(67 replies, posted in Taverna)

missao wrote:

I don't want to be the party pooper.... dar nu trecem iar la propuneri de carti ce le vrem banate sau la argumente mai exacte despre cele care au fost deja amintite (Iona, Ulamog, Knowledge Pool etc.) Ca din treaba asta cum joaca X sau Y la multiplayer  sau ca are sau nu experienta, nu cred ca ajungem undeva.

De ce? Is de acord cu faptul ca topicurile ar trebui in mare sa ramana curate, dar din cate stiu nu este alt topic pentru discutii despre EDH si daca cineva are ceva de zis, ce-ar trebui sa facem, sa ne abtinem doar ca sa nu fie 2 posturi offtopic? Don't get me wrong, I get what you're saying, dar nu am fost niciodata fana ideii de a taia discutiile din scurt pentru ca nu intra perfect in matrita.

Cat despre Skythiryx, cred ca chiar a fost jucat ca si general si intr-adevar, am  stabilit poison counters la 20.

Si 15 ca de la general.
Eu l-am jucat si lumea s-a enervat mai mult pe knowledge pool decat pe Skittles, si in rest nici nu e atat de usor de a scoate pe cineva cu poison countere.


(12 replies, posted in Evenimente)

Jucam cu Planechase la EDH?


(47 replies, posted in Evenimente)

Yup, unu alb si mie.


(6 replies, posted in Taverna)

Un counterpunch pentru mine te rog.


(1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Ok, aduc.


(117 replies, posted in Noutăți)

Se baga cineva sa luam toate si sa impartim costul 2+2?


(1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Poate cineva sa-mi imprumute cineva
3 Shrine of Loyal Legions
3 Hex Parasite
1sword of feast and famine ?


(117 replies, posted in Noutăți)

Nu putem stii cumva cartile din pachete, sau macar generalii? Nu pot decide care sa iau sad


(101 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Si eu, sambata? si si cu cartile din new phirexia?

Hello, din pacate nu cred ca voi veni, ma pun cu ?.


(5 replies, posted in GameFlux)

I'm In!


(274 replies, posted in Noutăți)

Spoook wrote:

nice EDH card....very nice

must have it >:D


(20 replies, posted in Evenimente)

missao wrote:

Pai stii tu de unde o iau eu? Iata ca din Rulebook tongue Si fara ture simultane s-ar fi schimbat total meciul. Ar fi insemnat ca ar fi inceput Tudor, dupa care tu, dupa care Ioana, Gabi, eu, Silviu. TOTALLY different gamplay. Si da, si generalii pot pasa creaturi, nu doar emperorul. Again, in the Rulebook. tongue

Ok, am jucat totally gresit, next time we'll do better wink.


(20 replies, posted in Evenimente)

missao wrote:

Yes, thank you for the info. Ai ratat partea unde zice ca DoJ sau alte efecte de genul se pun doar la range of influence, nu la toata masa, ca turele nu is simultane, ci tura merge tot la stanga si ca toata lumea poate pasa creaturi la aliatii din reach-ul lor, nu doar emperorul.

De unde iei partea cu DoJ si alte efecte de genu? Ca am jucat turele simultane, ata ete. Poate pasa doar creaturile emperorului, acuma nu stiu ce s-a intamplat pe partea voastra a mesei. O chestie care cred ca era gresit, cand gabi a pasat ligthining greaves, chiar daca era echipamentul lui, era pe zona de joc a generalirol  deci cred ca putea fi targetuita si dustrusa de noi.


(20 replies, posted in Evenimente)

Emperors have a "range of influence" of 2, which means that their spells and abilities affect only themselves and players within two seats of their own. In other words, at the start of the game, they can affect everyone except the opposing emperor. Generals have a range of influence of 1. At the start of the game, they can't affect the opposing emperor either. The only way to get an opposing emperor within your range of influence is to defeat an opposing general!

Players may attack only opponents seated immediately next to them. This means that at the beginning of the game, emperors can't attack anyone because no opponent is sitting next to them.

Mi sa parut fain totusi:). Btw. ce sa intamplat dupa ce am plecat?


(1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)

poate sa-mi imprumute cineva: 4x Guard Gomazoa


(274 replies, posted in Noutăți)

Trickster wrote:

Vazut si eu cu intarziere trailer-ul... tot ce-am observat ii ca mirranii ii ziceau savior la karn si phyrexienii destroyer. So he's mirran... whopeee.

Paai, ar fi mai aprope daca zici juma juma. Pentru phirexieni tot ce nu merita sau nu poate fi convertit, e destroyed, deci destroyer e ca un fel de campion.

On another note, mie imi place Elesh, e faina, dar nu destul de puternica pt. standard, si mai astept si ceilalti 4 praetori care tot legendary o sa fie.


(5 replies, posted in Evenimente)

Heads Up: De la 10 o sa fie concert in Bulgakov.


(3 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Knowledge Pool        
In Brief: The Knowledge Pool variant is an additional set of rules that can be overlaid onto other ways to play. Simply play as though an ethereal, invulnerable copy of Knowledge Pool was in play from the very start of the game.

Rules Rundown: I'd suggest that you check Noel's articles linked above to get some clarification on the rules intricacies of our favorite spell-interacting artifact. For starting a game, players should draw their opening hands, then resolve any desired mulligans, before exiling the top three cards of their library for a Knowledge Pool that sits, invulnerable, in the command zone.

As far as actual game play is concerned, adding the Knowledge Pool to your favorite multiplayer formats (like Commander and Two-Headed Giant) is a particularly keen way to get the action going. For those of you interested in maximizing the level of awesome it can provide, I'd recommend a putting together a Stack that focuses on the following:

Creatures with flash and "enters the battlefield" triggered abilities
Instants and sorceries with several modes (like Esper Charm or spells with entwine)
Effects that let players draw extra cards (like Rites of Flourishing and Howling Mine)
Spells with kicker and other scaling potential
Whatever your way to play with multiple players is, the odds are that adding Knowledge Pool will shake things up a bit!

Pros: You get to use your everyone's stuff! Switching and swapping spells in and out is a real game-changer, and with more players come more levels of interaction. And for the social/political gamers out there, recall that when a player leaves a multiplayer game, all cards he or she owns cease to exist.

Cons: Other people will use your stuff. Sometimes we don't always want to share the things we bring, and knowing we're playing with the Knowledge Pool puts a real temptation to switch out "the good stuff" before going in.

Knowledge Pool is also a little confusing in some cases. Getting everyone up to speed on how things need to work, especially in the chaotic world of four or more players, is a boring but probably requisite task. If you're not interested at all in rules curiosities and the stacking of triggered abilities, then you're probably not going to enjoy taking a dip into the Pool.

Am putea sa incercam la EDH wink


(15 replies, posted in Evenimente)

Can't make it today.


(15 replies, posted in Evenimente)

Poate sa aduca cineva inca un deck complet pt. seara asta? poate ca vine cu mine un coleg de la servici si sa poata juca si el.


(1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Poti sa iei al meu, e deja la tine.


(1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Poate cumva sa aduca cineva 3xTempered Steel?


(1,473 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Caut si eu 2x Leyline of the void


(408 replies, posted in Noutăți)

Rarres wrote:

Nu cred că trebuie să ne panicăm. Eu sunt de părere că ăsta e ceva fan-art pentru duel-deck-ul Jace vs. Chandra. N-are cum să fie atât de manga-style dintr-odată artworkul de pe cărțile de Magic. Mai ales într-un CoreSet. Dar mă rog, este și asta o posibilitate.

În altă ordine de idei, Chandra are o față de canal. Mai de canal decât al lui Jace. Zici că-i transsexual nereușit.

Acum nu de mult a aparut un manga cu Chandra, asa ca ...