(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)



(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)



(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

i understand that many proofs tend not be that much, but I have as  said had them appraised for 150-250$ (depending on which one. the dealer that I had appraise them said that many of matt covata's artists proofs are hard to get in the condition I have them in (that being pure white back with only a signature on the front) because he uses many of his artist proofs as business cards (or at least used to). I wouldn't claim that they are worth this much if I hadn't had them appraised in the past as I have. im surprised to hear that some can go for that cheap. for a card that I 1/50 in the world I feel that's a steal.

as for a list
I have he following artist proofs (for trade)
zo-zu the punisher
akki lava runner
skirk the volcanist

as well as the following signed normal cards
skyhunter patrol
roar of kha


(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I had zo-zu the punisher appraised in 2007 for about $250. just start a trade with me and il be sure to look at what you have


(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)



(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I have several artist proof cards, also known as white back cards. I am looking to trade these to help build a new deck.
I as well have several cards signed by the artist.

I have artist proofs of
zo-zu the punisher
skirk volcanist

and several other cards signed by artists

im sorry black mage I really didn't see much that I was interested in for the foil blood crypt

oh ya sorry, I forgot to mention to please look at my inventory rather thn tra list as im still updating my collection so my I the most up to date thing.

I am in the process of constructing my first legacy deck and am looking for the cards to complete it. all of the cards are listed in my wishlist so if you could take a look that would be great. thanks a bunch for the help


(9 replies, posted in Trading Post)

im interested in your four browbeat's from judgement

firs of I would reduce the number f cards in the deck to 60 cards. as well as include more playsets of cards to make the deck run better here is the modern red agro deck that I run and my friends run as well.

20 lands
12 mountains
4 arid mesa
4 scalding tarn

16 creatures
4 vexing devils
4 goblin guide
4 grim lavamancer

24 spells
4 lightning bolt
4 rift bolt
4 lava spike
4 pillar of flame
4 shard volley

4 skulcrack
2 relic of progenitus
2 volcanic fallout
4 forked bolt
3 searing blaze

now about the only that differs my deck from the one that many of my friends use is what burn spells we mainboard vs sideboard. we all use the same decklist though so in the end all tha really is different is our game one.
hope this helps.


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)



(2 replies, posted in Trading Post)



(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)



(2 replies, posted in Trading Post)

im working on a legacy deck and am looking for the following cards. if you have any and are willing to trade please message me as I am willing to trade just about anything in my inventory. further more, please look at my inventory rather than my trade stock as I have not had a chance to update my trades and my inventory is more up to date.

arid mesa
goblin lackey
goblin matron
goblin piledriver
goblin ringleader
krosan grip
mindbreak trap
red elemental blast
relic of progenitus
siege gang commander
skirk prospector
wooded foothills

thanks for the consideration


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

so I made just a few changes to the deck and was wondering how it looks now?


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

This is my second edh deck ever. I feel it is a vast improvement copared to my previous one. im looking for comments on how or what I should edit about this deck.



(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

i dont feel like that would really make all that much difference in the deck. ive tried that card before for the same combo and all it led to was a lot of player hate and focusing down. so its best just to leave it out when it only ever came up on a few occasions to begin with.


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

bushi tender foot seems to flip for me about 2/3rds of the time so i find him to be very usefull early game.
i would like to keep some form of battle cry because for a combat deck i feel that it helps.

i agree that accorder palladin and auriok should be removed. (Im substitueing them for plains)

Odric is fricking amazing because he gives me free swings at a person. well worth the slot in the deck.

cotw and darien will come out for plains

jareth is a huge blocker that i can pump for protection.

i do agree that hold the line could come out but i dont know for what.

gideon is just good. as he changes the focus from me to him. it also is a great help against token decks.

debt of loyalty, with the way that it is worded i believe it can allow me to just take control of a creature so that is why i have it in there.

i thank you again for the help and if you see any other changes that i could make with the collection i have please sudgest them


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

thank you for the imput.
i have included both terramorphic and evolving wilds in over plains because they help to thin the deck so that i can draw what i need.
i am kinda set on keeping takeno as my general because he does have quite a bit of meaning for me.
i do love your idea for mass calcify and the other card that is very similiar to tithe but is on an enchantment.
i do feel however that my board whipes for artifacts and enchantments are better than just the spot removial such as disenchant.

if you could help me figure out a few cards to take out currently for some of the cards that you think should be in there and lands that would be great.

thanks again for the imput


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

i am trying to figure out what if any cards i should get rid of for land or better cards. any ideas?

here is the goblin deck that i use currently
4 goblin warchif
4 goblin piledriver
4 goblin ringleader
4 goblin lackey
4 goblin matron
4 gempalm incinerator
3 siege-gang commander
1 tin street hooligan
1 stingscourger
1 goblin sharpshooter
1 skirk prospector
1 krenko mob boss
4 aether vial
4 cavern of souls
4 wasteland
4 mountains
4 rishadan port
3 wooded foothils
2 arid mesa
1 taiga
1 plateau

why not add one playset of a fetch
then that gives you both acceleration (thinning) as well as a color balance with gates


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

here is the goblin deck that i use currently
4 goblin warchif
4 goblin piledriver
4 goblin ringleader
4 goblin lackey
4 goblin matron
4 gempalm incinerator
3 siege-gang commander
1 tin street hooligan
1 stingscourger
1 goblin sharpshooter
1 skirk prospector
1 krenko mob boss
4 aether vial
4 cavern of souls
4 wasteland
4 mountains
4 rishadan port
3 wooded foothils
2 arid mesa
1 taiga
1 plateau

in a multi-color deck i feel that gates are more benificial. where as in a mono colored deck the "fetch" is better. however the "fetch" can be used in multi color very effectivly. i only caution to be wary of useing to many nonbasic lands that come into play tapped as it will greatly slow your play down