(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

If anybody heads into this thread with thinking: hey, I've got an Ajani Vengeant (pack foil) and/or a Gideon Jura foil, head on over and make a trade with me, instead.  smile


Sure, go ahead and work up a trade with me.  The worst that can happen is that it doesn't work out this time.  smile

My cube is in the link, if it's a foil/promo and in my inventory, it's probably in my cube.  smile

As for judge foils I'm most looking for:

- Counterspell
- Armageddon
- Vampiric Tutor
- Intuition
- Yawgmoth's Will
- Exalted Angel
- Gaea's Cradle

And maybe looking for:
- Maze of Ith
- Stroke of Genius
- Tradewind Rider
- Deranged Hermit
- Mishra's Factory (maybe)
- Vindicate
- Pernicious Deed (maybe)
- Survival of the Fittest (maybe)
- Karmic Guide

If I trade The Abyss, it would have to be a very good deal, as I get trade offers on it quite frequently.  It is signed, but otherwise in very very good shape:


Helios52 wrote:

The Judge wants Judge Foils...I find that kinda ironic lol

Quiet down, you!  *pokes you in the ribs*  tongue

Hey there, everyone!  I've got a big pile of stuff on my tradelist, and I'd like to trade for foils for my cube.  Foils large and small!

The cube itself is -- unfortunately enough for my wallet -- 720 cards.  So I don't particularly have any hopes of *fully* foiling it out.  But I'd like to at least have a go at it.  Right now, it's about 1/4 foiled, which I'm pretty pleased about.  The foils I'm looking for the most are:

- Snapcaster Mage
- Elspeth, Knight-Errant
- Gideon Jura (preferably ROE)
- Ajani Vengeant (pack foil, not DD)
- Cryptic Command
- Most any judge foil that I don't already have (especially Counterspell by Dom)

But to be honest, I'm open to anything.  smile

Unfortunately, I haven't wishlisted every foil I don't have for my cube.  My cube is here:

So if you have foils of cards that you're willing to trade that are in my cube but not in my inventory, please hit me up.  Thanks so much!  big_smile

Also, as a quick aside, not in my inventory are: Yule Ooze (NM), and two shrink-wrapped boxes of RTR.  Both are available for trade.


(28 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

tjdrake719 wrote:
morph66 wrote:

thanks bud,  and my magic store is clearly trying to swindle selling this ftv twenty for 280$

Huge swindle! You can get them on ebay for a smidge under 200. My local store was nice and sold them at retail to the regulars.

$280!  Yikes!  I've been seeing them constantly on eBay for $160; the lowest I've seen them dip is $150.  $280 is insane!

mbknight wrote:

Not really upset or anything but its kinda late 2013 now, right?

Yeah, I noticed that too.  :\

mbknight wrote:

Great suggestions, I am kinda with Paul K on the eternal vs standard or 50 vs 10,  its traders choice and more of a market/demand issue more than an etiquette thing.

Honestly i have given up on both the front page or searching through by card,    are there any plans for filtering out badly inactive accounts?

Yes, it's coming in early 2013, if I recall the official announcements.

(yes, that is the right year)

Also, even though I have 127 feedback myself, I will usually always cross-ship with somebody that has >25 feedback, especially if they have done significantly large trades in the past.  If they're >10-15, I'll usually do smaller trades cross-shipped without a problem.

I mean, we all know how shifty I am (*grins*), but I probably wouldn't ship first anymore, even if they did have Paul_K levels of feedback.  I didn't put in my time for nothing!  tongue

I've honestly found the trading window (found on the homepage) to be next to useless.  It's either people who I've exhausted my trading possibilities with, or people who haven't logged in in over a year.

Similarly, viewing the card and going to Tradelist is also terrible: there are 64(!) pages of people with Cavern of Souls listed on their tradelist.  If I want to find one for trade, that's about 450(!) different profiles I need to open in new tabs to see if they've been active recently and they have an equitable trade.  The only time I find this particular method to be useful is when the card is recently released and so only active traders have put it on their tradelist.  If the card is two years old, then you'll spend forever trying to find a trader.

If you do want to do it this way, I've found that hovering over their icon for last activity time is usually slower for me than simply opening 21-28 tabs at once, and then ctrl-w'ing through them all at once.  You can find last logged in times much easier that way.  Ideally, it would sort by last login time instead of distance (seriously, it's one query change!  c'mon!), but we have to deal with what we have to deal with.

How do I find active traders to trade with?  I open up the finished trades of active traders and see who they have been trading with and open up all those users.  At least then you know you're only looking at the trade binders of people who are actually interested in trading.


(43 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Well, I don't really know who is right or wrong, but I will say that I've always had enjoyable trading experiences with mbknight, even when they haven't worked out.

Now, can we please just get back on topic?  Anybody else have any neat tips or tricks for getting people to respond or for finding active traders?


(43 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Vincentarasin wrote:

Someone could offer me 2x Voice of Resurgence for a Dark Confidant. Slight monetary advantage to me, but the actual value loss is huge though, as Bob is a legacy (and modern) staple. Voice is still unknown in modern and has not arrived in legacy yet (of any substance, mainly due to G/W not being broken enough in legacy).

Actually, apparently Voice is falling somewhere in between Vendilion Clique and Spell Snare in Modern use.   O_o  Something I learned just the other day myself.   It's still only about 2/3rds as popular as Bob in Modern, and sees really no Legacy play, but I imagine that as long as Melira Pod remains a thing in Modern, Voice will remain popular.   </offtopic>


(43 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Morph, I think it couldn't hurt to maybe take a few deep breaths and a short break.  I know you're really upset, but nothing here is even remotely worth getting that angry about.  It's the internet, so let's just shrug it off and move along.  And in the interests of keeping everything here pleasant, let's please avoid the name-calling.



(43 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

When trying to find people to trade with, I typically look at the in-process/complete trades of active traders and then open up all those profiles.  Really, it's a problem with the site's design and it's something that was supposed to have been fixed many, many months ago.  I'm not sure what is happening with the development of the site, but it seems to have completely stopped in its tracks.  sad

Bumpity bump bump!

$200 for a box of MM?  Damn, that's cheap.  What's your LGS?  I'd be happy to call them up and have them ship it.

Hey there!  I'm looking for a foil Cryptic Command.  It's for my cube, so I need one with text: no full art Cryptics need apply.  I'm also looking for a foil Snapcaster Mage, and am happy to trade quality legacy playables for him.   If you've got either, please hit me up for a trade!



(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking to pick up a Thrun, the Last Troll.  If you have one for trade, please hit me up on my profile.  Thanks!


(28 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

The only way to get MMA or FTV for MSRP is to be friends with your LGS owner.  At the very least, for FTV, businesses have to do a certain amount of Magic sales before they can qualify to receive them.

Boxes can usually be found for far less than MSRP online.


(28 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

When you can buy them on eBay for $165, I don't know how store owners can sleep at night selling to their loyal customers at such outrageous prices.

What are you selling them for?

I have probably received about 500 envelopes with a single envelope via Deckbox, eBay, or TCGPlayer, and I've never once been asked to pay an extra 20¢.  USPS will, most of the time, return packages for NSF.  Otherwise, they're not likely to go through all that bother to collect 20¢.

*tap tap*

I've shipped about 125 trades now and only had it returned *once* for NSF, and that was my fault: I tried to tape two top loaders together.  I very regularly use the 75pt top loaders (which can hold about five cards) and ship them in #6 envelopes and I've never once had a time where a single forever stamp has not been perfectly sufficient.

Maybe it's worse for the usual #10 envelope (where the top loader will frequently wedge itself into a corner) or something, but a single top loader in a #6 envelope has always worked fantastically for me.