Topic: W: Sliver Queen and Sliver Legion (and list)

H: Things on my trade list.

Im looking for anything on my wishlist and more once RtR hits. I have a promo Lingering Souls and Dismember as well as 3 altered Tamiyos and an altered Entreat, altered Temporal Mastery and 2 altered terminus's (termini?). I value each at 5 above trade value on this site (so tcgplayer). ----entreat, mastery, termini ---Tamiyos

Mainly looking for Queen and Legion because my best friend just got dumped yesterday by his GF of 3 years. I bought him the premium Slivers deck for his birthday and I want to give him these so he can complete his slivers. Just something to put a smile on his face. smile

Thanks in Advance everyone!

Last edited by shade36 (2012-09-22 20:39:42)

Re: W: Sliver Queen and Sliver Legion (and list)

Interested in temporal and entreat. take a look and let me know? about what do you value them at?

Also your sulfur falls.

Last edited by Velocizachtor (2012-09-22 18:28:59)

Re: W: Sliver Queen and Sliver Legion (and list)

entreat and temporal my be in a trade right now, ill let you know if that changes

Re: W: Sliver Queen and Sliver Legion (and list)

Entreat and mastery are gone. Still have everything else