(54 replies, posted in Evenimente)

Fac un event pt joi, sapt urm?


(63 replies, posted in Evenimente)

la mures vin si eu


(242 replies, posted in Noutăți)

TudorGrigoroaia wrote:
benczi wrote:

PS: Melek, Izzet Paragon - If the top card of your library is a land, you can play it if you could play a land.

wut?wut? wut?

e o greseala..garruk's horde parca are fix aceeasi chestie+


(242 replies, posted in Noutăți)

m0nstersnatch wrote:
Silviu wrote:

Good point there. Dar nu stiu cati finisheri iti castiga masa din prima :-? Unless it's Wurmcoil Engine of smth...

..ah nu era vb de castigat din prima, doar ma gandeam care sunt punctele lui forte si ce trebuie sa iei in considerade inainte sa construiesti deckul. De ex trebuie sa ajungi la 7 mana inainte sa ai doar 2-3 viata wink

Ye...dar nah...ai avea metode Sphinx's Revelationsmile)


(242 replies, posted in Noutăți)

m0nstersnatch wrote:
Silviu wrote:
m0nstersnatch wrote:

..sweet. Aetherling este exact ce avea nevoie Ux-Control ! Un pic mai lame decat Morphling original, dar na, bine si asa rau tongue

Un pic, dar are stats mai mari, rezistenta la removal si inevitability. Dupa rotatie are putea fi finisher of choice la control...

Morphling ignora spot removal, Aetherling ignora mass-removal.
Morphling putea fi blocat, Aetherling nu.
Morphling costa 3UU+U, Aetherling costa 4UU+U (plec de la ideea ca in 90% din cazuri va fi jucat cu un mana de back-up)

Interesant ce au facut cu exilarea lui, astfel oponentul joaca removal pe Aetherling, tu il exilezi si nu mai ai blocker pentru ultimii x damage sad

Good point there. Dar nu stiu cati finisheri iti castiga masa din prima :-? Unless it's Wurmcoil Engine of smth...


(242 replies, posted in Noutăți)

m0nstersnatch wrote:
Silviu wrote:

These look nice. Morphlingul ala <3..dayumn

..sweet. Aetherling este exact ce avea nevoie Ux-Control ! Un pic mai lame decat Morphling original, dar na, bine si asa rau tongue

Un pic, dar are stats mai mari, rezistenta la removal si inevitability. Dupa rotatie are putea fi finisher of choice la control...


(242 replies, posted in Noutăți)

These look nice. Morphlingul ala <3..dayumn


(26 replies, posted in Evenimente)

eu probabil ca o sa ajung mai tz. o sa va sun. banuiesc ca ramane casual nu?


(17 replies, posted in Noutăți)

toranaga wrote:
Silviu wrote:

Can't blame them...cum ar fi sa colectionezi a fuckton de carti si sa le reprinteze? Automat le pica pretul si simti ca te'ai chinuit degeaba.

Cartile nu le colectionezi dupa preturi.. smile. Iar pretul unui tarmo din editia x nu isi va schimba pretul pentru colectionari smile

Nu dupa pret. Dar, ipotetic, maine reprinteaza Moxurile; cum s'ar simti aceia care au facut o investitie in alea si joaca Vintage sau, pur si simplu, au facut rost de ele pentru colectie?


(17 replies, posted in Noutăți)

Can't blame them...cum ar fi sa colectionezi a fuckton de carti si sa le reprinteze? Automat le pica pretul si simti ca te'ai chinuit degeaba.


(63 replies, posted in Evenimente)

Imi place Esperul care a castigat..are niste chestii pe care nu am apucat sa le testez..dar 3 Jace? Dayumn...


(63 replies, posted in Evenimente)

Well this is interesting...


(242 replies, posted in Noutăți)

TehAuthor wrote:
fistyke wrote:


Jeeesus that selesnya mythic!!!

Jesus that azorius mythic

Ok so what would you name? In afara de trolling la Sphinx's Rev, ofc...


(242 replies, posted in Noutăți)

May I budge in and say it's kinda shit? Stats foarte proaste sau costul ridicat, iar abilitatea ma cam lasa rece( e extrem de slow)...
Nu'mi dau seama ce mizerie au Wizards cu Dimirul...


(26 replies, posted in Evenimente)



(242 replies, posted in Noutăți)

vikirosen wrote:

Trostani's Summoner 5GW
Creature - Elf Shaman 1/1
When Trostani's Summoner enters the battlefield, put a 2/2 white Knight creature token with vigilance, a 3/3 green Centaur creature token, and a 4/4 green Rhino creature token with trample onto the battlefield.

Se pare ca deck-urile de control primesc o gramada de love in setul asta.

Wait...what? :-/
Ce flavour are cartea asta smile) E epica!


(242 replies, posted in Noutăți)

lvalics wrote:

Bon, si cu un reanimator?? Eu zic ca merge. Da e vulnerabil la removal, dar na ...

I dunno...Angel of Serenity loops are ze sheet


(63 replies, posted in Evenimente)

Zgarbas wrote:

Pana la urma cine merge pe 20 la buc?

Foarte probabil ca eu cu Tudor sa mergem daca nu se iveste ceva.


(242 replies, posted in Noutăți)

fistyke wrote:

701.6. Destroy
701.6a To destroy a permanent, move it from the battlefield to its owner’s graveyard.
701.6b The only ways a permanent can be destroyed are as a result of an effect that uses the word
“destroy” or as a result of the state-based actions that check for lethal damage (see rule 704.5g)
or damage from a source with deathtouch (see rule 704.5h).
If a permanent is put into its
owner’s graveyard for any other reason, it hasn’t been “destroyed.”
701.6c A regeneration effect replaces a destruction event. See rule 701.12, “Regenerate.”

That pretty much explains it. Thanks smile


(242 replies, posted in Noutăți)

benczi wrote:
fistyke wrote:
Silviu wrote:

Cred ca e doar anti-Murder, AKA effecte ce zic "destroy".

Si anti-bonfire, anti-supreme, anti-mizzium. Asta trebuie exilat sau termin(us)at smile

Nu ar muri de la combat damage normal?

Eu asta cred. Assigned damage l-ar omori, altfel ar fi scris pe carte "would die"(desi asa s-ar lua implicit in calcul efecte de -X/-X).


(242 replies, posted in Noutăți)

Cred ca e doar anti-Murder, AKA effecte ce zic "destroy".


(242 replies, posted in Noutăți)

TudorGrigoroaia wrote:

da...e cam op acel +1. Au pus draw a card la abilitatea de + pe un pw de 5 mana (jace,  memory adept).
Personal m-am gandit la urmatoarea configuratie.

Cost 2UR
loyalty start: 3
+1:draw a card, then discard a card.(sau draw 2 cards, discard 2 cards)
-3: deals 3 damage to target creature or player. look at the top 3 cards and put one in your hand, the rest on the bottom (mini prophetic bolt)
-6: emblem - whenever you would draw a card, draw 2 instead and deal 2 damage to target creaturw or player.

Cum suna?

Honestly mi s'ar parea balanced la 1UR. Cu -7 pentru emblema.
Cycling nu are cine stie ce impact. E doar card quality. Si 1UR pentru mini prophetic bolt( mythic) nu e tocmai OP. In plus, se echilibreaza cu +1-ul incat nu faci abuz. Iar emblema..well...cred ca -7 pentru emblem e destul de ok.


(242 replies, posted in Noutăți)

Meh...e okayish... te asteptai la ceva anume?


(54 replies, posted in Evenimente)

benczi wrote:

hai sa vedem.

Joi 28.03.2013-18:30 - my place.

Sergiu sau Rares sau cineva, nu faceti si 1 eveniment pe site?

Ma ocup eu
EDIT: Creat


(1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)

oscarv221 wrote:
benczi wrote:

Am nevoie de Thundermaw Hellkiteul meu pana joi.

O sa til aduc joi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Adu'mi si mie Blood Cryptul, te rog.