to develop a massive board before you can copy a god.
246 2014-03-07 18:11:40
Re: [Standard] Junk Midrange (4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
Junk has consistently underperformed this block. I read a quote on reddit that said it was "much less effective than the sum of it's parts", and I don't think it's just the mana. 3 color not being terrible in those colors now with 2/3 scry lands plus shocks.
A couple things that jump out at me about these decks.
1) black in 3 color in this format is dangerous because you hurt yourself more than other 3 color decks . Thoughtseize is too good not to run + shocks = starting at 16 or less, even with life gain.
2) you lack the engine that mono black uses in underworld connections. You're running a very similar 1-1 removal package and attempting to grind-out incremental card advantage with no way to consistently restock.
I'm not saying it can't do well, I just haven't seen it yet. The cards are _good_ no doubt, but they just don't pull together like you would think they should.
247 2014-03-04 19:07:17
Re: Need feedback on this Orzhov build PLEASE!!! (9 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
glad it worked out...
how did brimaz work out for you? I feel like he's strong in this type of deck.
248 2014-02-27 17:12:50
Re: Dimir Mill deck. Looking for inputs. (7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
my .02... this is just about mill as a strategy and not about problems with your deck specifically... IE: 20 lands in this style of deck is asking for problems.
Mill is an alternate win condition that some decks can employ, but it's not "how" you win the game. You can't just mill your opponent to death and nothing else. It's a bit like a burn deck, but it's much less efficient. Here's some comparisons. If you assume their deck is their "life" total then best case you go first and they start at 52 life... So we'll compare cards in a dimir mill deck and a RW burn deck.
so 52 = 20 , cards in deck (CID) vs actual life (AL). here are some comparisons of mill cards vs direct damage cards because really that's what you're doing, you're attacking their life total directly.
Comparisons of like costed cards: mill vs burn
Shock, 1 CMC > 2 damage, 2/20 = 10% of their AL.
Tome Scour, 1 CMC> mill 5 , 5/52 = 9.6% of CID
Lightning Strike, 2 CMC > 3 damage, 3/20 = 15% of AL
Paranoid delusions, 2 CMC > mill 3, potential to cipher for more 3/52 = 5.8 % of their CID
Edit: i'd just like to say that the amount of creatures you need to run to make this effective are counter productive to the strategy and they're also very subject to removal. Mutavault is actually a decent target for a cipher effect, but all the ciphers cost to much and are garbage in general.
(boros burn doesn't play any 3 CMC bur spells, so i chose an efficient creature the use)
Chandra's Pheonix, 3 CMC > 2 damage, 2/20, 10% of AL
Pilfered plans, 3 CMC > mill 2, 3.8% of CID
Edit: you draw 2, sure, but the pheonix's ability is more relevant to the game plan they're employing. You're going to draw more mill that does nothing against their plan.
Storm Breath Dragon, 5 CMC > 4 damage, 4/20, 20% of AL
Jace, Memory Adpet, 5 CMC > 10 mill, 10/52, 19.2% of CID
if you look at it this way, even in my examples only a couple of the cards come close to providing the same "life total" reduction you get with straight burn. Here's the kicker though... all the spells I mentioned also, impact the board, you can't remove or block opposing threats with any of these mill cards except jace, but he just dies to opposing creatures.
So in order to "burn" your opponent to death with mill you have to include a bunch of cards that don't impact or interact with the board at all. Not to mention that, decks like UW control run elixir of immortality and just do a better ob of control than your deck does. Aggro decks won't care if you mill them they're going to beat you before get there and your counter spells come online too late to stop their big threats with no board wipes.
So how do you "win" as mill? You _have_ to control the board there's no other way to do it, and employ a powerful mill card to "finish" the game and be able to protect it. Esper is the only deck can do that right now, and you _must_ run the UW shell in order to appropriately control the game and then use ashiok/jace to finish the job with mill... also keep in mind that cards like psychic strike while moving your mill plan forward do nothing to help you find answers to the next threat like dissolve does... I can't tell you the number of times i dissolved a threat only to scry away a land and top deck another answer.
Mono black splash U "might" be able to do this strategy with ashiok/phenax, but you'd be sacrificing some of the 1-1 answers it uses to grind out the game for alternate win condition it doesn't need to employ to win.
TLDR: If you want to have fun games at the kitchen table with mill, by all means go ahead... but know that mill is a bad strategy, mill cards are bad for the value they provide and they don't do anything for your board.
friends don't let friends play mill... the more you know...
249 2014-02-26 21:23:21
Re: U/G Commander :) (5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
right... just making sure
it works unless it specifically says the name doesn't change like lazav
250 2014-02-26 21:03:28
Re: U/G Commander :) (5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
while that does work you can't just skip all your priority windows, your opponents have a chance to respond to all those triggers as well as the begining and end of combat priority windows.