(10 replies, posted in GameFlux)

sunday evening, iulius/polus, ~18/20h. unfortunately 3D.

anybody else wanna come watch owl puns? big_smile so far it's me and gabi.


(16 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Cum a fost insa la Release, cu lectiile invatate din Pre? A jucat careva Infect?

me, me! tongue

eu tot ce pot sa spun e ca evasion + Untamed might doare. cat despre cata lume a jucat infect, la masa unde am draftat cred ca toti am pornit cu ideea de infect. si in ansamblu au iesit jumate jucatori de infect si jumate de non-infect, ceea ce mi se pare destul de mult. pe standard nu stiu cum o sa tina, dar realitatea e ca trebuie sa dai doar jumatate din damage-ul normal si nu exista nimic contra infect in momentul de fata.


(41 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Daca ar fi citit cineva P.G. Wodehouse (and I know neither of you two does tongue) as fi raspuns cu "What ho!" big_smile asa pun doar citatul daca tot mi-ati stricat gluma:

"What ho!" I said.

"What ho!" said Motty.

"What ho! What ho!"

"What ho! What ho! What ho!"

After that it seemed rather difficult to go on with the conversation."

besides, "hey ho" is an old British phrase so shame on you, Marius, for being brainwashed by the Americans tongue

anyway, thank you very much smile


(41 replies, posted in GameFlux)

mersi, mersi! big_smile ^^


(41 replies, posted in GameFlux)

acu' suntem 13. damn you quitters ce ne-ati lasat in numar impar tongue


(41 replies, posted in GameFlux)

neah, still wrong. data se pune in dreapta si trebuie si locatia.


(17 replies, posted in GameFlux)

just my 2 cents... afise cu artwork ar functiona foarte bine pentru ca ar atrage atentia, dar e mai dificil de realizat in sensul ca trebuie bagati bani in chestia asta. blogosphere take over e o metoda foarte buna, har domnului toata lumea are blog in ziua de azi si cineva care se pricepe ar putea face un afis in photoshop, ceva. also, you should target specific people, fantasy/sci fi communities, birds of a feather flock together tongue un exemplu ar fi fanii anime, sunt destule forumuri anime cu topicuri destul de lungi pentru intalnirile din CJ. last but not least, put a damn poster at IT companies, has anybody noticed the percentage of programmers in this community? tongue


(51 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Ba, sunt mai multi Sculptori, 3 la Gabi si 1 la Mihai.


(56 replies, posted in GameFlux)

The man wants you to rrreally play your character and never be OOC (out of character). You're not supposed to be aware that you're playing an rpg and have stats and skills and so on.

Eu as fi fost interesata teoretic, dar nu am timp sa ma mai preumblu in stanga-dreapta pentru asa ceva. Poate daca ar fi fost ceva pe forum, ar mai fi mers... In plus, cred ca freestyle-ul asta s-ar putea sa fie prea mult de inghitit pentru incepatori, e mai degraba pentru cine are experienta zic eu. G'luck anyway. big_smile


(29 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Orice parere ati avea, eu cred ca regizorul si restul echipei merita toata admiratia. Sa reusesti sa transformi o poveste epica intr-un film cu totul banal necesita oarece efort. De asemenea, 3D-uri care se vad aproape la fel de bine fara ochelari rar intalnesti.

Because Nissa and Garruk would make a great couple? tongue "Ears of the Elves" sounds really bad-ass though. reeeally bad-ass.