bummppp!!!!!! trade with meeeee

Should be about even value. Lets do this!

Tradelist: http://deckbox.org/sets/118004?s=j&o=d

My list is pretty empty right now so i'd mostly like to trade the foils.

I'd also do 3x sphinx's revelation for 4x domri rade if anyone would be interested in that trade.

If you have less than 20 positive feedback you'll most likely have to send first, I have 148 positive feedback so no worries there.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have 2 spirits, what do you value them at? I honestly don't know how much they're worth.

Is this an actual working computer or just parts? What kind of fps do you get in current games?


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


I have dragonskull summits (2), woodland cemeterys (4), stomping grounds (2), rootbound crags (2), blood crypts (4).

I need watery graves (2), temple gardens (2), hinterland harbors (3-4), drowned catacombs (4), sunpetal groves (4)

Strictly shocks for shocks, checks for checks. No I don't want to trade my stomping grounds for a playset of drowned catacombs haha.

Noone wants to give up esper stuff for some reason. I tried the other day and just got offered a bunch of checklands for my shocks.

Bump again. I have like 7 offers for my shocklands for stuff thats rotating. Im really only looking to trade the shocks for other shocks.


Edit: If reid duke can win with jund, you can too! the deck just doesn't work for me and isn't my style. SO TRADE ME!! big_smile

I have all the shocks, huntmasters, everything you could possibly need for jund midrange.

I'm looking for esper control, specifically: Godless shrines, isolated chapels, glacial fortresses, drowned catacombs,  a tamiyo, 2 jace, memory adepts, 1 sphinx's rev.

Let me know if you're interested in a big trade! I am only looking to trade my shocks for shocks. Also, if you have less than 20 trades you'll have to send first. Been getting ripped off left and right lately hmm

My jund list: http://deckbox.org/sets/386509

Will trade a hallowed fountain, sacred foundry, breeding pool, godless shrine, or a steam vents plus something else for a chord of calling.

I'd also do a jace, architect of thought.



(28 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

hear anything back from him yet? I don't want to have to report him, it's been almost 2 weeks and he still hasn't sent..


(28 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

timesnewspartan wrote:

Alright. I'll get his ass in gear. Sorry about that.

Thanks man. Good to know I'm probably not just being ripped off. Let me know!


(28 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

timesnewspartan wrote:

Collin Shoop is my friend irl. What's the problem? I'll see if I can do something about it.


We both agreed to send on the 4th this month, he hasn't hit send yet, or replied to my posts, and the card hasn't showed up yet. He hasn't been online since the 5th.


(28 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Escalated it to a claim on paypal. Found her and her husband on facebook, sent friend requests.

I'm having the same problem again with  trader collin shoop...I'm seriously going to have to either stop trading on here, or make everyone else send first. It's getting fucking ridiculous.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

willing to trade from inventory if the offer's right. (not including shocks) if trading up, i'd like a decent value out of it. Make some offers :-D






(28 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

mbknight wrote:

And i am never using the gift option again.  . . . .

Hope it works out for all of you.

Yup, i'm pretty happy I didn't. Paypal is awaiting a response from her for my dispute.


(28 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

All good. I created a dispute on paypal.


(28 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

dennyroxsox wrote:

The thread started yesterday, and there's no mail on Sunday, so I'd say no.

Ok haha. Didn't see that.


(28 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Has anyone received their cards yet...?

Fantastic. I'm going to try to get my money back then, and delete this thread.

I purchased 2 thragtusks 10 days ago, haven't heard anything, and haven't received the cards set. Paid through paypal. Has anyone else had this problem? Looks like he/she hasn't been online since the 23rd...

Thinking about building a new deck but i only have the lands for jund. let's do this!