Offer sent

I have these, but you don't have that much I need on your tradelist

Chandra, the Firebrand
Liliana Vess  Lorwyn
Sarkhan the Mad
Tezzeret the Seeker - Duel Deck

Noxious Revival
Conjurer's Closet
Dark Impostor
Lone Revenant


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

You're right about the archangel idea for sure especially since i'm slowly designing an exalted deck but I usually start with cheaper cards and work my way up [Hence the cathedral of war smile] At my release I faced a few exalted decks but only one beat me and I never faced an archangel, but a Cathedral of War I pulled was really effective by its self.

I agree about the dark favor but I'm torn about what to cut, the bladed pinions look amazing on paper, kill anything in the air or on the ground and at no cost to me if they don't have first/double strike and if they do I lose a 1-2 drop? I'm thinking I should drop Titanic Growth for the favors tho, I doubt that extra 1 damage will count much


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

imsully2 wrote:

Here's my design for the Pauper deck I mentioned, (Rancor is uncommon in M13 but since it has been printed as a common in the past it's legal)

The main idea is to pump the unblockables with enchantments, bond beetles, and titanic growths while protectinng myself with the deathtouchers possibly comboed with prey upon and of course Murder, one of my new favorite cards in magic of all time smile Thoughts? Right now it's M13 but I'm more than happy to go into Innistrad block as well, Ambush Viper maybe?

I'm happy to discuss M13 sweet pulls and prerelease decks, but any thoughts on this one? I think it's decent for a Pauper deck but I'd love other thoughts

TheTorq wrote:

Thanks for your suggestions though. Perhaps I'l make a [W][G] with Sun titan and Dauntless Escort.

Make sure to include Rancor if you do, it's very nice with double strike

TyWooOneTime wrote:

I don't get why I'm catching flak here.  I said to drop TWO of them, not all four.

Sorry, I didn't mean to come off like that, the only reason I'm pretty adamant about keeping 4 is because it's really only good if you can get it in your first hand and with 2 that's fairly unlikely in my opinion, again I am sorry if I came off as attacking your idea, obviously i'm no expert and you could very well be correct, only playtesting will tell

tails616 wrote:
TyWooOneTime wrote:

My only thought would be to see if you can maybe drop 2x Student of Warfare for 2 of something else.  In my, admittedly limited experience, the creatures that need to be leveled up are rarely worth the trouble.

Unless the cost to level up is 1 mana, I totally agree. One mana levelers can make use of that useless mana you have sitting around tongue

Student of Warfare is a 1 mana leveler...

Levelers use mana  you can't use on anything else, then they draw out the removal that you don't want used on your really good cards, yes it sucks to have spent 8 mana on one creature only to have it Deathmarked, but I'd rather have it happen to him then my Knight Exemplar which can practically win the game by its self

I disagree about leveling, common levelers are worse than normal commons usually, but this one is quite good for it's efficiency, at the very least a 3/3 first striker is well worth {W}{W}, and if you have free mana later it could get ridiculous

Path to exiles should be Swords to Plowshares if you have the ability to get them.

I'd drop a Path/Plowshares for one O ring and maybe a Honor the pure for the other, I'm not 100% about that, honor the pure is pretty sweet

Also no titan, if anything you should have a few Wrath of God / Day of Judgement / Phyrexian Rebirth / Planar Cleansing with your Knight Exemplar one sided board wipes are really sweet, you'd lose your exemplar but nothing else and your opponent would lose everything


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TyWooOneTime wrote:

I was mad at my rares until the 2 packs given out to everyone who participated.  I played UW and went 2-3 (ugh).  Then after all was said and done, I pulled an Ajani... could've used that a few hours ago, but, y'know.

I'm very jealous of you pulling an Ajani but I'm in a similar boat as far as pulling too late, I got a sublime archangel in my prize packs sad and I could've gone with white exalted, I traded it at the event since I have no desire to have one, lol, If you ever decide you don't want that Ajani let me know wink


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I was kinda mad at my rares, I did get a Battle of Wits along with 3 dual lands, and my mythic was too slow for me to use, I could only use Yeva and she never even came out, lol


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Offer sent

I need
x4 Talrand, sky Summoner
x2 Rancor, I don't really care about edition
x1 Typhoid Rats
x3 Giant Scorpion
x2 Skeletal Grimace
x3 Duress
x4 Bladed Pinions

Also x4 Fog Banks

I havn't really updated my tradelist much, feel free to make offers on stuff in my inventory, I also have a Serra Avatar from M13


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Prerelease #2 deck, I would've won 3 matches if I wasn't a complete idiot. I didn't sideboard in my Archaeomancers until after match 2 so I lost the second match by a tiny margin, of course Jace coming out was GG every single time, but he didn't come out until my 3rd match sad

Here's my design for the Pauper deck I mentioned, (Rancor is uncommon in M13 but since it has been printed as a common in the past it's legal)

The main idea is to pump the unblockables with enchantments, bond beetles, and titanic growths while protectinng myself with the deathtouchers possibly comboed with prey upon and of course Murder, one of my new favorite cards in magic of all time smile Thoughts? Right now it's M13 but I'm more than happy to go into Innistrad block as well, Ambush Viper maybe?

I'm not sure which is 'better' but I would say that the RW needs less work, with the green you need more ramp, Arbor Elf when M13 is official or Birds of Paradise. If you've got a deck that's working I would say keep working on that one. I would also say that either way you need more focus, you have alot of things that you're only including one of and that rarely works out unless it's a game ending card. Try for consistancy


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I'm using the Memorial in a Commander deck that's been wanting it for quite a while smile and I'm actually off to my second prerelease, hopefully it goes as well as the last one! Good luck to you!


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So I went to a midnight prerelease for 2013, pulled an Akroma's Memorial in my first 6 and went on to build this deck, not using the memorial because it's way too expensive and went on to lose one match, this makes me want to build a Pauper deck based on BG in 2103, the deck will be posted soon

My win cards were Tormented Soul, Dark Favor, and Rancor, the Deadly Recluses and the Vampire Nighthawk helped but they were overestimated, swinging for 4 unblockable every turn is killer, especially when I Bond Beetle it or use a Titanic Growth

it's Fire // Ice


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looks like I got a trade set up already this is what I still need

x1 Elite Inquisitor
x1 Venser, the Sojourner
x3 Revoke Existence
x2 Nearheath Pilgrim
x4 Alchemist's Refuge
x2 Hinterland Harbor

P.S. Thank you all for the fast responses to trade requests, it is very much appreciated smile


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

smilligan2 wrote:

I have a whole slew of cards on your wishlist, though you don't have much of interest on your tradelist for me, your inventory does.  Start up a trade if your interested.

You don't have much for my need list, my wishlist isn't nearly as important


(19 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Ok, so I've made some sweeping changes to the original deck, the primary idea is that the main deck is a Shape Anew deck, it has a few flicker components but it's mostly just designed to make the combo happen, but the sideboard is what I really like about the deck, I can fairly often win game 1 (hopefully) then my opponent is like "lets sideboard in anti-shape anew tech and stomp face" so I sideboard out shape anew and everything involved with it and bring in all of my flicker stuff, then I token overflow them with Geist-Honored Monks and such while gaining life and draining theirs with the Suture Priests

I tested it out today and I won game one then almost won game 2 but they miracled in a terminus sad I had no cards in hand and like 6 life so I just scooped


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

New list
x1 Honor of the Pure
x4 Clone
x4 Elite Inquisitor
x1 Angelic Overseer
x2 Venser, the Sojourner
x6 Revoke Existence
x2 Celestial Purge
x2 Timely Reinforcements
x2 Nearheath Pilgrim

All can be from any printing

I just got a Lotus Cobra and a foil Luminarch Ascension ($3.50) if anyone's interested

I could also use x2 Hinterland Harbor but they're less important


(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TyWooOneTime wrote:

imsully, which decks were you curious for an update on?  Some of the ones I've posted on here for ideas I haven't actually put together yet (although I will in the next month or two), but I can give you an update on the ones I do have finished.

Mostly the Murfolk mill deck and the Vanilla bear deck but I'd love to hear about any of them, I'm always curious as to how things do

And say what you will about Gitaxian Probe but it won me a game tonight singlehandedly, I had 5 open, a blightsteel on the board, then Probed for Venser -1 win, in combo decks it's unbeatable, no mana cost or card advantage loss, I love it

as far as Triumph of Ferocity... I'm not seeing it at all, the only way to pull it off is with a blessings of nature miracled in, but then when your opponent plays out a Wolfir Silverheart since they're not playing a cost effective deck then you've just wasted 3 mana, as long as titans are in standard I would skip the triumph.

also Abundant Growth??? For 2 colors? You only have one card with two mana symbols in the cost, skip em, they slow you down without a benefit

And finally Timberland Guide... blech, nightshade peddlers are well worth those slots instead


(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

the_wizard_666 wrote:

I would also consider Hinterland Harbor in place of a few basic lands.  Looked it up, it's Standard-legal.  I know you're trying to avoid rares, but you could always swap it back out for basics if you do play Pauper.

I think in this deck the bigger issue with the Harbor is that adding a playset would triple the cost of the deck to build, it's not Pauper either way so the cost is the bigger issue IMO


(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Another general comment about decks depending on a specific combo, one of my new favorite cards is Gitaxian Probe, it's main use is that it's essentially 4 less cards in the deck, yes you lose some life but the way I see it you're bound to lose that life waiting for your combo anyway right? So that's another thing you could look into otherwise the cards NullParameter mentioned all sound decent, I usually prefer Tower Geist to Gryff Vanguard, especially in a combo deck, but it's a little riskier as well since you could have a Levitation and a Bower Passage next up then you'd have to dump one