just as the topic states its something i dont have much use for and would love for it to go to someone who wants it more then me, i may be busy in the upcoming days but feel free to make offers


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

have hythonia, and i think a couple other, need your anger, im uploading my theros stuff if you want to start a trade

Have- curse of the swine regular and foil, foil gift of immortality, ashen rider, interested in anger and thoughtseize, im working on uploading all my things from theros as we speak! LMK

BlackMageWins77 wrote:
BlackMageWins77 wrote:

ok I will try to update stuff after my classes today

OK I've updated things a bit so take a look now and let me know what you see. I also have a commander oblivion stone as well if you aren't particular about edition.

not much i saw in your tradelist sorry =/

BlackMageWins77 wrote:

OK I've updated things a bit so take a look now and let me know what you see. I also have a commander oblivion stone as well if you aren't particular about edition.

i am very particular with my editions unfortunately lol, but ill take a look hear after dinner

BlackMageWins77 wrote:

I am interested in the ftv mox diamond. What condition is it in? take a look through my list and see if anything catches your eye. I do have jace architect, lifebane zombie and things of that nature unlisted atm too

i didnt see anything in your tradelist atm but if you update it with some stuff lmk and i can look again, but as far as condition goes its as close to NM as possible

i have a NM Mox Diamond from the vaults, and a Nm Stifle im not really looking for anything imparticular. I mainly trade with standard in modern players so these two are kinda awkward in my binder!

take a look and shoot me an offer! thanks!

i have a revelation and a supreme verdict, i like the catacomb in your inventory if you can find something for the rest of the value..


those are the same links

primarily just currently looking for a couple promo scavenging oozes, would like to hopefully stick with standard cards, but who knows, just shoot me a trade request

Highlights include:

Godless Shrine
Hallowed Fountain
Breeding Pool
Blood Baron
Jap Huntmaster


thanks =]

** Note also interested in a swap of M14 ooze for a promo if anyone else is or vice versa if i can just get a couple regular oozes**

title says it all, i have a couple extra mesas, and i need a couple either catacombs, tarns, or mistys so i dont always have to interchange my fetch lands in decks =/

Priority would be:


Thanks in advance =]

got all i needed thanks guys !


(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Voice Mid- $45

Modern Masters Arcbound Ravager- $17 x3 = $51

Darksteel Arcbound Ravager- $20 x3= $60

just as a heads up


also looking to upgrade my arid mesas to tarns or mistys =]

thanks for looking !

trade offer sent!

http://deckbox.org/sets/94396?s=j&o=d is a direct link to my trade list, thanks for looking!

is your elspeth promo up for trade?

drgolovacroxby wrote:

I also have a cryptic command for trade.  If you'd be willing to offer up a Verdant Catacomb or Marsh Flat, I'd love to trade it to you.  I'd probably even be will to put a bit of value on your side.

Ill have to pass on that hmm i only have my sets and they are in decks hmm thanks for looking though it is very appreciated

Giners wrote:

I have a Clique and a Cryptic but don't see anything on your tradelist I want. If you would willing to let me look through your inventory then we can try to set something up.

Sadly my tradelist is pretty set, most everything else is in a deck or going in one hmm


tis me tradelist, if you see something dont hesitate to start a trade, those are my main wants as of now



if you see anything you like, i like your sword of fire and ice!

what do you value the foil tooth at? start a trade if interested http://deckbox.org/sets/94396?s=j&o=d

Have a mesa, looking at clique http://deckbox.org/sets/94396?s=j&o=d