(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

You must be an approved seller to post about selling cards. Closing this.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I would look to send a request to Support and wait for someone from the Deckbox team to get back to you. I know the group is open to everyone but perhaps they can help expedite the approval.

I have 2 WWK Stoneforges. Are you only looking for only for a Noble for the Cavern?


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Id be interested if you want to work something out. Not sure what your looking for since your Wishlist is empty


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I would advise that you look to create a Seller Account before posting about selling your collection.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have a Alliances FoW Id offer if you are insterested for LoTV.

Id be interested in the Foil Sower and have one to trade back depending on what else your interested in. Feel free to start up something smile

At first read of the topic, I thought you wanted components for a deck that used the cycling mechanic (Astral Slide comes to mind) Just shows how warping MTG can be to other aspects of life and hobbies.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I don't have any narsets but I'd be interested if you see anything from me that interests you smile

This was the only card from SoI that I was beyond excited to get for my only EDH Deck that is foiled out . Aaaannnnddddd I cant find anyone who has one. If YOU do and want to trade it you'll be my new BFF. Sure I could just buy it since its ~5$ but my Jor Kadeen Deck is a labor of love and have traded for every card in it. Sooooo thats a thing to me. Thanks to all in advance.

2 Thumbs up from me

traceurling wrote:

I don't think these mods need to be given access to people's financial information and stuff, just make it so they review new accounts for any red flags such as addresses matching scammers

Im not saying they should be, but without knowing the architecture of how the site runs with the accounts, it might not be possible to seperate that out. I never had that kind of access myself, nor did I want it but, its more of a matter that kind of power being given without it.

I was (still am?) part of the Mod-Team that handled the BTRs before the change to current system that happened sometime ago. The problem with having free Mods was the power that could be given to us. My power (in general) is limited  to really just closing and locking threads. This is no fault of Sebi or Deckbox because how much power can you expect give to a volunteer who could have access to personal or finanicial information about hundreds of other users? That's a security flaw and liability that Deckbox doesnt need to worry about.  More power to do things like lock accounts and ban people would require people who need to work for Deckbox in some capacity in order to cover that. I agree that Sebi does great work and could use some more help but its not as cut an dry as people would like it to be.

PerfectSpecimen wrote:

Will be using foothills as a replacement but its always better to have the right key elements in my opinion.

I would agree if we were talking about Legacy Infect where the spells in the deck are more balanced between Green and Blue, but in Modern the deck requires more green sources to "combo" off so the color fixing requirement is not as important.

I would actually argue that Noble Heirarchs are more of a key element to the deck than the Mistys.

But to each his own, just sharing some friendly advise. Apologies for side tracking your thread.

From my experience in playing Infect, you can build Modern Infect without Mistys and it wont make a difference. As long as you use fetches than get Green you dont need to worry about getting anything blue besides Breeding Pool. Just from friendly advise

Im not going to lie, I read your comments 5-6 times and no matter how I read it, I thought you were trying to trade with yourself...

Bistiquea wrote:

I have no idea what BGH is.

BGH = Big Game Hunter I believe


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Bingo. I know it used to be that was but Im sure one of the updates changed it. Thanks


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Was the link removed/moved where you could view the front page of a person's profile? Currently the only way to jump back to person profile is "back' all the way to that page or find the find the link on post to get there to read the rules and see what cards are in common.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Ill close it.


(7 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

d72B wrote:

Many users try to take advantage of Deckbox's broken pricing. This is why I stopped trading.

Sebi obviously needs to fix the algorithm and/or the data sources. In the interim he (or some skilled volunteer) should write a tool that compares Deckbox prices to TCGMid and lists all the broken prices so Sebi can manually fix them.

Sebi, you can't rely on users to report each broken price because many will be motivated to not do so in order to take advantage. The  pricing issues thread doesn't cut it.

To be honest, It just makes more sense to double check prices in multiple places than to rely on one source. I have been cross checking between DB prices and all other sources since the begining so its pretty much second nature to me by now. If your using a Web Browser (opposed to a phone) I would give a Autocard Anywhere add on a chance. Pretty handy if for a quick look up.


Nothing wrong with posting it where it will get the most views. Many people still havent heard the news.


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Depending I would look to start including insurance on anything you send with tracking. That way if does gets lost, your not SOL. Tracking with Insurance usually is only 5-6 bucks via Paypal Shipping and covers you with USPS. Obviously this would mean making your trades "worth" the added cost but honestly if you sending or recieving cards that are worth more than 30-50, 5-6 is a small price to pay to insure your not completely SOL.

Also I would suggest that if you dont think you can trust your box, to consider making trips to the PO. I pretty much do that for all trades to Canada so I can a receipt and make sure its not going to be sent back to me for wrong postage. Ive been very fortunate that my system as really resulted in at most 3 lost packages on my whole time with online trading in general.

Ive never once paid for that (honestly didnt know it was an option to) and whenever I go to the PO to drop off a PWE trade, I just ask that they stamp it with a "Do Not Bend" stamp. Apparently me writing it does no mean the same as them stamping it.

One time I did have to go to the PO and pay for postage to get them to actually give me the trade because the Stamp actually fell off the letter.

Id be interested in the foil Jace if a deal could be had.