Do you have access to the CS:GO marketplace?

Edit: If so I'm looking to get this AWP skin smile


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

You have Steam Vents twice tongue

I've got JTMS, see anything else to make up the difference for an Underground Sea?


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

One of the more interesting trends I've noticed in my trading is just how much EDH affects cards value and liquidity. If a card is only a modern / legacy staple, but not really used in EDH people are generally more inclined to trade it for same value cards. Example: Remand. Not that great in EDH, but a modern staple. As long as you've got other similar valued staples like Deathrite, etc you can usually find someone trading Remands. Now let's look at the alternative: Kozilek. Kozilek is a a modern and EDH staple, and sees some play in legacy but is usually looked over for Ulamog and Emrakul. People are much less willing to part with Kozilek because he is both valuable and highly liquid, so they will only trade him for a similar value card they really need, or put him in a trade up. Personally when I was looking for a Kozilek a little while ago it took me almost 2 weeks of hunting to get one, even when I was offering a fetch (either Catacomb/Mesa/Flats). When a card is an EDH staple ontop of another format staple I've noticed people are far less willing to part with it for equal valued cards or highly sought-after cards. No real data to back up this claim, just something I've noticed in my 320+ trades here.

Edit: I can grammar


(13 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

sebi wrote:

Thank you for reporting. Apparently there were a couple new adwords accounts that are advertising for those. We've blocked them too now, they should be gone.

Sadly these are spammer accounts and will likely keep recurring. As someone who works in this industry there is no real way to ever get them to stop. Some best practices are to make sure you have the Family Safe option or whatever it is called on so you don't get ads shown that have been tagged as non-family. If you can, keep reporting these accounts to google as well. Make a list of each account you block and report, and once you've got a sizable list email google and tell them. They should be able to block the IP address the accounts are associated with. Pretty much any ad without a company logo or name on them should be a red flag for spam.



Interested in foil Mana Reflection if you see anything smile

Oh hello fellow Tool lover smile


Edited, fetches are gone! Back to trading for foils!

Bump! Sold the Tarns and Mistys

Bumpin'! Last call on the fetches before I toss 'em up on ebay!


(3 replies, posted in Foil Traders)

Anyone able to find a picture of a foil Foil? The googles... They give me nothing!


(3 replies, posted in Foil Traders)

I went with the Promo Mana Crypt smile



(30 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)

UnstableFlux wrote:

Bump, selling fetches!



(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Interested in your textless promo Wrath of God, let me know if you see anything for it smile


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

ColtonisWright wrote:

Hey bud!

I looked over your decklist and really liked it. There were some things that I thought would be killer in the deck. I have no idea if you proxy cards you own to multiple decks, but these cards should be mostly auto-include.

Cyclonic Rift
Mox Diamond
Vampiric Tutor
Force of Will
Mana Drain
Felidar Soverign
Beacon of Immortality
Baleful Strix
Honden of Cleansing Fire
Swords to Plowshares
Path to Exile
Windbrisk Raptor

There was a lot more life-gain cards, but I thought that these would be really good in your deck.

Wow so sorry, no clue how I missed this. Thanks for the suggestions! However you are right, I don't proxy my cards or use them across multiple decks tongue The removal spells you suggest are good, but don't work with the theme of the deck. I want stuff to go into the graveyard, so exiling or returning to a player's hand doesn't really work. I do like Windbrisk Raptor and Exsanguinate, though. I'll look for a way to get one or both of them in the deck!


(10 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Dummy me forgot about Unburial Rites so I need to add that in...What to cut?! yikes

shifty4690 wrote:

Sorry Flux, have to back out.

No worries smile Pitch: I'll open a trade. Everyone else: Tarns and Mistys still for sale smile

Pitch35 wrote:

Might be interested in the mesas, if they're still available.

Someone might have beat you to the punch, I'll get back to you smile

Your title says 1 for $27, might want to fix it wink