Offer sent


2x Piracy Charm
4x Gifts Ungiven
3x Makeshift Mannequin
3x Oona's Prowler
1x Glimpse the Unspeakable
4x Darkslick Shores
3x Marsh Flats
3x Scalding tarns

Foil Blood Crypt
Foil Temple Garden
Foil Overgrown
Jace AoT
Rakdos Return
and more

tamiyo for the foil catacomb? I'll throw in an emblem too! let me know if we can work something out

Interested in the foil Tomb. hit me up

Trying to finish up a modern deck. blue and black Zen fetches. got a good box of RTR. have a lot of the commons/uncommons as well.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

interested in a marsh flats. have a deathrite shaman.

have a foil Blood crypt. Looking for a few blue fetches. perhaps 2 fetches for the one?


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

what do you put 150% value at?

Interested in the Foil temple. of note not on my list at this point- olivia, dreadbore and a lot of the other 5-10 dollar rtr stuff. just got back from scg open so havent updated my list yet. let me konw.

Also interested in a Lol troll.

Foil Radkos sounds fun. Take a look.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Making a casual pod deck. Need these things. Large creatures=fatties


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Interested in an Izzet box. Have a look at my list


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Most of my stuff for trade for it


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

picture of the altered sword/value on it?

This afternoon.

EDIT: I've got 2 normal and 2 promo. star city has promo at $5

I am fine with any of the arts for the islands. Looking for about 8 islands. I need about 12 mountains. What i value them at depends on what you are looking to get for them. would rather not trade expensive staples.

I've got a playset of paladins. At college. Will make the trade when I get home


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'd trade at 4. take a look for anything you'd be interested in?


Interested in your emrakuls. let me know what youre thinking on them

Interested in temporal and entreat. take a look and let me know? about what do you value them at?

Also your sulfur falls.

interested in the sword of fire and ice. take a look and let me know

I know i have an elspeth, honors, and virtues. maybe on parallel lives. I'll check when i get back. interested in griselbrand.


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Are you willing to piece any of it out? I need a few cards and would rather buy from someone in the community. I just dont have the cash to drop on the full collection.