Topic: Need feedback on this Orzhov build PLEASE!!!

Hello I was hoping I could get further suggestions for this Orzhov Build. I want it to be very fast and effective. I think i have a good build here but am eager to get others thoughts.

Thanks in advance.

Last edited by aplechaty (2014-02-24 14:45:01)

Re: Need feedback on this Orzhov build PLEASE!!!

looks better than the last one you posted I think, hero's downfall is still out of place, I get that it removes blockers, but when are you going to have the mana to cast it?  you should be dropping threats every turn.

God's willing or brave the elements is much better here, also, necrobite probably needs to go.

You also need the mutavaults... they are a verdict proof threat that, even if destroyed while xathrid necro is on the board still give you a 2/2 zombie.

this is a good resource to compare your build to other decks that perform well in the current meta.

Re: Need feedback on this Orzhov build PLEASE!!!

I just cant swing the cost of the Mutavaults right now. They are very nice but a bit expensive. I will also look at changing up the Necrobites and Boon or Erebos for other control cards.

Re: Need feedback on this Orzhov build PLEASE!!!

looking at your inventory you can certainly trade for the mutavaults.  They should remain pretty stable for the next several months and they go into lots of deck.  I think it's a sound investment if you want to play this deck or anything else in standard for the rest of the year.

Also, you have 2x brimaz but he's not in the deck? 

Looking at it again, high priest of penance should go for anything else, 2 more soldier's of the pantheon + the 2 brimaz seems good.

Re: Need feedback on this Orzhov build PLEASE!!!

I put the High priest in as it is a human and it has destroy when damaged. So I get a zombie and he kills something of theirs. I did not use Brimaz as he is a cat and creates cat tokens which do not get replaced with Zombies. I can easily replace the high priest if need be, I just thought his ability was a boon.

Re: Need feedback on this Orzhov build PLEASE!!!

I get that the priest synergies with the necro and that brimaz doesn't, but a 3/4 for 3 that puts other creatures in play is the kind of value you want in this deck.  Not every card has to synergy with every other card, sometimes being high value is enough to warrant inclusion.  Especially with a spear out, brimaz becomes a 4/5 that makes 2/2 cats?  that seem pretty good.

It's a mistake not to include a card of that power level in a WW deck.

On the priest, 2 mana for a 1/1 is inefficient even if he gets to remove something you're barely getting value off him.... 99% of players that are smart enough to realize will just let a 1/1 through even if he's buffed with spear he's only a 2/2,most decks can sustain that kind of damage while they kill you.  And if you're just blocking with him then you're not winning, this deck needs to be on the offensive.  It's just not good enough for this deck, and you won't find it in any of the decks in that link I posted. 

it needs to come out for a card with a higher value. Even dryad militant is better.

edit: I just can't stress enough how much brimaz belongs in this deck... it blows my mind that you thought it wasn't an auto include tongue

Last edited by elpablo (2014-02-24 15:33:23)

Re: Need feedback on this Orzhov build PLEASE!!!

OK in goes Brimaz and out comes the High Priest, I also bumped up the Soldier of the Pantheon to 4 instead of 2.

Re: Need feedback on this Orzhov build PLEASE!!!

The deck played very well for me at the tournament. First round was versus a Red aggro deck. I won the first match , lost the second and won the third. Second round was against a White deck, Lost the first round then won the second and third. 3rd and final round was against a mono black deck. I lost the first hand then won the second and third. I ended up taking first place with my Orzhov build thanks for all the comments and suggestions.

Re: Need feedback on this Orzhov build PLEASE!!!

glad it worked out... smile

how did brimaz work out for you?  I feel like he's strong in this type of deck.

Last edited by elpablo (2014-03-04 19:07:52)

Re: Need feedback on this Orzhov build PLEASE!!!

Brimaz only came out once or twice but he was very useful for making blockers. He was a good addition.