Topic: Sick of jund, looking for esper control stuff.

I have all the shocks, huntmasters, everything you could possibly need for jund midrange.

I'm looking for esper control, specifically: Godless shrines, isolated chapels, glacial fortresses, drowned catacombs,  a tamiyo, 2 jace, memory adepts, 1 sphinx's rev.

Let me know if you're interested in a big trade! I am only looking to trade my shocks for shocks. Also, if you have less than 20 trades you'll have to send first. Been getting ripped off left and right lately hmm

My jund list:

Re: Sick of jund, looking for esper control stuff.

I have 2 jace's for trade

Re: Sick of jund, looking for esper control stuff.


Edit: If reid duke can win with jund, you can too! the deck just doesn't work for me and isn't my style. SO TRADE ME!! big_smile

Last edited by Peripheryy (2013-07-01 06:06:11)

Re: Sick of jund, looking for esper control stuff.

I have the catacombs and other stuff.

Your list isnt updated, look through mine and let me know.

I only trade domestically, thanks!
Always trading for guru or judge foil lands.
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Re: Sick of jund, looking for esper control stuff.

I have a Tamiyo I could trade for a Stomping Ground. If that sounds good start a trade with me.

Re: Sick of jund, looking for esper control stuff.

Bump again. I have like 7 offers for my shocklands for stuff thats rotating. Im really only looking to trade the shocks for other shocks.