shadowsmiles42 wrote:

I'm not sure what your shop is doing but FTV:20 is around $160 and Modern Masters is around $250...

Ebay, sure. FTV is 180 MM is 200 here. FTV is also cheaper because it just released, it will climb slowly in weeks to come.

I would be willing to add more trade for the MM, but not more than 25 cash. Otherwise I could just sell it locally and for less and not have to pay shipping fees.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



ABottleGnome wrote:

How much cash are you willing to add for a booster box?

Cash? Probably about 25 bucks. I would do more in trade. 25 is about the difference a lgs near me is selling modern masters vs FTV for.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I am valuing it at tcg low plus the price of the altered commander it comes with. Also comes fully sleeved. So 105 total for sale or trade. Hit me up with any reasonable offer, I have a pretty varied wishlist and am happy to look through lists as well.

Also, if you want a good chunk of the cards I would be willing to trade those, but I don't want to part it out for singles just yet.

See topic. Willing to add to make up the difference.

Blaze2100 wrote:

a friend sent me the following wishlist

1 Akroma's Memorial
1 Aluren
1 Ambush Commander
1 Aphetto Alchemist
1 Archmage Ascension
3 Artful Dodge
1 Asceticism
1 Breeding Pool
1 Burgeoning
1 Champion of Lambholt
1 Command Tower
1 Cytoplast Manipulator

1 Defense of the Heart
1 Demonic Tutor
1 Eladamri, Lord of Leaves
1 Elvish Champion
1 Everflowing Chalice
3 Fog Bank
1 Fungal Behemoth
1 Gauntlet of Power
1 General's Kabuto
4 Glacial Fortress
1 Gravity Well
1 Heedless One
1 Hero's Demise
1 Hidden Strings
1 Hinterland Harbor
1 Increasing Savagery
1 Instill Energy
1 Intervene
1 Iona, Shield of Emeria
1 Kalonian Hydra
1 Khalni Hydra
1 Lighthouse Chronologist
1 Lightning Greaves

1 Lux Cannon
1 Lys Alana Huntmaster
1 Maze of Ith
1 Minamo, School at Water's Edge
1 Mycoloth
1 Norwood Priestess
1 Omnath, Locus of Mana
1 Patron of the Orochi
1 Plaxcaster Frogling
1 Primalcrux
1 Primitive Etchings
1 Primordial Hydra
1 Ravaging Riftwurm
1 Regal Force
1 Regrowth
1 Renegade Krasis
1 Robe of Mirrors
1 Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary
1 Seedborn Muse
1 Seeker of Skybreak
3 Serum Visions
3 Sigiled Paladin
4 Smite
1 Soul's Might
4 Sublime Archangel
1 Talara's Battalion
1 Thousand-Year Elixir
1 Vigor
3 Wall of Denial
1 Whirlwind
1 Wirewood Channeler
1 Wrap in Vigor
1 Yavimaya Hollow

send me a trade if you have any of these!

I have a good chunk of these, but is there any chance you could add them to deckbox?


(28 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

morph66 wrote:
Nevpicasso wrote:

First of all, MSRP for a booster box is ~$146 so $110 is technically less than MSRP.

To answer your questions, though:

No, they don't steal the MTG Products.  Retailers buy Magic product from distributors who sell them in bulk.

For example, your local magic store commits to buying X amount of a given product (let's just say 40 boxes of M14).  The distributor will then charge the retailer ~$73 per box.  It's up to the retailer how much they charge but your LGS likely has to charge more than an online retailer because they have to cover rent on their establishment (among other things).  Most magic players will encourage you to support your LGS instead of buying online unless the price gap is outrageous because most of the time, your LGS isn't trying to swindle you, they're just trying to get by.

thanks bud,  and my magic store is clearly trying to swindle selling this ftv twenty for 280$

Huge swindle! You can get them on ebay for a smidge under 200. My local store was nice and sold them at retail to the regulars.


(28 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

morph66 wrote:

Well as much as people want to say the market is getting flooded with these, I called my local card store today to find out what they were charging for FTV twenty and he said 279.99. I was pretty shocked

Yeah, 50k isn't a ton for a collectors item. Lots of collectors buy these just to keep them sealed, and speculators do the same. I wouldn't be surprised if up to half of these aren't even open on sale.


(28 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

UnstableFlux wrote:

I mean, typically these FTV reprints end up around the same price as their non-foil counter-parts. You can currently get a NM WW JTMS for $120 on TCG, and I was actually able to get one for $100 on Monday. Granted, the recent price dip in WW JTMS was mostly due to the FTV reprint, but I believe in the long run WW will settle around $130 TCG low price and FTV around $135.

Oh for sure, but I wouldn't count out all the other cards in the set. While there is a flood now, stuff like foiled dark ritual, thran dynamo, and awesome art lotus will only grow. There is an easy 50 dollars in the rest of the set in the near future, even counting out the crap that wizards put in there to offset jace being included.


(28 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

UnstableFlux wrote:

Right now it is still only around $180 on ebay because the market hasn't been flooded with JTMS yet. Once he drops to his estimated $125-$130 selling price the FTV Box price will drop as well

Maybe. If it does drop that low expect it to be short lived. Big cards tend to have pretty firm price basements. Its also important to note a good chunk of these things won't be opened. I hope you are right though, I would pick up quite a few at 150.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking to pick up some gilded lotuses from ftv, value them around 8ish. Hit me up if you have some to trade.


(28 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

UnstableFlux wrote:

I'm sitting tight and waiting for it to drop to around $150 on ebay before I pick one up, but I'll keep you in mind once I get one

150 may be a bit ambitious...If I see them at that price I may have to grab a few more.

Mattssacre wrote:
nullkarmaexception wrote:

Can we please agree to make these links to the "Sorted by Price" lists.  They are just a different URL.  It saves clicks, and makes things a million times easier.

Any thoughts?


I'm happy when people have them at all.  70% of the people here don't.  They should be added automatically in my opinion.

Yeah, wish there was an automatic option. Still waiting on being able to sort the potential trade partners though, haven't been any feature updates in a while.


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

shadowsmiles42 wrote:


I will most likely have 3 FTV 20s. I may be interested.


(23 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

asmodeanreborn wrote:
tjdrake719 wrote:
Mattssacre wrote:

Greeting cards cost the extra 20¢.  The post office even makes seasonal greeting card stamps (with lots of silly designs for different occasions)

Just go pick up some 20¢ stamps from the PO.  Can you really not afford that?  Why is it pricing that difficult to understand?  It is what it is.  Quit being cheap.

I went down to my local PO today with an envelope filled with a toploader with 3 cards. I asked if it was machinable. The lady working said yes, it wasn't too thick. All it needed was a regular stamp; this was coming directly from the post office employee. Why would you add extra postage to something. Not wasting money isn't the same thing as being cheap. I wouldn't go to the store and pay an extra 40% for my total bill, why would I do it with stamps?

No employee has ever told me that an envelope with a top loader in it is machinable - they always point out that it's too rigid and use their "Nonmachinable" stamp. I ended up buying 66 cent stamps because they suggested that it would be easier with how often I came in. 

I've had to add 20 cents a total of 8 times in the last year or so, no big deal, but I pointed it out because it was starting to happen a little bit too often. I've only mentioned it to the trader the last couple of times I think (it's possible I said something one of the first times too), but probably should've said something every single time.

Huh, odd. Well, it doesn't come up for me often really. 6 cards is a 66 cent stamp (just under 1 ounce), more than 6 I send first class. Strange that there is a difference between offices.


(23 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Mattssacre wrote:
brightmatrix wrote:

Something I thought of this weekend regarding the machinable issue: there are a lot of greeting cards that don't require extra postage that are about as stiff (if not more so) than a toploader with three MTG cards. Perhaps that's why some of us in this forum haven't reported any issues?

Greeting cards cost the extra 20¢.  The post office even makes seasonal greeting card stamps (with lots of silly designs for different occasions)

Just go pick up some 20¢ stamps from the PO.  Can you really not afford that?  Why is it pricing that difficult to understand?  It is what it is.  Quit being cheap.

I went down to my local PO today with an envelope filled with a toploader with 3 cards. I asked if it was machinable. The lady working said yes, it wasn't too thick. All it needed was a regular stamp; this was coming directly from the post office employee. Why would you add extra postage to something. Not wasting money isn't the same thing as being cheap. I wouldn't go to the store and pay an extra 40% for my total bill, why would I do it with stamps?


(23 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

asmodeanreborn wrote:

So I just wanted to point something out to people when they make smaller stamp trades - one normal 46 (or whatever) stamp is NOT enough postage when you have a top loader in your envelope. Most of the time, the postal carrier won't say anything, but that's far from always. I got my 8th "Postage Due" envelope in the last year today, and as somebody who never has cash, getting the 20 cents necessary can be a pain in the rear.

Luckily, at least my mail lady's nice enough to let me have the letter without having the cash right away. So, get some 66 (or 86 for over 1oz) cent stamps, people. It's not a huge deal, but it's getting a bit old to have to pay to get my cards tongue

I weigh mine at the post office and a regular stamp is fine for one toploader and 3 cards. For 2 top loaders it requires a 66. For more I use a bubble mailer.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

shadowsmiles42 wrote:

I'm kind of interested, I've got a few potnetial generals in my collection if you're looking to put together a different deck.

Start up a convo. I am working on a few others right now actually smile


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Complete EDH deck except for the sol ring. Also includes an extended borders altered Jor, and comes sleeved in orange ultra pros.

Pretty decent deck, needs a little tweaking, but its getting there. Just not my type of deck.

Will take any reasonable offer in the form of my wishlist, staples, or cash. Not looking to part it out at the moment.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

see my profile


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


koomi wrote:

sent you a trade~

And done. Still have 3 more, still need 3 more of both shocks (or wishlist stuff).