(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have a Jace and a Duel Decks Elspeth, offer sent

I need one of each

Wooded Bastion
Phyrexian Tower
Forbidden Orchard


Verdant Catacombs

And Ideally a Windswept Heath but I doubt I have anything worthwhile to trade for one

I'm open to trading from my inventory as well, some stuff doesn't work but feel free to make offers

This is the updated list

I would also suggest posting trade requests on here before buying online, I like to buy locally myself but I'd rather trade for cards so I don't have to spend the money, I don't feel right dropping more than 1$ on a piece of cardboard no matter how much I love the game, not that I don't do it, I just like trading

the_wizard, ideally you would have 3 hazes out because then you could activate Jhoria's ability during your opponent's turn since it's instant speed, then you would have 4 upkeeps immediately after and end up with what you cast right away, however in practice you're quite right, most of the time they will be able to see the move way before it happens.

I can agree about the blue bringer working a little nicer, especially with the price comparison

I completely agree about the Vampiric Tutor, I didn't know if you'd have one or not but I thought it was worth suggesting.

for counterspells I'm not really sure, I feel like you need to go up to 70 cards, drop an ultimatum, put in 4 negates and add 2 lands, but I like big decks so i'm not sure, I like negate the best as protective magic since it's a cheap hard counter, unless you want to splurge on some Forces tongue

I am also sad about not focusing on Bolas but he can easily be your primary win-con if you tutor it up first

Hurkyl's Recall is the best I can think of, aside from Glissa, the traitor if you're willing to risk it

To the_wizard: all he needs to do is use Jhoria's ability to suspend a card for 2 colorless so high mana costs are largely irrelevant.

Now I love the bringers myself however, especially in this deck the blue bringer is interesting to compare with Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur, while the bringer will probably net you more life, Gitaxias will almost certainly draw more cards and hose your opponent's hands which will allow you to better protect your big creatures/planeswalkers but it's up to you.

I am primarily an EDH player and I still never use diabolic tutor, it just makes me sad with it's inefficiency, Vampiric Tutor would fit alot better plus it's just a card you should have since it's a 1 cost instant-speed tutor.

I would also say that with artifacts you're best off having 2 of each minimum and not having an amulet of vigor which I doubt I'll convince you of, I understand the desire to speed up mana as much as possible but I don't think that the spot is worthwhile, the only time that i use the amulet is in my 5 color sliver deck where I only have 5 basic lands, so I'd say drop the amulet for another journal although if you have good experiences with the amulet then go for it

Because I like completeness of sets I would include the red bringer, I mean with 2-3 extra upkeeps you could easily be taking your opponent's entire board away from them, plus the feel of it if you don't cut the blue one is pretty sweet

Started a discussion

Under ideal circumstances you would be able to cast anything in your hand for 2 at the end of your opponent's turn, then use 3 Bugs/ Clockspinnings to take off all but one counter so that you can take off the last one during your upkeep and cast it out, so how do you pull it off? Well there happens to be a legendary creature in {U}{B}{R} that's perfect for this deck Mishra, Artificer Prodigy, cast one bug then pop out the other 3, the best part? Even if your opponent counters one bug the other 3 will pop up anyway since it just needs to be cast (yes I am suggesting using 4 not 3 bugs) Also either use counterspells aside from your wizard or some tutoring of some sort, there are a couple cards which you absolutely need to get and when you get them they need to come out, that's my only issue with this deck, it seems like unless things run perfectly it could easily go way against you really fast because I don't think this deck can stand on its own without casting Bolas or at least your ultimatum, yes the prince or the original bolas can win games but they're pretty easy to take out as a simple creature. If you do decide to use Mishra, I would recommend more artifacts, manalith and darksteel ingot specifically, (I almost recommended the artifact lands but then I realized they're not spells, it would've been sweet though) with this you could easily hard cast bolas before you die along with just about anything else your deck has to offer.

I'm not sure how to deal with it but I'm afraid that your deck seems to be pretty narrow and that if it doesn't go off the right way that it'll sputter out, if you don't have a Jhoria then you will really struggle to cast out anything big and if you don't have any bugs available then they'll just save up counterspells for your cool stuff, perhaps I'm overthinking it but I have to deal with counters like crazy

In regards to why people don't use bolas much, he's just too hard to use in regular formats, like in this deck you need to build around him and he's the main finisher, without the extra mana available in EDH most formats have difficulty casting him, barring infinite combos but if you're doing that there's no point in having a Bolas, lol

Anyway I hope some of this helps, the main thing I suggest is Mishra and a few mana rock artifacts, I'd say drop the mind controls, divinations, and the Kaervek, they're not working for me at least and again try to include some counterspells.

It makes me sad to not see the original Nicol Bolas anywhere in the deck, especially when you're using the poser Crosis. But that could be because Nicol is my favorite character in MTG (I even have a FTV Bolas). Now as far as the deck, Bolas is a major pain to hardcast without any kind of mana acceleration, my favorite is bounce lands, they're slow and don't actually give acceleration but they make it way more likely that you have lands in hand to play out every turn, Painful Quandary is something I'd recommend along with megrim/Liliana's Caress because of the discarding subtheme. Why do you have nemisis of reason? There's not even a milling sub-theme so it seems pointless to use something huge and bulky like that, I would ditch it in favor of Wrexial, the Risen Deep, for one more blue mana you've got an ability that actually makes sense with the deck. Also just on principal I don't like divination, it's not impressive at all in my opinion I would cut it. I'll have more advice in a little bit, for the record I love that you're doing a Bolas deck because Bolas is the shizz

I was saying keep 4 of the bridge and add two Annexes as a precaution, incase they manage to wipe out your bridges but if you'd like to go with a Annex build instead that works as well, however in that case I would recommend not using any of the bridges because it shuts down your own annex. If you want to use this build I would consider figuring out something that can be used as a win condition without the Imp since those could get taken out

What are you looking for and how much are you valuing it at?

It's no biggy, if it had been enchant creature my advice would've been absolutely terrible, as it stands I'm not really sure which is better since if you do go with captive flame and don't draw it early it could be really risky, also with the annex I wouldn't use one or the other, I'd use both since the Annex is good but in all likelihood they're going to have something big enough that attacking does more damage to you than them, I would suggest using it as a 2 of

Captive Flame is a world Enchantment so it gives all of your creatures the ability not just one

There are 2 main combos that I'm hoping will allow me to win, having a couple Gideon's Avengers get really pumped up and smash face hopefully not being blocked because I used real Gideon's +2 last turn or If I do get out the Knowledge Pool and Curse of Exhaustion because at that point they're pretty screwed I figure that if they can't cast spells then I should be in pretty good shape because if they can't cast any spells then I should be able to win without much of an issue

I'm hoping that with the life taxes that I put in that I should be able to use my angels as big attackers, I also have 2 Mirran Crusaders in my sideboard which I'm considering putting in as powerful attackers, especially with an Angel of Jubilation out.

I also have considered Dispatch for removal since I use a lot of static artifacts.

In regards to producing fliers I agree, it's a pretty big issue but I don't know if I should use Lingering Souls or Midnight Haunting or Requiem Angel I'm leaning towards the Angel because it punishes them for attacking again but it takes so long to enter the battlefield that I don't know how useful it is.

I hadn't really thought about running out of cards but in this kind of stasis deck it's actually very possible that one of us would run out of cards before the game ends so I think that 65-70 would be a good idea, but now i need to get more good cards, lol

The only card that you suggested that is standard legal is Terminus and it's a good idea, however I don't know if I'll be able to trade for a playset since my tradelist is a little on the skimpy side right now...

Once I get a chance to test it out I'll let everyone know how it works and if I'm going to scrap it or not which is fairly likely if it sucks


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I disagree about putting in blue, {U}{B} infect is done to death but if you like green there are some really underrated cards for green infect, Rot Wolf Spinebiter Putrefax Viridian Corrupter Tangle Angler Glistener elf and a very good finisher with the Swarmlord is Plaguemaw Beast another thing to consider is some green creature pump if they don't block your creature and then you Giant Growth it that could end the game or else put in 1-2 overruns because they're a win condition when used with the Swarmlord.

I agree with the Contagion Engine and clasp, they're staples in infect decks, also try out Tezzeret's Gambit you don't even need blue to play it, paying 2 life to pick up 2 cards and proliferate is usually worthwhile and if you go blue I would recommend using it over Steady Progress I run a 3 color infect deck and I have never had a time where I was happier to draw Steady Progress than Tezzeret's Gambit.

If you do go blue all of the cards TyWooOneTime mentioned are good ideas accept Shape Anew, shape anew decks need to have artifact producing cards to really be worthwhile, if you sac something to shape anew you're currently sitting at a 50% chance to pull the blightsteel and 50% to get another web, these are good odds, but I think it's more worthwhile to put in a few Clasps and Engines and if you put in 2 of each, now you're very unlikely to draw what you want and could be saccing an engine to pull a clasp, not really what you want.

I'm personally into using 0 drops if you like the idea of 0 power creatures; Kobolds of Kher Keep, Crimson Kobolds, Crookshank Kobolds, Ornithopter, and phyrexian walker, Shield Sphere has defender so it wouldn't help. Now all the creatures you're using have some sort of fire-breathing effect so that's pretty important and none of the cards I mentioned so so I recommend Captive Flame because it's efficient, plus if you're running 0 drops your hand will be empty in no time at all. I would also consider at least side-boarding Moonveil Dragon as a one of since it's so efficient, under the right circumstances you could have this out T2 and that would be epic. I also prefer wild ricochet to shunt because it's more flexible and it gives you a second copy of the spell all for just one more mana

No one has any thoughts? I know its a fairly boring and un-creative one


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I prefer to buy boxes, although it is probably less cost efficient, but I also usually pull about 100$ worth not including cards worth less than 1$ so I'm not 100% sure, I also don't have a huge inventory so I like to get commons and such as well

Edited a trade you sent me earlier

I would be very interested to hear how well this deck plays, it seems like you havn't really focused on the Reanimation aspect that much, the cards you have are Unburial Rites, Eternal Witness, and Sheoldred, Whispering One, but really Sheoldred is one of the best cards in the deck to reanimate because it's so hard to cast. I think that you should try to drop things like Harmonize and Altar's Reap because you want cards in your graveyard, not your hand.

As a side note why do you have vivid creek in there? Vivid Crag or even Vivid Meadow would make more sense since you have {W} flashback cost in unburial rites.

If lands coming into play tapped is causing you alot of problems Amulet of Vigor is sweet

If you like the way that it's playing I would say keep it how it is, I just like to pick a theme (reanimator in this case) and really stick to it, even if it makes the deck less competitive, again I would love to hear how it's working out and maybe offer some advice on small issues


(19 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Hellnikko wrote:

O-ring is expensive as removal. You might want to mainboard Revoke Existence just for that reason? Kind of sucks that it would have to go that way just in case someone happened to use Torpor Orb, but it's a little versatile card.

And with Venser, I could see him being a target quickly. Maybe instead of using him to flicker, maybe it's best to just bring him out when you can get your opponent just slightly in range of your attack and then use his -1 ability for a GG? You'd just have to see if the other has lands untapped before hand just in case they intend to counter him.

Well I like the Revoke Existence since I almost never played a game where they didn't have an annoying enchantment of some sort that I would have liked to get rid of, so revoke existence sounds like a good card, if it was just artifacts not so much but I think it's versatility will make it useful, good call!

With Venser I really needed to use his flicker just to get enough Golems to overrun their life since they like to counter my flicker spells sad


(19 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

NullParameter wrote:
fistyke wrote:
TyWooOneTime wrote:

Day of Judgement could be fun, but only if you manage to flicker your important creatures when it hits.

If you thought about responding to DOJ with flicker that trick doesn't work, because flicker spells resolve entirely before doj, and then doj sweeps the battlefield. (Except of course Venser, he brings back the permanent EOT)

You could actually flicker a Glimmerpoint Stag any number of times in response and target one of your creatures w/ it's ETB.

That's very true, so Ideally I would flicker out a Creature with Venser and another one with a stag, that's something I'm going to need to remember because it's the kind of thing I'd forget for a match


(19 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I tried out the Sundial a little bit and whenever it came out it was extremely underwhelming, I can rarely have out Venser because people throw everything they've got into killing him and so my ability to flicker things like the Oblivion Ring is extremely limited. The Emperion had slightly better results, but again it was more like well now the game's gonna take a while rather than, this game will end if you don't draw a response right now! Since I'm pretty casual I prefer the in your face combo to one that might be more competitive but have less of a shock factor, the look on people's faces when I actually pull off a T4 Blightsteel that they didn't know was coming is amazing (Am I cruel?) I honestly think that the Emperion actually works better in a deck with Snapcasters because then I can T3 Blade Splicer T4 Wing/Blade Splicer/Flicker the Blade Splicer T5 Shape anew into one tank T6 Snapcaster into Shape Anew the other, and that's pretty much GG right there, It will require more testing however. My problem is that I'm trying to figure out a lot of elements at once and so I can't always tell if a change is helping or not.

I was considering Gideon for exactly that reason, especially if I have him and Tamiyo at the same time, that's sweet, but I only have one and I think he fits better in my Mono-White deck so I have to decide if I'm too lazy to switch out sleeves between decks tongue On this same note, is using Tamiyo selling out? She doesn't really fit the flicker theme, my main idea was just if I could get her ultimate off then I could re-use cloudshift a bazillion times.

I have had no success with Nephalia Smuggler, if I wasn't playing standard I would run a playset alongside some training grounds in a second but I've almost never had 4 mana open to flicker, maybe sometimes it would be nice but very rarely, the only reason I would consider playing it is because of opponents using Mana Leak since flickering to avoid getting my blockers killed tends to result in my spells getting countered, for some reason my opponents want my creatures to die, I don't get it tongue, but I don't agree that it's too revealing, in fact I like that about it, a key part of my deck is that it  seems like a normal flicker deck so people won't expect a Blightsteel in their face

On a side note: one of my opponents had played me before and had sideboarded 4 Torpor orbs just for me since he didn't have counters, it completely shut me down, no tokens, which means no Blightsteel, nothing sad, Now I need to find some artifact removal for my sideboard, I used an O-ring, so he did the same, to my O-ring, he was very prepared it was like worst case scenario (I think me winning T5 pissed him off last time) (His antics did inspire my Mono-white deck however, so that's a plus)


(19 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Hellnikko wrote:

Oh, man.

Am I being called a sellout? sad

I only made the deck to understand it and see what I could with the components I have. There weren't any swords in there and I never used Gut Shot....yet. It's also important to know how the opposing decks could look from the opponent's perspective. It's much different to view a deck and then some how know all it's idiosyncrasies. But, I did buy 2 more Geists, but I've always wanted a playset before Delver was popular. Especially to use with Venser and Sundials. Snapcasters, like it or not, are very versatile little things and can be used anywhere. For me, I will always like all things Blue and White.

I don't mean that at all! You design very unusual decks, it's hardly selling out to try out a deck, I just really like designing decks to be creative so using certain cards that make almost any deck better makes me sad when I use them because I feel like I'm cheating, hence why I don't use titans or swords but even those things are justified in the right deck, if you're running a Rafiq of the Many deck, you'd be silly not to use swords cause the whole idea is to have one super pumped up creature that can set off the sword's abilities several times per turn, my issue is someone putting swords into a deck that it makes no sense to have them in

Basically no, I don't think you sold out at all, lol, I talk too much


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Got most of what I'm looking for, I still need

x2 Stony Silence
x1 Grafdigger's Cage
x1 Oblivion Ring
x4 Cloudshift
x2 Isolation Cell
x3 Feeling of Dread
x2 Snapcaster Mage

I am now open to offers of Snapcasters for anything on my tradelist which I just updated, notables include

Tamiyo (Not on tradelist but I am open to offers, especially if they include 2 Snapcasters)
Gisela, Blade of Goldnight
Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker (Duel Decks)
Maelstrom Wanderer
Serra Avenger (SP)
Wolfir Silverheart
Silverblade Paladin
Reanimate (Archenemy)
Memnarch (Archenemy)
Thran Dynamo (Archenemy)

I am willing to offer a 10-20% gain in value for you if you're willing to give me a snapcaster for several cheaper cards, does not apply if you're asking for Tamiyo or if you're offering anything else I need without a snapcaster


(27 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Thanks guys,  I just wanted to make sure I wasn't making a complete fool of myself I really appreciate the advice I'm getting and I just like to think that I'm providing a little bit of help to others, plus I just love the game and love to see other people's decks smile