If you need some programming help, we are here to help your team, we are programmers too.

Sometimes I give some cards to other people to use.
I would like to have a notes at a card (in inventory) to mark it as out from my cards, or something like this, But a simple note should be OK and if a card have a note, then to see in inventory listing,

I would like to have a way to import a WER file (tournament file) or XML into Deckbox, this parse it and show the results of the tournament.

Va rog vedeti acest link si votati pentru tipul de joc.

http://deckbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=726\\By the way, reamintesc, ca pricepool este de 2 booster per jucator smile
Daca vom fi 16, sunt 32 de boostere.


(0 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)

O sa pun acelasi intrebare ca si la Cluj, Sergiu :-)
Doriti Top 4 la Pre-Release-ul New Phyrexia sau ne multumim cu rundele swiss (5 runde)? (la noi TOP 4 ca vom fi mai putini)

Va rog votati ca sa stim pana duminica cum facem.

da, te rog. eventual ask others.
Sergiu: Sambata poti da o vorba prin zona, poate mai vine cineva.

Attikusz s-a inscris si el, inca 1 singur loc.

Avem inca 2 locuri ... primul venit, primul servit.

Am mai suplimentat cu 4 persoane, deci maxim 16, din care 14 confirmati. Mai sunt 2 locuri, nu mai pot suplimenta mai mult!


(5 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Merci Benci, te pun pe lista.

Locurile pina acum ocupate pentru PRE-RELEASE

Fejér István (Achitat)
Valics Lehel (Achitat)
Catalin Tilvescu  (Achitat)
W. Szabo Peter (Achitat)
Trombitas Sandor (Achitat)
Trombitas Sandor JR (Achitat)
Nagy Gyozo (Achitat)
PIPo (Achitat)
Ioan Iacob Netea (Achitat)
Berecki Zsombor (Achitat)
Nagy Attila (Achitat)
Sergiu Singeorzan (Cluj)
Benczédi Jozsef (Cluj)
Cristi Buse (Cluj)
Florin Ungur (Cluj)

Daca mai doreste cineva, sa ne anuntati pina duminica seara ca sa mai putem cere supliment.
LOCURILE SUNT FULL. Cereti suplimentare daca doriti sa participati.

NOTA: Pina azi, vineri este 150 RON pre-release + release, altfel este 110 RON pre-release si 60 release.


(23 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Nu cred ca a fost voit, doar ca avea dracusorul in el sa arate si la prieteni, iar daca trimiti pe net, e ca si cum l-ai arata la toti :-)


(23 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Am citit azi dimineata si am si pus pe FB pe grupul MTG. E chiar interesant si nasol pt niste jucatori atat de buni, dar ce sa ii faci, omul mai greseste ...


(5 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Dati va rog raspuns pina duminica, ca sa mai pot cere kit nou daca e cazul si depasim numarul de playeri.


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I would like that on the event page, when I register a new event, to have a mail message box as well, where I can enter some news in the mail what will be sent out.
Also if I edit again the event I can add a new message (old message to be saved in history) and that new message should also sent in email.
In this way I can announce my members what we have changed on the event, not just an event was modified.

Also here, at the event, could be a link to the forum, a separate field where I can add a forum link where people can read more details. Or why not, when I create a new event, on the forum should be create a new event topic on the community forum (of course this require to link the community forum with admin account).

Also I would like to have a message to all members, sometimes something happening and I would like to announce them. Usually groups are local event organizers, local stores and if new things come to us, we would like to tell to the people.
I know there is a forum for this, but not always the forum is the best way to announce all, not all people read the forum.

Also I suggest to get a user DCI/WOW/etc number to the account and when I list (print) a decklist to have already there the DCI number and name and deck name. Now is only a ____________


(274 replies, posted in Noutăți)

Parca nu era heal infect ... Melira, Sylvok Outcast :-)


(274 replies, posted in Noutăți)

http://www.gatheringmagic.com/magic-the … -spoilers/

Gasiti tot setul.
Marrow Shards - Superb contra Agro :-)

Pai mai negiciati si voi, tot va plingeti de cost scump :-)
Negociati big_smile




(274 replies, posted in Noutăți)




(274 replies, posted in Noutăți)


Super zic eu, si in prima tura il poti folosi daca vezi ca un deck agro aduce repede cate ceva.


(274 replies, posted in Noutăți)

Goblinii arata ca dracu ... :-(


(274 replies, posted in Noutăți)

http://www.wizards.com/Magic/Magazine/A … arcana/687

Uitati-va la cateva carti. Apar ceva gen doctor in ele, oare sa avem heal infect?


(274 replies, posted in Noutăți)

Un opening hand  cu Inquisition of Kozilek sau Duress (daca se mai joaca) cu 1 mana negru, plus cartea discutata pt 2 life si deja ai scos 4 carti ale jucatorului. Grrr. o sa fie fun.

Caut imprumut pe MTGO Jace the MindSculptor, cine are asa ceva si mi-ar da o perioada, chiar si pe chirie :-)