I'd be open to trading for one.
Take a look through my tradelist and let me know if anything interests you.
26 2013-10-05 13:58:13
Re: H: 2x NM Chandra Pyromaster for sale/trade (2 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
27 2013-10-01 00:04:53
Topic: W : Theros Planeswalkers, Purphoros H : Tradelist (0 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
Hey there,
Looking to get one of each of the three planeswalkers from Theros and a Purphoros.
Let me know what you value each at in trade offers as well, that will simplify things.
Looking forward to making things happen!
My Tradelist : http://deckbox.org/sets/130401
Note : I value Purphoros at about $20, Elspeth at $25-30, X at $20 and Ashiok at $15. If those prices don't work for you then we would be better passing on the trade.
28 2013-09-26 18:50:06
Topic: H : Theros W : Theros and Others (0 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
Just busted open my Theros booster box and I have updated my tradelist and wishlist.
Anyone interested drop me a line!
29 2013-09-26 00:08:42
Re: H : Thassa, God of the Sea (Foil) W : Thassa, God of the Sea + (2 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
Note taken
30 2013-09-25 22:30:08
Topic: H : Thassa, God of the Sea (Foil) W : Thassa, God of the Sea + (2 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
Just as the title says, I'm looking to convert my foil Thassa into a regular Thassa plus something of equal value to even it out. If you're interested drop me a line!
Wishlist - http://deckbox.org/sets/130402
31 2013-09-06 13:01:59
Re: W: Dark Confidant H: Jace TMS (2 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
Original Bob or MM Bob?
32 2013-08-16 15:30:05
Re: H: Tradelist W: Specific Cards from Wishlist (5 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
If you haven't been able to work a deal with the other guy I'd be happy to make something work with you.
33 2013-07-09 13:18:38
Topic: Considering selling my collection (0 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
Hey everyone,
I have been thinking long and hard about selling off my collection so I thought I would post it here to see if there would be any potential buyers.
I love playing but seem to enjoy sealed or draft much more than deck construction and rarely have the time for much else.
No reasonable offer will be denied but I'd like to see it as a whole collection and not break off the parts.
Please pm me if interested.
A link to my Inventory : http://deckbox.org/sets/130400
34 2013-06-11 20:48:33
Re: Buying: Sphinx's Rev / Resto Angels (1 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
I'd be happy to trade you
3 x Angels
2 x Sphinx's Revelations
Check out my wishlist and hopefully we can make something work.
35 2013-06-08 20:35:03
Topic: H : MM Tradelist (Including Goyf) W : Lots! (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hey there,
Just updated my Modern Masters Tradelist (and soon the wishlist).
Take a look and let me know if you'd like to make a deal!
Note : I am in Canada, but have over 130 Positive reps.
36 2013-06-08 20:33:44
Topic: H : MM Tradelist (Including Goyf) W : Lots! (0 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
Hey there,
Just updated my Modern Masters Tradelist (and soon the wishlist).
Take a look and let me know if you'd like to make a deal!
37 2013-06-06 15:42:18
Re: W: Voice of Resurgence H: Standard, Modern, EDH cards (3 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
I sent you an offer, let me know!
38 2013-05-08 18:53:38
Topic: Updated: Dragons Maze wish & trade list (TopWish: Progenitor Mimicx2) (0 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
Hey everyone!
I have opened my boxes and still have a few more items on the wishlist for Dragons Maze.
If you have anything up for trade feel free to contact me, I like trading almost as much as playing
Wishlist: http://deckbox.org/sets/130402
Tradelist: http://deckbox.org/sets/130401
39 2013-04-29 18:51:17
Re: H: Lots of prerelease DGM buttons W: ??? (19 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I have a pair of Selesnya ones that I'd throw in with any trade.
Just in case they sell out here : )
40 2013-04-28 01:51:03
Topic: W : Dragon's Maze H : Tons (1 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
Just looking for some Dragon's Maze stuff, if you have any for trade start up a discussion!
Looking to trade for now;
Progenitor Mimic
Advent of the Worm
Aetherling x 2
Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch
Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker
Notion Thief x 2
Plasm Capture
Renegade Krasis
Tajic, Blade of the Legion
Wanted but on hold until the price is reasonable;
Ral Zarek
Voice of Resurgence
Legion's Initiative
41 2013-04-24 18:52:23
Re: H: LotV, W: MTGO (3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I think I have some MTGO stuff, but I have no idea how we would swap them.
If you figure it out, let me know and we can try to make something work.
42 2013-04-23 17:31:23
Re: A Request For Actual Trading Discussions (38 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I would have to completely agree.
Trying to make trades has become absolutely crazy. I can't tell you how many people I have asked questions to, or offered trades to, or started a "negotiation" with who have just decided to let it sit for 2 weeks or never respond.
How complicated is it to express your interest or disinterest? It's about respect and honest dialogue. Don't try and rip people off, just offer reasonable trades and state your intentions clearly from the start. Don't get me started about people who send a trade offer without some sort of body text ... can you at least say Hi? Seriously, common decency.
End Rant.
An aside : I'm in Canada which basically means 2/3rds of the people here won't trade with me. I understand it, the delays blow on both sides. I usually title my trade offers as "Canada trade" or something similar to get it out in the open early and that helps.
Any suggestions on how we can fix the process?
Maybe include have a status option? Status "Looking to trade", "On the fence", "Just cataloging" or maybe a note on when the wishlist was last updated?
I'm just throwing ideas out here...
43 2013-04-23 15:34:41
Re: Completed - but always looking to trade (2 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
If things don't work out with flyingspud let me know, I am interested.
44 2013-04-09 13:13:26
Topic: W : Emrakul, the Aeons Torn (0 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
Anyone trading an Emrakul?
I could really use one for a new deck.
Let me know!
Tradelist : http://deckbox.org/sets/130401
45 2013-04-08 19:22:40
Re: Anyone else trade with Robert Bentley? (27 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I have an active trade with him as well.
I received his cards (took a few weeks in the mail, but I am in Canada so it happens sometimes).
I sent his cards immediately after receiving (as we had agreed) on March 12th. I've never had cards take a month to get to the US so I'm quite certain he has them, just waiting for him to confirm receipt.
The trade was pretty big ($70 each way).
46 2013-04-04 00:45:07
Topic: Updated Tradelist & Wishlist (0 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
Hey there,
I haven't made a deal in a while and would like to kick start things again so I have completely revised my wishlist and my tradelist.
Anyone interested in making a deal please start up a trade!
47 2013-03-18 13:35:00
Topic: W : LoTV H : Thundermaw, Jace, GoST+++ (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I'm looking to pickup one or two LoTV's for a deck I am making.
I have a pair of Thundermaw's, Jace's and a Geist up for trade plus much more.
If you have any interest in moving a LoTV please contact me!
48 2013-03-17 03:57:34
Topic: Wanted : Liliana OTV (0 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)
Just looking for a couple of Liliana's! Anyone interested in moving some drop me an offer!
49 2013-02-19 22:49:26
Re: Best Gaming Sleeves? (23 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Thanks everyone!
I've used the UltraPro matte and I did really like them (until they started splitting) so I'm going to try out the KMC. Looks like ebay has them for about $7/80 pack + shipping, that's pretty competitive with the UltraPros.
50 2013-02-19 20:55:54
Topic: Best Gaming Sleeves? (23 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hey everybody,
I've tried a few different gaming sleeves (UltraPro, DragonShield) and haven't quite settled on one that is durable, you can shuffle with and doesn't come out of the box so slick they cards fall all over the floor.
What gaming sleeves do you use, and why?
Thanks a bunch!
Traders a plenty for those interested : http://deckbox.org/users/jestorx/trades