Great update Sebi!
Glad to see DB is finally taking a harsher approach to scammers! I hope this has the desired effect were all looking for, which is to make the site better and safer.
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Deckbox Forum » Posts by TechnicolorMage
Great update Sebi!
Glad to see DB is finally taking a harsher approach to scammers! I hope this has the desired effect were all looking for, which is to make the site better and safer.
traceurling wrote:There really should be a restriction that prevents new users from trading with new users so that they don't walk into scams until they have enough rep that they can ask new users to send first.
Sebi is trying to work on something like that. The original idea was rejected due to it limiting new users to only trading with new users. Though as we have seen, new users trading with only new users is still ripe for scamming. I actually think it makes it easier. It is better to just stop accounts from being a scammer by having to go through a small review when activated (checking the address against the known scammer list) and then having the community help to police accounts and notify mods when suspicious activity is noticed.
Yep. As it stands right now, does Sebi even know this Des guy is back? If not, what a window of opportunity to rip users off.
We need to stand together as a community and have zero tolerance for these users, and to all unite together and make things safer for the community as a whole.
This is why the staff need to be diligent checking ISP for those logging on and checking addresses of members when they sign up! Keep the scammers out Sebi..
It's a great site, but vulnerable
I have some Stronghold Ensnaring Bridges that I would like to turn into some 7th Edition Ensnaring Bridges. I would also swap for 8th Edition, but 7th Edition would be my first choice.
I have one 7th and 4 8th editions....I would be interested as well
wonderdog79 wrote:ok I am going to comment based on what I am reading as I read it so if it get jumbled, I apologize.
forth @Zyron, I personally have 2 accounts. I manage them for different purposes and also (before premium) traded to myself to move cards from one account to the other. I also have noted on my profiles that the other account exists. If someone was to try to do some shady things by "trading" between accounts they created, that is of course a bad thing. I personally check the references for anyone under 30 confirmed trades to see who they have been trading with to ensure nothing shady is going on. I also check the "member since" to see if the shady things mentioned above could be happening.
ninth @sidewayzracer/Amurphcs, buyer feedback is a decent idea. ebay does it and it shows that you are active on the site like Amurphcs states and not some inactive scammer. perhaps not even feedback but just a tally of how many purchases you have made through the site.
Also, Ebay removed negative and neutral feedback for buyers, you can only leave positive feedback. They did this because of the aforementioned reasons here, sellers would withhold feedback until a buyer left it then use it as a weapon if the buyer had a legitimate complaint. For instance, a seller once sold me something not even close to what they advertised. I paid return shipping on the item, so I was out a few bucks, and I left neutral feedback, not even negative. The seller was so upset that he shorted me and made me pay return shipping that he left me bad feedback even though he sold an item that wasn't what he stated. It's hard to have a system where buyer feedback is honest since it is basically another tool for bad sellers to use to pressure buyers into giving fake positive feedback instead of honest feedback.
This blows and actually brings up another issue I want to raise:
I would like to be able to remove my feedback IF another user does not leave feedback for me.
I'm tired to chasing people down for feedback.
This type of crap needs to stop, there was nothing wrong with this trade. We simuled, mine arrived first - my card was mint. His arrived, cards were mint, everyone happy. I leave feedback, he doesn't. Hogwash.
UPDATE: Feedback left!
Give me the power to remove my feedback, maybe then, he will pay attention to the messages I am sending him. If you are afraid of abuse of system, then let us message an admin/moderator to remove the feedback for us.
This isn't the first time I have had to chase someone down for feedback but it would be nice if it were the last time under this type of system.
The tier system is a bad idea. It's not what stops scammers. Stopping scammers starts with IP logging/checking and being dedicated to banning without remorse any returning rippers on a daily basis. It means having trustworthy moderators who won't allow friends to practice shady trading practices. It means immediate sanctions against users if even the slightest hint of treachery should pop up. If your system on DB can't do this, you will always be open to returning rip off artists. I'm not saying it's foolproof, but these are all proven tactics that reduce ripping. The rest is common sense, something we all have lapses on from time to time. Internet trading is a scary proposition, you can't hold each traders hand through every possible scenario.
However, it's not all doom and gloom. I would be in favor of a more detailed feedback system.
For example
You rate your experience out of 5 stars for each of the following:
Shipping speed
Card Condition
"insert something I have missed here"
These would allow for a continually evolving/updating feedback system. Someone could have 100+ positive refs but when you dig deeper you see that Trader X "card condition" is 3.8/5 thus indicating that card condition may not be as described. Being armed with info like I get a better idea of what my potential trader partners habits are like.
I really can't stress enough the logging of IP addresses and the daily requirement of staff to check them against banned IP's. At MTG Salvation when I was the head honcho over the Market Street we were dedicated to checking all new user IP to see if they cross referenced with anyone else on the site. Doing a thorough background check (even if you have to suspend the user for a day or two) makes it more difficult for thieves to get a foothold.
None of what I say will eliminate all theft, it's simply not possible. Realistically were looking for deterrence, not complete elimination.
Verification systems (credit card, paypal, "insert whatever you think is legitimate" is fine as a SECONDARY step, but these types of things can alienate your user base, especially those who are afraid to put their info on the internet.
Just my .02 from a guy who was ripped on this website along with many others by somoene with over 200 positive refs and as a former Moderator on a large site dedicated to trading.
TechnicolorMage wrote:looking for shockland expeditions, see anything on my list?
Happen to have foil unhinged forests? Really trying to get specific wants for those.
No, only non foil ones.
The only foil unhinged lands I have are Island and Plains
looking for shockland expeditions, see anything on my list?
I have a steam vents, do you have a pack foil (either rtr or original) you could trade back for it?
I dont anymore unfortunately. Thanks for looking.
Hey there everyone,
I've joined the expedition rush like many others. I am currently only looking for the Shockland Expeditions. I have secured three of them and working on a fourth, but I am looking to complete the cycle for my cube.
If you have one of these and see stuff on my TL by all means drop by and start a trade with me.
The ones still needed are as follows: They will be removed once a deal is secured! So if it's listed, it means I still need/want it.
Steam Vents
Godless Shrine
Overgrown Tomb
Blood Crypt
Stomping Ground
Hallowed Fountain
Watery Grave *pending*
edit: for spelling
I have 8th edition if your interested.
On a side note as well, I'm interested in your blood crypt expedition.
Feel free to look at my list and make a trade offer if you think we can work something out.
I wish basic lands didn't have a price at all to be honest.
Short of lands which actually have some real value, I completely agree. Some prices on DB are just obviously flawed. While not a deal breaker, it's more of an annoyance then anything else.
Now, there are some basics which do carry a price tag associated with them and for those lands you definitely want a "value".
Hopefully it's something they can sort out in the future
Interesting concept. Currently Deckbox does not always update pricing as fast as TCG and some cards (foils mainly) sometimes show no prices whatsoever.
I for one would not want to be forced to sell X card for X price when the card spikes and TCG/DB pricing has not adjusted to represent said new price.
USea is 249.49 on DB and 251.97 on TCG, this is a miniscule amount but used to illustrate a point.
Tropical Island is 119.34 on DB and TCG has it at 125.97
Bitterblossom DCI is 99.99 but DB has it for the same price as a regular BB....55 bucks or so.
Until things like this are fixed, it would appear this is a dangerous endeavor to engage in
Deckbox Forum » Posts by TechnicolorMage