551 2013-08-30 15:37:25
Re: H: foil full art swamps and plains W: foil full art forests (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
552 2013-08-30 15:35:38
Re: Buffalo, NY EDH players (21 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
The more the merrier buddy
553 2013-08-29 19:44:39
Re: Buffalo, NY EDH players (21 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I you're actually interested in coming tomorrow night, start a trade chat with me so we can swap phone numbers and I can text you my address.
554 2013-08-29 19:27:24
Re: Buffalo, NY EDH players (21 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Well we have a pretty good trade pool with the group and if you're trading in the group and on here I think you could assemble a deck fairly quickly
556 2013-08-29 15:23:52
Re: H: foil SoFaF W: volcanic island, tundra, underground sea, wish list (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
557 2013-08-29 15:20:03
Re: H: foil full art swamps and plains W: foil full art forests (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
558 2013-08-29 13:31:28
Topic: H: foil full art swamps and plains W: foil full art forests (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Wanna trade my foil full art zendikar swamps and plains for foil full art zendikar forests. I have 3 swamps and 2 plains. Let me know if you have forests and wanna work out a deal. Thanks.
560 2013-08-29 13:11:26
Re: H: foil SoFaF W: volcanic island, tundra, underground sea, wish list (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
561 2013-08-29 10:19:17
Re: Buffalo, NY EDH players (21 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
We all play at my house in south buffalo cause we play til like 2-3 in the morning usually, if you (or friends) are interested you're more than welcome I can text my address and you can come over tomorrow night and see if you like the group or not
563 2013-08-29 02:44:20
Re: H: foil SoFaF W: volcanic island, tundra, underground sea, wish list (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
564 2013-08-29 01:26:22
Topic: Buffalo, NY EDH players (21 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Anyone in buffalo looking for a group or wanting to combine groups for a larger gathering of edh players for Friday nights? We have like 5-8 on a regular basis and wouldn't mind having more people bringing an infusion o trades for a larger trade pool and always more players for competition and fun. Let me know if anyone is down for this. Thanks.
565 2013-08-29 00:50:16
Re: H: foil SoFaF W: volcanic island, tundra, underground sea, wish list (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
566 2013-08-28 23:10:41
Topic: H: foil SoFaF W: volcanic island, tundra, underground sea, wish list (5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Title says it all. Hit me up with offers please.
567 2013-08-28 17:23:42
Topic: {W} foils for mono green EDH, list {H} cradle, duals, new/old fetches (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Looking to finish foiling out my mono green edh deck and get some cards to complete some other decks. Have all the listed cards above for trade plus more in my trade list. Let me know if we can do some work.
568 2013-08-27 01:46:12
Re: W: ftv GSZ, wish list H: trade list (6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
569 2013-08-27 01:42:10
Re: W: Stuff H: Some FTV20 peices, Tradelist (6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Do you have the ftv GSZ? If so what do you value it at?
570 2013-08-26 17:29:27
Re: W: ftv GSZ, wish list H: trade list (6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Already traded the catacombs and it's going for like 5 on eBay so I can do like 8ish in trade, however the value of the GSZ is somewhat negotiable and depends on if there's other stuff you have that I'm interested in as well.
571 2013-08-26 17:09:38
Re: W: ftv GSZ, wish list H: trade list (6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Do you have a foil gsz? Or other foil green stuff I'm looking for not on your trade list that you'll trade?
572 2013-08-26 15:44:33
Topic: W: ftv GSZ, wish list H: trade list (6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
To take days it all, looking for the ftv GSZ and other items on my wish list and random good stuff. Have plenty on my trade list so take a look and let's see I we can do some work. Thanks.
573 2013-08-22 15:37:14
Re: H: cradle, duals, fetches, swords, jitte, list W: wish list (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Pretty much sticking to my wish list ATM man, sorry.
574 2013-08-22 15:29:55
Topic: H: cradle, duals, fetches, swords, jitte, list W: wish list (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Looking to foil out a mono green edh deck and build a few others, take a look at my stuff and hit me up if you wanna try to make a deal. Open to all offers.
575 2013-08-22 02:45:24
Re: H: Pack fresh Gaea's Cradle W: wish list (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)