sebi, please give us an API for decks, so I can make a utility to export decks to octgn format. I prefer building decks in deckbox since it shows me what I own and need, then I create it manually in octgn to do some testing with my friend over the internet.

Medic_in_SC wrote:

I am unable to log into ideckbox.  When I install it, it says I need to enter my login information on the settings page.  When I go to the settings page, there is a spot for my user name, which I enter.  There is no spot for password.  The app thinks for a bit, then tells me there is a connection error.  I can reach on the browser (and anywhere else) and all apps that require network access still work, so I don't think it's on my end.  Any advice?

The reason for no password, unfortunately, is that the app is currently a read-only app. It's handy for quickly looking up to see if you own a particular card, but that's about it right now. You can't update your library or anything.

As far as connection goes, maybe you had a temporary issue with your iPhone's internet connection. I just tried it and it worked fine for me.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

My bad... I just realized I need to click the little arrow to the left of the card name to move it to/from the sideboard. For some reason I thought it was a checkbox feature.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I figured out why... the rules text in your database doesn't match the text on the card. It says this instead:

When Oblivion Ring comes into play, remove another target nonland permanent from the game.
When Oblivion Ring leaves play, return the removed card to play under its owner's control.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

If you search on rules text for "exile", Oblivion Ring does not get returned as expected. Try it.

gmabber wrote:

I'm waiting for Sebi and the Team to implement some kind of API.

I was actually thinking the same thing, since I'm a developer too. I'd love to be able to write my own front end if I had access to my data through an API. People could even write plugins for if he sets it up well, then everyone benefits.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Thanks for the tip. I guess using the word "Import" is misleading to me for deck building. It sounds like adding to my inventory.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I realize that the main purpose of deckbox is to inventory your cards. However, since there is a deckbuilder I would like to suggest improvements for it.

As it is now, the deck builder is very clunky. If you want to add cards to a deck, you have to go to your inventory find the card, then add it to a deck, then go back to the deck and set how many copies you want. It would be much nicer if the deck builder's grid eliminated the unnecessary columns to make room for a separate simplified card database grid next to it on the same page. Search the card database, which tells you how many you own (could be 0), add cards to your deck without leaving the deck builder page (even if you currently own 0).

Also, please do not allow changing inventory while in the deck builder. Multiple times I have edited the inventory amount rather than the deck amount accidentally (mainly the first time I built a deck). I don't see any reason to change inventory amounts while building a deck, but it is good to see the amount that you own of each card so you know how many you are short.

Thanks for a great site!

I no longer see the option to move cards from the deck to the sideboard, and vice versa. I only see an option to remove.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

There is already a way to mark your cards as foil, then you can also search on foil if you only want to see what cards you have in foil.


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hello, I'm a new user as of yesterday, and I love the site. Thanks for making it!

While entering my cards, something fooled me on the interface, causing me to go back and redo some of my work.

When I search for a card, I find the result and it automatically adds one to my inventory. However, when I have multiple copies of the card, I expected to click the "+" button since the tooltip says "Add another [whatever] to this set.", so I did. I didn't realize that I had to click the Apply button after doing that, so many of my cards were entered with just 1 count. With everything else automatically updating as you enter it, it seems dangerously inconsistent to require clicking Apply after clicking "+".

In addition, once I understood how the "+" button worked, I was disappointed that each time I clicked "+", it didn't automatically fill in the set, country, etc. like it does when the first card is added.

I hope these suggestions help. Thanks!


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I often borrow cards from a friend, or lend some of mine out for a friend to use in a deck. It's not a trade since I still own the card if I lend it out. It would be great if there was a way to track which cards you've lent out and to whom, and if you have any borrowed cards, who the owner is.