E fake. Numai o gluma bazat pe Force of Will.
26 2011-04-14 13:46:16
Re: [Discutii] New Phyrexia (274 replies, posted in Noutăți)
27 2011-04-08 17:41:24
Topic: Carti de vanzare 3 Jace v2, 3 Grave Titan, 3 Percy, 4 Tezzeret v2 (1 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
De vanzare:
3 Jace, The Mind Sculptor $85/buc
3 Grave Titan + 2 Zombie tokens gratis cu fiecare $14/buc
3 Abyssal Persecutor $9/buc
4 Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas $37/buc
Pretul e medium price pe deckbox -15%, rotunjit jos.
Daca nimeni nu e interesat pana 22 aprilie, atunci le pun pe ebay.
P.S.: Las UB control, si incerc un alt deck, dar vinerea viitoare joc in standard cu acest deck (for the last time, ya know). De aceea, daca vrei cartile, trimit numai pe data de 18 aprilie.
28 2011-02-27 12:10:45
Re: Rules discussion cu quoturi din Complete Rulebook (15 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
Din cate stiu eu da.. platesti, abilitatea merge pe stack si este "countered on resolution" si nu face nimic (ai platit mana degeaba )
In mod normal da. Gandeam la „Whenever you play an activated ability” trigger. De exemplu Ceaseless Searblades.
29 2011-02-26 18:19:10
Re: Rules discussion cu quoturi din Complete Rulebook (15 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
Wyr wrote:Deci singurul lucru care pierde artifactul e abilitatea de Equip (dar card subtype rămâne equipment, deci devine Artifact creature supertype, cu subtype equipment).
un pic grsit, incat nu pierde aceasta abilitate (sau orice alta abilitate), pur si simplu nu-l pot folosi, incat nu se ataseaza, dar abilitate ramane. Deci daca ar fi ceva care este interesat de equip sau abilitati activate, va vedea acest lucru
Mersi. Deci abilitatea de equip rămâne, dar nu poţi să foloseşti.
Aici o întrebare: Poţi să plăteşti equip cost şi activezi abilitatea de equip dacă este vorba de un Artifact Creature?
Ştiu că nu pot să activez o abilitate dacă toate targeturile sunt ilegale. Dar în acest caz targeturile sunt legale, partea de attach e ilegal.
30 2011-02-26 13:29:48
Re: Rules discussion cu quoturi din Complete Rulebook (15 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
Inkmoth Nexus pierde abilităţile (de exemplu infect) când este targetat de Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas?
204.1b. Some effects change an object's card type, supertype, or subtype but specify that the object retains a prior card type, supertype, or subtype. In such cases, all the object's prior card types, supertypes, and subtypes are retained. This rule applies to effects that use the phrase "in addition to its types" or that state that something is "still a [type, supertype, or subtype]." Some effects state that an object becomes an "artifact creature"; these effects also allow the object to retain all of its prior card types and subtypes.
The artifact targeted by the second ability will retain any types, subtypes, or supertypes it has. Notably, if an Equipment becomes an artifact creature, it can't be attached to another creature. If it was attached to a creature, it becomes unattached.
Deci singurul lucru care pierde artifactul e abilitatea de Equip (dar card subtype rămâne equipment, deci devine Artifact creature supertype, cu subtype equipment).
31 2011-02-02 02:14:58
Re: Rules discussion cu quoturi din Complete Rulebook (15 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
..dar a fost gresala lui Peter si nu a influentat nicum rezultatul
Exact, dar e bine de știut în viitor.
32 2011-01-31 18:25:59
Re: Idei pentru War Zone la MTG. (4 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
Idea e super. Trebuie testat.
Singura problemă ce vă acuma este că facțiunile nu erau echilibrate. Și la noi 3 din top4 era Phyrexia, în Cluj 4 din top4. Apoi boosterele câștigate sunt puse în deck. Deci Phyrexia devine mai tare, iar Mirrodin devine mai slab. Nu cred ca dupa draftul de REL majoritatea jucătorilor Mirran va avea vreo șansă contra un Phyrexian care era în top4 la PRE sau la REL. Prea multe boostere în avantaj, și acum Phyrexia va avea șanse de a primii cărți bune de la Mirran side, de exemplu Go for the Throat.
33 2011-01-31 18:02:33
Re: Rules discussion cu quoturi din Complete Rulebook (15 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
Ea a ales sa rezolve prima oara cu non-first strike si dupa cu ala de first strike.
Si nu era regulamentar.
Unul era Phyrexian Crusader cu un equipment, sau asa ceva, restul nu prea stiu. Era târziu. Oricum nu e important situația exactă. Am căutat regula în rulebook să folosim în viitor.
34 2011-01-31 01:51:47
Re: Rules discussion cu quoturi din Complete Rulebook (15 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
Prima regulă care ai citat-o e corectă doar că Unnatural Predation nu pune counter de +1/+1 pe creatură, motiv pentru care creatura la sfârșitul turei rămâne cu counerul de -1/-1 pe ea. NU dispare cum zici tu.
Da, trebuie sa fie counter, mersi. Unnatural Predation nu merge.
35 2011-01-30 22:26:58
Topic: Rules discussion cu quoturi din Complete Rulebook (15 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
Au fost 2 reguli care erau „contestate”.
704.5r If a permanent has both a +1/+1 counter and a -1/-1 counter on it, N +1/+1 and N -1/-1 counters are removed from it, where N is the smaller of the number of +1/+1 and -1/-1 counters on it.
Deci, daca o creatura a primit -1/-1 de la infect, si dupa aia pui +1/+1 counters (trebuie sa fie counter) pe el, pierde minusurile de la infect, si nu revin la sfarsitul turei.
Infect and first strike:
506.1. The combat phase has five steps, which proceed in order: beginning of combat, declare attackers, declare blockers, combat damage, and end of combat. The declare blockers and combat damage steps are skipped if no creatures are declared as attackers or put onto the battlefield attacking (see
rule 508.4). There are two combat damage steps if any attacking or blocking creature has first strike (see rule 702.7) or double strike (see rule 702.4).
Deci daca creatura are first strike si infect, prima data 3/3-ul devine 1/1, da 1 dmg si apoi supravietueste creatura ta. (De exemplu Phyrexian Crusader.)
Link pentru rulebook: 101001.pdf
36 2011-01-24 15:46:12
Re: Pre-Release/Release Mirrodin Besieged (36 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
I so really love this card.
37 2011-01-21 14:30:43
Re: Pre-Release/Release Mirrodin Besieged (36 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
Reguli interesante cu Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas -1 ability și equipments.
One State Based Action is
704.5q If a creature is attached to an object or player, it becomes unattached and remains on the battlefield. Similarly, if a permanent that's neither an Aura, an Equipment, nor a Fortification is attached to an object or player, it becomes unattached and remains on the battlefield.
301.5c An Equipment that's also a creature can't equip a creature. An Equipment that loses the subtype "Equipment" can't equip a creature. An Equipment can't equip itself. An Equipment that equips an illegal or nonexistent permanent becomes unattached from that permanent but remains on the battlefield. (This is a state-based action. See rule 704.)
Deci dacă transformi un equipment in creatura cade jos și nu mail poți folosii abilitatea de equip.
38 2011-01-16 10:52:17
Re: Pre-Release/Release Mirrodin Besieged (36 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
Îi mult mai tare Rager-ul decât Impu. Card draw pe negru e în general o chestie rară.
Nu chiar. Pe roșu e chiar rar, dar pe negru sunt multe carti, chiar si în standard, Sign in Blood.
39 2011-01-16 10:30:52
Re: Pre-Release/Release Mirrodin Besieged (36 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
Chimney Imp ar fii un reprint tare din Mirrodin, nu Phyrexian Rager.
On topic: All Will Be One. (Yawgmoth told me I must play Phyrexia, sorry.)
40 2010-11-18 23:07:40
Re: 26 Noi. 2010 - Pauper Standard Constructed (2-Player) (4 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
Cartea sa fie legal in Standard Pauper, trebuie sa fie Commun in oricare set legal in Standard. De exemplu Ornithopter era printat common in setul Antiquities, dar totusi nu este legal in Standard Pauper cu toate ca e reprintat, dar e reprintat ca Uncommon. In rest nu e nici o diferenta fata de standard.
41 2010-10-08 09:37:23
Topic: 20 RON RoE booster draft (3 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
15 octombrie, 5 PM: 20RON RoE booster draft
Fiecare participant primeste 3 boostere RoE ca la drafturi obisnuite, dar taxa de participare e 20 de RON!
Fiecare participant primeste Pathrazer of Ulamog dci foil
6 jucatori:
1. 3 boostere + Fling dci foil
2. 2 boostere + Fling dci foil
3. 1 booster
1-4: Sylvan Ranger dci foil
8 jucatori:
1. 3 boostere
2. 2 boostere
3. 1 booster
4.-8 1 booster draftat
1-4: Fling dci foil
1-6: Sylvan Ranger dci foil
12 jucatori (limita maxima)
1. 4 boostere
2. 3 boostere
3. 2 boostere
4. 1 booster
1-6: Fling dci foil
1-8: Sylvan Ranger dci foil
42 2010-10-05 18:24:27
Topic: 2H Giant Vineri de la 5! (0 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
Two Headed Giant Vineri de la 5!
Taxa de participare: 7 RON.
Fiecare jucator primeste un DCI foil.
In caz de 6 jucatori:
Locul 1: 2 boostere SoM + 2 dci foil
Locul 2: 2 release Steel Hellkite foil
In caz de 8 jucatori:
Locul 1: 2 boostere SoM + 2 dci foil
Locul 2: 2 release Steel Hellkite foils
Locul 3: 2 dci foil
In caz de 10 jucatori:
Locul 1: 2 boostere SoM + 2 dci foil
Locul 1: 2 release Steel Hellkite foils
Locul 3: 2 dci foil
In caz de 12 sau 14 jucatori:
Locul 1: 2 boostere SoM + 2 Wurmcoil Engine Prerelease foil
Locul 2: 2 boostere SoM + 2 dci foil
Locul 3: 2 release Steel Hellkite foils
Locul 4: 2 dci foil
Echipele se face random, dar trebuie sa ai un deck premade. 60 de carti legale in Extended, fara sideboard.
Deci seturile:
# Lorwyn
# Morningtide
# Shadowmoor
# Eventide
# Shards of Alara
# Conflux
# Alara Reborn
# Magic 2010
# Zendikar
# Worldwake
# Rise of the Eldrazi
# Magic 2011
# Scars of Mirrodin
Banned card nu este.
Cateva elemente importante din FAQ:
Q: Can players look at each other hands or discuss strategy during a game?
A: Yes. Teammates may review each other’s hands and discuss strategies at any time (Teams must still take their turns in a timely manner). However, teammates cannot touch or manipulate each other’s cards or permanents.
Q: Do the players take their turns one at a time?
A: No. Each team takes turns rather than each player. Both the players on a team take their “team turn” at the exact same time.
Q: How does damage, loss of life, and gaining life work with the single life total for the team?
A: Damage, loss of life, and gaining life happens to each player individually. The result is applied to the team’s shared life total.
Example: In a Two-Headed Giant game, a player plays Flame Rift, which reads, “Flame Rift deals 4 damage to each player.” Each team is dealt a total of 8 damage.
Q: How do mulligans work in Two-Headed Giant tournaments?
A: First, each player may take 1 “free” mulligan. That is, each player may, for any reason, reshuffle and redraw a hand of seven cards. Both players on a team must take their “free” mulligan at the same time. The team cannot wait to see the result of one player’s “free” mulligan before deciding if the other players will take a “free” mulligan.
Q: What happens when time runs out at the end of a match in Two-Headed Giant tournaments?
A: If the match time limit is reached before a winner is determined, the active team finishes its turn and three total additional turns are played. If neither team has won the game after the 3 extra turns, the game (and match) ends in a draw.
Example, time is called on Team Y’s turn. Team Y finishes its turn. Team Z takes extra turn #1. Team Y takes extra turn #2, and Team Z takes extra turn #3.
Q: How are sideboards used in Two-Headed Giant Constructed Tournaments?
A: As only 1 game takes place per match, sideboards are not used in Two-Headed Giant tournaments.
43 2010-09-15 22:16:19
Re: Pre SoM Booster Draft (6 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
L.E.: oh, just noticed that we are almost at full capacity... oh well...
That too.
44 2010-09-15 22:13:37
Re: Pre SoM Booster Draft (6 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
Intreb si eu, asa ca nesimtitu': nu mai bine veniti la Cluj la pre? Vom fi mai multi.
Am fost la RoE si la M11, era super. Dar acuma putem sa tinem pre, am si sanctionat, etc. Sper ca va fi super si la noi. Oricum, noi tinem booster draft, nu sealed, deci nu e concurenta. Si se poate ca mergem la release.
45 2010-09-14 11:09:28
Re: Pre SoM Booster Draft (6 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
very bucur ca asta e si la noi. e chiar mai bun ca grave titan si la cost(pt ca e colorless) si la damage.
E super. Nu numai ca are lifelink si deathtouch, dar e practic immune to destroy spells.
46 2010-09-03 12:01:14
Topic: Pre SoM Booster Draft (6 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
Data: Sambata, 25. septembrie 2010.
Ora: 11 AM
Format: Booster draft 3 sau 4 runde dupa ce va fi single elimination. (Depinde de numarul participantilor.)
In caz de 8 jucatori:
1st: 4 boostere SoM
2nd: 3 boostere SoM
3rd: 2 boostere SoM
4th: 1 booster SoM
5th->8th: 1 booster draftat
Fiecare jucator primeste PRE release mythic rare foil.
12 jucatori:
1st: 6 boostere SoM
2nd: 4 boostere SoM
3rd: 3 boostere SoM
4th: 2 boostere SoM
5th: 1 booster SoM
6th->8th: 1 booster draftat
Bonus: 1 booster pentru cel care ajunge in top 8 single elimination la locul 1. Deci daca ajungi la single elimination pe locul 1 si castigi toate meciurile primesti 7 boostere.
Fiecare jucator primeste PRE release mythic rare foil.
16 jucatori:
1st: 7 boostere SoM
2nd: 5 boostere SoM
3rd: 4 boostere SoM
4th: 3 boostere SoM
5th: 2 booster SoM
6th: 1 booster SoM
Bonus: 1 booster pentru cel care ajunge in top 8 single elimination la locul 1. Deci daca ajungi la single elimination pe locul 1 si castigi toate meciurile primesti 8 boostere.
Top 12 jucatori primesc PRE release mythic rare foil.
18 jucatori:
Similar cu premiile ptr. 16, dar primul primeste 8 boostere, si bonusul de 1 booster primeste primul si al doilea care ajunge la top8 single elimination.
Taxa de participare: 65 RON (include cele 3 boostere folosite la draft) – numarul maxim de jucatori nu este limitat
Promo foil Mythic Rare:
47 2010-08-20 09:18:54
Re: Ce jucam vinerea viitoare? (3 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
Deci jucam Emperor. Mersi pentru voturi.
48 2010-08-13 22:07:24
Topic: Ce jucam vinerea viitoare? (3 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
Daca jucam Rochester comunele din M2011 si RoE vor fi draftate.
Daca jucam multiplayer trebuie decis daca vrem echipe prefacute sau create random.
Orice jucam fiecare jucator primeste un DCI foil.
Daca jucam Rochester primele 3 primesc inca un DCI foil, si primul primeste un booster M2011.
Daca va fi multiplayer cele 2/3 jucatori din winning team primesc inca un DCI foil.
49 2010-08-11 09:26:04
Re: Booster Draft M2011 (9 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
Cu siguranta o va face
Standings sunt pe laptopul lui Pipo. Cand intalnim (sper ca vineri) atunci pun si standings.
50 2010-07-30 10:07:24
Topic: Rochester draft de comune si necomune - 10 RON (0 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)
Sanctioning #10-08-2443252
Type: Casual Non-Rated draft (commons and uncommons).
Data: 8/6/2010
Ora: 17:00
Taxa de participare: 10 RON
Premii: DCI foils pentru toti
Locul 1.: 1 Booster M2011