(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Both night dealing and Vess work great! And the behemoth will make my army quite lethal so I'll add that to my wish list too! Thanks for the great suggestions so far!


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Yeah I was actually lucky enough to pick one up. I forgot about that as a win con because it is just a one drop but you are right! Swinging with a bajillion hasty elves will be my main plan smile This deck is going to be SO FUN.


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm trying to collect some cards for my newest EDH deck codename: elvish distraction primal deck flop ^_^

It is a green black deck that ramps out mana in the form of elves, and plays a few tutors for primal surge so that you can puke your library onto the field. So to do this right I can ONLY have permanents in the deck, which greatly limits me on tutors. I'm gonna play defense of the heart and fauna shaman to fetch a rune scarred demon. I need a planar portal too and a marlen of mornsong. If there other permanent tutors that would work to fetch either a creature or a sorcery I need those too! Other than that it is a tribal elf deck so I need elves! I have a decent chunk so I will post what have already in a deck list.

But yeah if anyone has any cards to suggest or trade let me know!

I also might need a win con, though an army of elves should do the trick in most cases. I thought about sanguine bond + exquisite blood but they are kinda feeble on their own. But I do own both so they might make the cut. Other suggestions are welcome.

After fnm I will "amass the component" that I have for you and send a trade offer


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm doing the same thing with rancor wink but I do REALLY need some summits so I sent you an offer.

I have one more ooze to go, if you are looking to unload one look through my list and hit me up smile

Oh I forgot! My friend is playing mono green and I will have no friend of mine playing mono green without rancor at rotation! So if you have those I am adding them to my wishlist.

The topic pretty much says it all. The highest priority is actually the lands because I want to play vamps right at rotation. You can see my wish list as well though not all of the is high priority.

4x dragonskull summit
2x vampire nocturnus
2x rancor

2x scrubland
1x scavenging ooze
4x thought seize
4x cabal therapy
3x humility

I will not trade my meager legacy stuff towards standard, but I am willing to entertain all other offers. smile

I sent you an offer, I also have a couple lands that you need, but I can only trade them for legacy stuff.

Yeah I can trade a couple snaps, make me an offer smile


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

You should trade it DOWN to me and I'll give you extra value smile I need 2 more scrubs to finish my deck tongue


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

And I still need your scrub, I'm willing to give you $10 extra trade value for breaking it up smile let me know

Daft! The slot has indeed been filled by the wily runeclaw bear! This is what I get for using outdated information and waiting too long to make posts. None-the-less I am positive that scavenging ooze is due for a reprint and equally positive that I need them sooner rather than later. So I am still accepting offers but know that we will NOT be seeing scavenging ooze reprinted in m13.

Hey all I have noticed that there is NOT a green slot open in the m13 numbers crunch for scavenging ooze. He could easily fall between raging Primadox and Sentinel spider. Despite my observation, I am willing to take the gamble and am currently trading FOR scavenging ooze. I need two more. If anyone wants to take me up on this gamble and get out of oozes, let me know.

The only "price" I am charging for taking this risk is the fact that I only have smaller stuff $10-20 cards to offer. But that is a small price to pay since if he gets reprinted his price will be cut in half instantly. Shoot me some offers.

Edit: I made a blunder with outdated info, runeclaw bear fills this slot


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Updated the listing to include photos, I might be able to ship outside of U.S. but I assume that it will cost more. I will look into it though.

Now shipping worldwide wink


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Only chumps who have to live without internet. I had to go to a friends house just to make the listing, and then I will have to go home and take pictures with my phone. Life is rough when you live in the boonies.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Am I allowed to post a topic on here about a listing on ebay? I didn't see anything about it the rules so I hope so. Otherwise I apoligize if I broke any rules.

Anyway I am selling the above on ebay here: Listing

They are MP so if you are looking for a set for a deck you can probably get them for relatively cheap smile I'll upload a picture of them soon.

I just took apart my naya humans, so I may have some stuff left over that didn't go into decks. I'll shoot you a trade offer later.


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I had a hundred bucks around the avacyn release and I chose to just preorder 4 cavern of souls and keep twenty bucks for the prerelease(s). It was really the best choice since this way I'm not having to run everywhere trying to get cavern off everyone and if I ever pick them up I can trade them off easy. I would suggest just straight buying what you need rather than gambling for what you need.

Also you may be smart to save that cash for return to ravnica since there are likely to be shock lands to get the value out of your packs.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Me too smile


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Offer sent.

Looking for scrublands x4 (willing to offer extra value to trade up)


4x dark confidant
2x godless shrine
Maelstrom pulse
2x knight of the reliquary
2x (foil) Thalia, guardian of threaten
Scalding tarn
5x phyrexian arena


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I currently have one mint wasteland to trade towards a scrubland. I also recently bought 4 dark confidant and a bayou that I will trade for scrublands once they come in if anyone is interested. Otherwise I will have to sell them again.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I am most interested delvers, Thalia, platinum angel, Champion of parish, Surgical, Gerrards verdict, and Pridemage. Let me know what you are interested in. The only thing I am really after for me personally is the Thalia.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Would you give a deal for the lot? You have a lot of good foils that I wouldn't mind getting ahold of. Look through my list and let me know if you find some stuff you need/want.